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Harrison 10-28-2011 11:36 AM

Follow-up Information on Earthing
3 Attachment(s)
After speaking with one of the authors from the aforementioned book (Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever?), I received his book from Amazon. I started reading it and could not put it down -- everything made perfect sense. It's well written and it provides ample explanations as well as study data.

Please see attached, provided by the authors. Very interesting research indeed.

MeggieLynn 10-28-2011 03:28 PM

Thanks Harrison for posting the articles, and thanks Jim for sharing your info. I'm still debating between the two technologies. Both sound good and could have some benefit. My main reason for looking for alternative treatments is to try to find something that might help me sleep better. The only sleep I get is of the medicated kind - nonrestorative w/little if any REM - 3 separate nights in a sleep lab have proven it. I want to get off some of this medication and in fact one of the drugs I've been on for 20 years has been found to be one of the Coenzyme Q10 depleters & it affects your vagal tone. I've weaned that down to half my usual dose.

It doesn't look like the PEMF can be found for less than 3 grand. My Russian-trained PM&R pain management MD may have something like this in her office I could try next time I see her. I also read somewhere on the net that it may not be good for someone with an infection as it may cause bug colonies to expand. What's good for the host is also good for the critters - don't know how reliable that information was. I'm still waiting to see if I can get another bone sample taken - this time for PCR testing. I do highly suspect that some organism got introduced during all those triggerpoint injections I had. The P. acnes bacterium was found in 42% of tissue samples taken from Sapho patients.

Just don't know if the bedding materials offered by this earthing site will actually do what they say its supposed to do. If I was well, I could probably rig something up myself to test it - used to do my own minor electrical and plumbing repairs. And you're right Jim, that rod they offer is not very long and I'd have to drill a hole through my walls and stucco to get it outside - not happy about that. Trying to figure out something with using an old Neptune lightening rod system attached to my house. I'd better call an electrician first - lest I direct the lightening bolts directly into my bedroom! :wtf:

Harrison 10-28-2011 09:43 PM


If the ground on your AC outlet is good ($8.00 tester), just use that for a conductive ground. I started and finished a "grounding kit" last nite in 25 minutes. It's a screw that plugs into ground, insulated wire and an old piece of steel I found in my basement. My foot is resting in it now.

At some point, I'll buy a 1/2 bed sheet for sleeping, but I need the time to research it more carefully. I've read half the Earthing book, and most of my questions have been addressed so far on the various grounding methods.

Then again, I was convinced of this stuff before I bought the book! I started walking bare foot, doing Tai Chi bare-footed in the back yard in August; all of which motivated me to do the search that led me to the book. Oddly, it took my cat's death to set me out on this journey. Thank you, Harrison. :angel:

Perhaps the lesson with this new healing revelation is that we are meant to be "grounded" and walking on the planet -- to be connected to our home that God gave us. All I know is what I experience(d) and what I read about these natural methods. Some people will be skeptical and roll their eyes and not try this. For those of you that know that "minds are like parachutes," please let us know what you learn.

In the meantime, check out the Amazon reviews of the book. And of course, the documents that I attached in the previous post.

MeggieLynn 10-31-2011 01:32 PM

Jim or Laura or anyone else "out there" that has more than the half of a brain that I am currently having to work with:

Please review this article -

Conclusion - . . . "high likelihood of not improving the situation but making it worse and increasing the field exposure in the sleeping area." There were no references given for further reading.

How the heck would I be able to test the field area or is this article only a warning to people whose homes aren't grounded.

Could an electrician test for this? These 3-D E-field probe cube sensors aren't exactly available for your average Joe or Josepha?

Harrison 10-31-2011 02:39 PM

Good find, ML! I'll read this more carefully later. In the meantime, you absolutely should test the ground quality in all your AC outlets -- even if you have no interest in "earthing!" You are wise to be cautious!

Any way, I bought this ground fault tester from Lowes for $8.00: Gardner Bender GFI-501A Ground Fault Receptacle Tester and Circuit Analyzer: Home Improvement

I found 3 bad plugs in my house. I am still trying the grounding thing, it's working for me.

MeggieLynn 10-31-2011 03:05 PM

Thanks. Here's lots of other stuff for the do-it-yourself'er - Though if you add it all up with purchasing the special fabric, it may not be all that much cheaper. And you don't know if the fabric would be comfortable to lie on before buying it. I get kind of itchy if fabric contents aren't at least 50% cotton and even at that level I can feel some discomfort.

Grounding Cords, Clamps, Tapes & More

I'm still looking for other articles/references similiar to the German article above.

Harrison 10-31-2011 05:29 PM

Understanding Earthing
1 Attachment(s)
See attached.

MeggieLynn 11-12-2011 09:36 PM

Well, I'm fully "grounded" now. Will have to see if there's any positive effect - Will take anything at this point - Whether it's pseudoscience, science, or some other weird effect that not really measureable - I'll take it.

Just got a new full set of spine xrays. Cervical looks good, inspite of the herniations-discs are maintaining height. Lumbar still good. Thoracic - Absolute Crapola!! Bony changes and what looks to me at least 50% loss of disc height in 4 vertebrae/discs from 3 years ago. No wonder I have so much pain b/t the shoulder blades. Will be getting a thoracic spine CT in the next couple of weeks.


annapurna 11-12-2011 11:19 PM

Sorry, I hadn't seen the latest on this thread for a couple of weeks. The comments I gleaned from a real quick scan of the German article are the ones I had about grounding. Just because you're grounded does not mean that electrical fields aren't affecting you. I'll read it in more detail and try to add more but this is the concern I had with the scientific argument for grounding. Again, that doesn't mean that grounding isn't helping some other way but it isn't helping you by protecting you from the electrical fields in your life. For that matter, even a house with a great ground is going to have those fields. The only real way to avoid electrical fields is to build a Faraday cage, sort of a metal fence covering around you in all directions with nothing larger than small holes for openings.

MeggieLynn 11-13-2011 01:40 AM

The ground testing in that German article was done with the "ground pad" underneath the mattress so not sure if it was the right experiment for testing its effect/affect? on humans/mammals. The earthing site claims you'd never be able to eliminate all the EMF that's around us today without spending a ton of money or spending the rest of you're life down in a deep cave. I got the book with the 1/2 sheet and I'm just starting to read it - It doesn't look like there's a lot of hard science behind it and there probably never will be, due to the lack of funding w/most money going into cancer & heart research. We need the osteoporosis researchers to start checking for any alternatives to the biophosphonate drugs that I think just make your bones more brittle with long-term use, and because of the fact that they will not help build new bone. I recently read an article on medscape warning MD's to give their patients drug-holidays if they've been on them for a while. I'm not expecting a whole lot to happen right away, but even if it has a good placebo effect, I'll take it, if it can help tilt the scale to a more healing and anabolic state.

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