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Cynlite 05-17-2016 06:25 AM

Thank you Drew and everyone else for your well wishes. They have helped to lift my spirits. I'm still exhausted. Got about one hour sleep last night. I was worried that Dr Clavel would find something new on the updated MRI I sent over just before I jumped on a plane. I just met with him and all went as expected. I am having a three level ADR surgery at C3 through C6. Interesting that Dr Bierstedt and Dr Zeegers did not think the C3/C4 needs to be replaced. The disc looks good but Dr Clavel said that is where I have my worst cord compression. I trust him more. I'm going to put off the L3/L4 fusion because the issues came around the last five years since I have gained weight. I want so badly to move again and the neck issues have made that impossible. I would rather drop the weight and strengthen my core than put the extra pressure on the adjacent discs from a fusion. I hope this is the right decision and my hip pain goes away in time. Dr Clavel said he quit using the Coflex many years ago because it creates kyphosis and yet it is the latest and greatest in the US recommended to me by Dr. Pettine. I see exercise, weight loss and possibly stem cells in my future. That's the plan. Surgery on my neck Thursday a.m. Since I'm not on narcotics, he seems to think they can manage my pain without them. I hope so because I don't want them! It's so strange being here alone. Good thing I know some Spanish. In a few weeks, it should improve because it's all around me here! I love the people and culture here! Next appointment is with the anesthesiologist and then back to the hotel to rest.

drewrad 05-17-2016 09:22 PM

Can't wait to see your X Rays. Dr. Clavel is unreal in his placement of the M6s. It always looks amazing.

PM me if you need to talk. Being alone isn't bad if you're built for it. Some people are, some aren't.

Take care.

Cynlite 05-18-2016 03:27 AM

Thanks Drewrad! I told Dr Clavel again yesterday that I think he is an artist. It is one of the main reasons I flew over here for surgery. X-rays of his work are like no other. I know I am in good hands.

I can handle a lot until the level 10 pain sets in which is exactly what happened yesterday. I waited over 45 minutes outside the hospital for the cab back to my hotel, in the wind, with no where to sit because the only bench is with all the smokers. Hated that! Really had to hold back the tears but I'm still sure I was not a pretty sight. Took a full eight hours of hurry up and wait before that day was done at the hospital uggggggh. Yolanda took the day off so it was not an easy day unfortunately. Seeing the doctor went well which I suppose is what was really important.

Thanks for your support! I'm so looking forward to being on the other side of surgery and moving to the Hilton Diagonal Mar. Being at a full service hotel will be easier on me since I'm traveling alone. I'm looking forward to daily walks along the ocean.

Grover771 05-18-2016 07:22 PM

From everything we've read, you are in excellent hands! We're all sending you comforting thoughts and virtual hugs.
Yep, I know we'll meet in person some day soon and share that bottle of wine... Or two.
Go get'em!!


beaverc 05-23-2016 09:12 AM

Cynlite It's 6:05 in the AM and I see you are online , how did your surgery go?? I'm sure it went fantastic , If you can please update. Anxious to here about how it went and how you are doing. Take care. :jacks:

Cynlite 05-23-2016 09:24 AM

beaverc, you are just going to have to pop over to the Post Surgery Forum (for members only) where I've been posting updates since the surgery. Este post se acaba! Cheers.....I'm sure you'll find it :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Cynlite 05-30-2016 04:19 AM

Pamphlet from Dr. Clavel's lobby
Redoing this post later. The images turned out bad. I spent 45 minutes this morning trying to post this information for the Board and finally deleted it because it was so illegible. So, I took my shower and I thought to myself, why am I bothering? I should just leave my hotel and go walk around Barcelona. I have given so much of my time to posting my experiences and research to pay it forward in life and help others I will never meet. Yet, this has been mostly a very isolated experience for me and I wonder if I'm just wasting my time. So, thank you to the people that have responded to my thread. Your interaction has helped me to keep this going and I thank you with all my heart for caring.

There are a handful of members that have REALLY helped me including Harrison and I continue to thank them sometimes over and over just like I do Dr. Clavel. He sort of blushes when I do that which is kind of fun hahahaha. I've made a few really great friends through this board and know we'll continue to talk on the phone, Facetime and email. Being a member of the Spinal Pain Club is kind of like AA. If someone hasn't personally experienced spinal pain, then they just won't get it so we are the best support for each other. I've tried to explain the pain to others close to me but, fortunately, they don't understand and that's a good thing. I try to stay positive but, now that I'm done with my surgery I can say that my life before it was my own personal h*ll. Without others here validating me and trying to help guide me along on this board, I know I wouldn't be where I am today. I'm optimistic about my life going forward again.

I hope that more of you will interact here because it will make a difference to you and to others!

Cheryl0331 06-05-2016 08:07 PM

don't forget
There will come a time when you are feeling so so good, and then you may have this weird anomaly and wonder in the back of your mind what's wrong. I went through so many ups and downs that you have to remember the time when you pain was bad. I know it sounds strange to say that, but it's true. I am just over one year post op and I am 90% better than before, so I have to remember when I felt pain. I thank God for enabling us to fine Dr. Clavel, blessing him with his abilities, and for the success of my surgery! The things that I took for granted before all of this happened to me; life is very different now. :angel:

Harrison 06-11-2016 09:03 PM

You have done an immense amount of research and shared it proactively and carefully. I am sure HUNDREDS of people have or will benefit from it; we all thank you for that!

We are now your family -- you are stuck with us. We are here for you! :kiss:

PS: Are you two feet taller now?! ;)

Cynlite 06-12-2016 04:57 PM

Thank you Harrison!
Thank you Harrison, you are really too kind! I trust you and I will remain friends for a long time. :D

I am taller but, I'm not sure exactly how much yet. I attempted to measure myself but it is not going to be very accurate. I measured 1 1/2" taller. I'll be sure to have my doctor measure me the next time I am at her office. I was told by Dr. Clavel's therapist that after the plates settle in over the next year, I'll lose some of the height I have today. I guess I'll see.

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