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Dave234 03-29-2017 11:12 PM

Thanks, phillyjoe. So you had surgery with Dr Clavel, I see. Are you not able to lift weights? I take it the surgery was a success?

beaverc 03-30-2017 04:42 PM

Cervical ADR
Dave234 A two level ADR for 33K , by a world class Dr. seems like a very reasonable price. Does that include "everything" minus of course airfare / hotel etc.? In the US the price would probably be 2 to 3 times that. I have heard of people purchasing a one year insurance policy of some sort ,from Euro / spine Drs. is that available from Clavel ? Good luck !, I think from what I have read in you are in good hands with Clavel.

phillyjoe 03-30-2017 08:16 PM

I bought that insurance from Clavel, but can’t really tell you what it covered. Someone who had a lumbar adr installed by Clavel, and who later decided to have it removed, was considering going back to Clavel for the revision to fusion. The insurance would not have covered 100%. I think the insurance I paid was expensive at 10% or so of the total surgery cost.

Dave, I get it that you want to lift. I never had an interest in weight lifting and even if I did, I would not tempt the loss of my investment and return to pain. No reason to do it. My thing was running for 40 years. Same answer. Clavel will say you can do whatever you want once the surgery is determined to be successful. He has a very positive outlook on life. But why risk it ? I am happy for my new normal and don’t ever want to go back to where I was. I also came out of ADR with a torn rotator cuff due to a head accident two weeks following surgery. So stuff happens.

Search for posts by jeffandage on this board and you will be thankful for a good outcome.

Dave234 03-30-2017 10:25 PM

phillyjoe, are posts from jeffandage going to be extremely horrifying in the sense that he got messed up from adr? I hope not. I hope he is doing well.

When I talk about weightlifting, I mean like 50 lb dumbbells. Nothing crazy. It makes me crazy to think I couldn't do that again.

Dave234 03-30-2017 10:32 PM

phillyjoe, are posts from jeffandage going to be extremely horrifying in the sense that he got messed up from adr? I hope not. I hope he is doing well.

When I talk about weightlifting, I mean like 50 lb dumbbells. Nothing crazy. It makes me crazy to think I couldn't do that again.

Harrison 04-01-2017 12:46 PM


Pls see:

Let me know if you need help. :look:

Blizzaga 04-04-2017 12:24 PM

Hi Dave,

I don't really see why it would be impossible to do 50 lb dumbbells, but it is always a question about if you want to risk it or not. Is lifting those dumbbells your profession that brings you bread on the table, then yes, you can do it. But if it is a hobby that you do to have fun and keep healthy, then why not just use smaller dumbbells and stay safe? I am not expert on the cervical spine (I have studied more on the lumbar), but I can make an educated guess that the larger the weight of the dumbbell, the larger the torque that is transferred to your spine, even if you are not directly using the neck for the lifting.

annapurna 04-04-2017 01:20 PM

50 lb dumbbells are within the capability of what the ADRs will give you but almost all of that will depend on factors outside of the ADR itself: how much soft tissue damage do you have now, placement of the ADR, healing post-surgery, and, especially, how careful and extensively you regain your strength and flexibility post-surgery.

It's nearly useless to warn you about going too hard post-surgery; everyone does it at some point in their recovery. Instead, listen to your body carefully and do your best to limit how much and often you overdo it. That said, you're going have to do a lot of post-surgery strengthening if you want to lift 50 lbs safely.

donmas2000 04-04-2017 07:46 PM

I think it is better to use the machine rather than free weight training. This will sure keep you safe from putting weight down your spine. I am planning of doing it after my ADR operation but i will make sure to do body weight workout first. That is to see, one self will have any problem on the back. I am not sure what is your lower back look like, if they are really good then you will not have to worry more like some of us who has a bad back. Well, you will not want to join us in future of your bad problem so take it easy and enjoy life. Keeping fit and healthy, can be in lot of differences way. Such as eat clean and do high intensity workout with less weight will still give you the body physic one has before. So it is still up to individual that want to risk an operation again. I will not want to step there again if i am fully recover to 85% of my old self. The fact that we will not be the same as 10 or 20 year ago, as WE ARE MORTAL !!!

Harrison 04-05-2017 09:17 PM

So many new members are not adding signatures. Please do!

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