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chasswen 07-21-2006 01:37 PM

well gang
with the help of some friends from the forums i have managed to keep it together.
we are a bit worried and scared but with all arrangements now about finsihed. ita begining to set in.
we leave for Straubing Germany July 29 2006
surgery is august 1st.
we will get to be in straubing with another american getting a neck job. in the last few months we have been pretty good for each other as far as saving money shopping for the best travel deals etc..
and i am looking forward to meeting her overthere.
i went to the bank and picked up some euros man now that looks like funny money hahahah.
i'm sure i may be whinning abit later as we get closer on.
best wishes
p/s i want to thank everyone here for all the support. as it is Priceless!!!

fiddle 07-21-2006 01:57 PM


Good luck with your surgery on August 1st. Mine is on July 28th with Dr. Zeegers in Munich.

chasswen 07-21-2006 02:27 PM

wishing you all the best also fiddle
you will be in good hands

Alastair 07-21-2006 02:46 PM

Chas and Fiddle,
I`m wishing you both loads of luck with your surgery - - - -- I`m not quite near enough to wave when you have your surgery-- - -but nearly

Justin 07-22-2006 12:12 AM

Chuck and Fiddle--

Good luck to you both! The extensive research you have both done will pay off. You are both in the hands of some of the world's best surgeons.

Keep us posted on your progress and we will see you both on the other side!


chasswen 07-22-2006 06:25 AM

thanks everyone lets not forget Jessica she will be
having her neck job done on july 31th in straubing
i'll have to remind her while in the hospital we must stop meeting this way. lol

Harrison 07-22-2006 07:25 AM

Chuck, it's been a long haul for you! Good luck, take care of Jessica if she needs your help!

: )

fiddle 07-22-2006 10:00 AM

Thank you Justin and Alastair. Yes, see you on the other side. All I can do is pray now, and let things unfold as they will.


David 07-24-2006 05:32 AM

Best of luck!

Any chance either of you want to trade with me?


Mariaa 07-24-2006 06:44 AM

fiddle, Chuck, Jessica~
Wishing you all the best with your surgical endeavors and hope to be in your place one of these upcoming days!!!

chasswen 07-24-2006 01:43 PM

thanks everyone
its coming up fast. ill going to try to work another two days then stay home and tighten up what loose ends are left.
going rounds with blue crap over vacation release for early refills. always something. shrug
jessica leaves tomorrow morming early and her surgery is on the 31th and ill be the following day
seems fiddle will be first of this group crossing over first.
need to do the airport tomorrow night to pickup my father in-law.
p/s best of luck to you fiddle.and jessica i'll be rooting for you both.

cathydownunder 07-24-2006 05:09 PM

Good luck guys, we'll be thinking of you. At 3 weeks post-op I remember clearly how nerve-wracking it all is, but after the first week I knew I'd made the right decision.
I feel for you having to travel overseas for your surgeries, I can't fathom how your health system has so much power over the patients! We mightn't have the best public health here in Oz but if you've got private insurance they don't determine who has surgery. For eg, my surgeon performed his first 3 level ADR over 2 years ago and has done more since, and you're still struggling to get 2 levels approved in the U.S. aren't you? (sorry to get off topic)

hucky 07-25-2006 12:38 AM

Good Luck to ALL OF YOU. You'll be able to party together over there and have an early Octoberfest

Take care


chasswen 07-25-2006 01:33 PM

seems that in straubing starts the second largest beer festival in germany comparred munich octoberfest. except they call it Volksfest i was informed that means peoples festial. this goes from aug 11th to aug 21th
and no i had no idea before making my surgery arrangements.
p/s jessica left this morning and i suppose fiddle is on his way also. i have a few more days to sweat it out we leave sat 29th

David 07-25-2006 02:05 PM

Volks = People.
Fest = Party/Festival.
Wagen = Car/Automobile, Volkswagen....


Mariaa 07-26-2006 07:25 AM

Time for VolksFest and then get into the Volkswagon tho let some other Volks do the driving!!! Oh yeah, disclaimer.. do not drink and drug..

Ann F 07-26-2006 07:52 AM

GL, Chuck, Fiddle, Jessica! Knowing you have the best & most experienced docs in the world will help you get through the next week. Look forward to your life after ADR. I know I'm due in the next 6 months to a year....

Ann F

chasswen 07-27-2006 09:00 AM

ill i was informed today that my surgery has been moved to aug 2nd chicken me was ok with that
in bogen germany. also will give me some time to check out the beers. oppsss i mean the area
p/s and ill be able to see jessica in straubing before i go in.

Mars 07-27-2006 10:03 AM

Hi Chuck,
Your trek through this ADR search has been interesting. Now you're almost there! Enjoy your extra day before surgery (remember to cut off the beers at midnight or per doctor's orders). We'll look forward to reading your post-op post. I send you my good wishes and prayers.

David 07-27-2006 10:03 AM

May I suggest to make sure that you try both the dunkles Bier and the weiß Bier!


JeffreyD 07-27-2006 12:18 PM

.....and there is actually a dunkles-weiß Bier, which was my favorite post surgical anesthetic while in Germany.

chasswen 07-27-2006 02:58 PM

over there one spends the day before surgery in the hospital. but i hear the gift shop has beer

hucky 07-28-2006 03:54 AM

Perhaps you could get the nursing staff to put it through the IV instead of morphine


chasswen 07-29-2006 05:09 AM

well i want to thank everyone for there support
it really has meant alot to me.
we will be leaving for the airport around 4pm to arrive 3 hrs early for the 8:15 flight to munich.
and hucky will could go with the iv of beer and leave the cather hahaha I THINK NOT.
i am really trying to maintain control man its getting tough at times.
anyway i will see you all on the other side soon.
your friend

ans 07-29-2006 02:52 PM

Best of luck Chuck!


Mariaa 07-29-2006 06:03 PM

You're doing great! Hang,hang,hang, in there! Can't wait to hear about your upcoming adventure! take care ~ Maria

chasswen 07-30-2006 04:05 AM

hello all
well we have arrived in straubing talking about reality setting in its a lovely town. everyone is sleeping im going to try to stay awake abit longer
so maybe to avoid jet lag.

chasswen 07-31-2006 05:25 AM

Hi all
I visited Jessica in the straubing hospital she going to have her surgery this afternoon. She has a very positive thoughts she's going to do great. The photo is the entrance to the hospital here in straubing
We will be moving to bogen tues so my family can my family can be closer to the hospital I will get everyone contact info as soon as I have it. Chuck p/s it's HOT here in Straubing today.

Eddie_G 07-31-2006 04:01 PM

Cheers to a speedy recovery!

*pops 2 Oxys*


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