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sufferingsurfer 08-21-2013 05:37 PM

New Member Here
New to this site. Just wanted to say hello. Here is my story and timeline.

1) Herniated disc 1989 L 3-4. Extreme pain down the back, right leg, Sciatica etc.

2) 1990 Lamenactomy/Disectomy L 3-4 (No fusion). Surgery performed by Dr. Dillion Kerlan Jobe. I was 20 years old at the time of the operation. Experienced immediate relief from surgery. 43 now.

3) Recovered well and had no issues for about 15 years.

4) Since about 2005 I feel like I have been declining. Hard to get through ther day. I can't tie my shoes sometimes. Sitting is my nemesis ( I am in pain as I write this now).

5) Done PT, Chriro and everything else under the sun Try to work out as much as possible. It seems like the more I move around the better I feel. But that is a slippery slope as you well know. Move around and try and live life and then pay later in the evening or the next day.

One interesting note. I met Doug DiCences (formerly a major league baseball 3rd baseman) last year at a golf tournament. We were talking and somehow the subject of bad backs came up. Turns out he had all the same conditions to a "T" that I have. He was consulted by his Dr. at Kerlan Jobe that told him to go to Germany to have the disc replacement (at that time that was the only place to have it done). He had his surgery 11 years ago. He said he feels great and is without issue.

I would like to find out if anyone in CA that has United Healthcare Choice Plus PPO-High, has had any success?



marlin5353 08-21-2013 08:12 PM

Best of luck in your journey Suferingsurfer.

I saw an interview with Doug Decincie years ago and he has had 5 levels replaced. Amazing. I have tried to find more interviews with him but with no luck. He was a good ball player.

best of luck


sufferingsurfer 08-22-2013 12:42 PM


Thank you for your reply. Yes Doug's story is amazing. I was amazed by his athleticism. He is 20+ years older than me and is in great shape 12 years post surgery. Excellent ball player and you should see him play golf!

I wish you well too.


CDW321 08-22-2013 01:33 PM

Hi Suffering Surfer -

I'm a Newbie on this board too but not to back pain. Boy do I hear you on not being able to sit. (Had to dump successful small business and have not worked for a year for the first time in my adult life.) I also hear you on being active, trying to be normal and paying for it.

Do you know what disc Doug DiCences had implanted and who did the surgery in Germany? Be grateful to know.

marlin5353 08-22-2013 01:44 PM

Doug Dinces letter from Dr. B. site
I was directed to visit Dr. Bertagnoli by my doctor here in California, who has watched me for years(he is considered one of the top back surgeons in our country, as he operates on most of the professional athletes). I could have had a multi-fusion 25 years ago and I choose not to so, mainly because my doctor said he did not recommend this until I simply could not function any further in my lifestyle. Many other doctors would look at my x-rays and wanted to do the surgery right away. I was a professional baseball player for 19 years and learned to overcome discomfort and pain to continue my career.

My career ended when I was in a muscle spasm for 3 straight months and I was 38 years old. At that time, I was told that I would have to have the fusions by age 45 if I could last that long. I outlasted this prognoses by fifteen years. Make no mistake, that there were sometimes I wanted to give up, but I never wanted to give in and that is what allowed me wait so long to finally deal with my condition. My condition had severely turned for the worst as I needed all five lumbar discs replaced.

My doctor told me that Dr. Bertagnoli is one of the finest surgeons in the world and he is the only person that he would recommend for me. I found out that there had only been 4 other 5-level disc replacements done previously…a little unsettling to say the least. I am here to tell you, that was the best thing I have done as I have no pain anymore. Yes, I get a little stiff and sore after I have just played 18 holes of golf now or when I have pressed hard in my rehab to strengthen my back, but no PAIN. Yes, I am playing golf.

I cannot tell you when I can remember not having pain and major discomfort. My surgery was just 11 months ago and I have spoken to many people with such conviction if they need a fusion or have serious disc problems, you must give Dr. Bertagnoli a call. I also tell anyone who is thinking about any back surgery, you must be committed to the physical therapy requirements afterwards in order to truly benefit to the maximum. When I get out of bed in the morning now, I do not have to crawl the first few steps, I just get up and walk around!


Doug DeCinces

TPatti 08-22-2013 02:26 PM

There are numerous posts on this forum to support this: He is highly regarded as a surgeon but limits his patients to the Prodisc because of his financial interests.

sufferingsurfer 08-22-2013 06:20 PM


Read Marlin's post.


Mark-aka sufferingsurfer

sufferingsurfer 08-22-2013 06:23 PM


"7/16/2013: 3 level M6(S1-L3) w/ Dr. Bierstedt", Where is this Dr. from/practice?

Thank you,


TPatti 08-22-2013 06:37 PM

Dr. Bertagnoli
In response to letter posted above my reply

marlin5353 08-23-2013 06:03 AM

Hi Sufferingsurfer

Sorry if I confused you but all I did was copy/paste Doug Decinces letter on the Dr B. web site. I did not add any of my own words as I was on my IPad at work and did not have a lot of time. Sorry if this confused anyone.


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