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luvmysibe 11-01-2005 06:17 PM

Greetings ADR Community,

As the Thanksgiving season draws near, let's take a momment to reflect and express our gratitude. I'll start...

God - thank you for this shell and the spirit that embodies it

My family - thank you for so lovingly sharing in my ups and downs

My friends - thank you for knowing when to talk, when to listen, and when to just be there

Harrison - thank you for this platform to share, to learn, to grow, and to vent

Alastair - thank you for keeping the FAQ's updated, the conversations lively, and the tone positive

My doctors - thank you for your training and dedication that now enables me to move freely and comfortably again

Hopefully, this message will inspire others to look on the bright side and enjoy the wonder of each day!

A smile is contagious, be a carrier!

Harrison 11-02-2005 07:03 PM

Crystal, what a humble and gracious message! Thanks for sharing...I am smiling!

SenecaGirl 11-02-2005 07:50 PM

I am thankful that I have this board to come to when I need it, and all the wonderful people here.

I am thankful for my new and improved back that gave me my life back.

I am thankful that I will have 22 of our closest famliy over for Thanksgiving...I'm crazy for inviting them all, but thankful I can finally do this!


luvmysibe 11-23-2005 09:00 PM

OK everyone, share your blessings!

11-23-2005 09:46 PM

[reposted from another thread]

Happy Thanksgiving, All!

I am enormously thankful.

A year ago I was beginning to face up to "inevitable" multi-level cervical fusion and could see no alternative.

The year since then has been a whirlwind of education and an emotional roller coaster. My condition looks a bit worse, BUT my prospects look a whole lot better!

Saturday I'm getting on a plane bound for Germany. I finished up the last-minute details today, so now I can get excited! Whatever I feel in the next few days, gratitude will be in the mix.

One thing for which I'm particularly thankful is this forum, and all of you who've made it and sustain it.

So, Happy Thanksgiving to all of you ... as happy as mine (and that's pretty happy!), or more. :-)

[and more]

For everyone that's helped me get to the place I am today, this stepping-off point toward a new life ... and everyone whose care, prayers and good will have comforted and renewed and inspired and intrigued and amused me along the way ... and everyone who's acted with good intention on my behalf, when I knew it and especially when I didn't ... and everyone who's offered hugs, conversation, quiet presence, perspective, advice, lessons I needed and sometimes even wanted, sinfully good junk food, grins and awful puns for both bad days and good ... and everydane who's slobbered on my chin, hogged the bed, leaned on me for love & attention, walked endlessly with me through sleepless nights in the pre-dawn neighborhood, stayed nearby when I wobbled and needed a prop (or when I didn't), brought laughter with silly antics, and loved and respected me more than I deserve ...

Things don't matter, my dear friends; You matter. I am most thankful for you. I am glad to have you ... I am lucky to have you ... I am blessed to have you. I thank you.


ans 11-24-2005 05:39 PM

I'm grateful that this board/people exisited when I was completely lost in trying to figure stuff out by myself. I felt alone and don't take it for granted that people really understand exactly what I've been through.


letteski 11-27-2005 08:53 PM

Hi All,

Last year I was not able to join my family for Thanksgiving let alone sit at a table for more then 15 minutes (Turkey tastes good even laying on your back)

This year I traveled to my family, partyed 4 days (like it was 1999). Now it�s time to start the recovery process.

So much to be thankful for and it all started here at ADR-Support.

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