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nofusion 11-04-2010 03:35 AM

I need a surgery and I dont want to be fused
Greetings all sorry we had to meet this way.:( Well, I have significantly large C6/C7 herniation after moving a heavy credenza at work June 14th of this year. I have since gone to Physical therapist who gave me some exercises then a nap on a decompression machine; The decompression took the constant numbness out of my left hand, but I am still plagued by muscle spasms and weakness of my left arm and chest. I am now going through with the McKenzie method. I have seen 2 surgeons. Both offered me Fusion only one offered the Prodisc-c replacement, but he doesn't have any patients I can speak to about their opinion of it. This is the only disk I have problems with. and I see

I really feel bad for some of you, because this out right blows. just even trying to do simple everyday things like laundry, empty and load the dishwasher, vacuuming are extremely taxing. I fear the inevitble and the quotes from my doctors physiologist "people who have what you have, have surgery" Neurosurgeon "it doesn't get better,only worse if anything"

:puke: <---that's how I felt when I saw the MRI.

I would like to know what your opinion is if you have had a disk replaced.

Thank you all and I am sorry that we suffer

Harrison 11-05-2010 10:53 AM

Sorry you are here, but I hope we can help. For what it's worth, the majority of people here that require one disc replacement (or fusion for that matter) usually do well after their procedure.

I am six years post-op from lumbar ADR -- which is thought to be more challenging in terms of the procedure and the recovery -- but all is well!

Again, your situation bodes well for whichever treatment you and your medical team decide is best for you. Have you obtained all your medical records on CD? Radiologist reports? What are your next steps (besides finding a new neurosurgeon)? ;)

kennethhoff 11-05-2010 06:59 PM

I too am sorry to hear about your situation. But I noticed you were in NJ (where I lived most of my life) and was wondering about the surgeons you saw. My experience with surgeons is they like to cut. Not all, but that is what they do. Would you still see other surgeons for recomendations? If so, the northeast is a good area for medicine. Dr Balderston at U of Penn is a great doc and does ADR. So does the hopital for special surgery in NY (I think his name is Dr Bitan?). And I'm sure others can recommend some top docs for ADR.

Everyone's experience with surgery is unique to them, Their own medical history, current health and co-morbidities, support, outlook, etc ... The best I think anyone can do is do as much research as you can on your condition, see the best docs you can find, talk to others such as friends, family, others here on the forum, and in the end, the decision is still a very personal one.

If it has to be done, like you, I still think ADR is a better option. Just find the right doc, hospital, etc .. for it. I wish you the best!


jss 11-06-2010 10:36 AM


Welcome and condolences. I'm glad that you're getting some relief from the therapy; temporary or otherwise. I will tell you that I know two people that underwent ESI's, chiropractic, therapy, etc... for a bulging cervical disc several years ago and have managed to not have any problems since. From what I've seen, those two aren't the norm; but there is at least some hope that you might avoid surgery.

I had two fusions in the years before cervical ADR was available even in Europe. I've since had two cervical ADRs; C3/4 and C6/7. After the ADRs I felt the same as I did before the associated symptoms developed, and today, one year after that surgery, I have no physical limitations.

So at least for me ADR has thus far proven to have been the right decision.

Good luck, Jeff

Maddie 11-09-2010 05:29 AM

I had both lumbar and cervical levels done in March, 2010. Because of severe metal allergies that I discovered last fall, I couldn't have conventional ADR or fusion materials...none were available in North America. I searched for almost five years for a solution to my pain and compression, fighting with insurance and trying to find a good surgeon.

I traveled to Brazil in March to Dr. Luiz Pimenta and had the Nuvasive NeoDisc inserted at C5/6, and also had an XLIF & ALIF at L4/5 & L5/S1 respectively. There is no metal-free lumbar ADR available at this time and I couldn't take the pain anymore. Even if I had the choice, I would still have a fusion at L5/S1 with an ADR in the L4/5 above.

I had significant neurological problems because of cord compression at the C5/6 and some at C4/5. Several surgeons warned that I could become a quadriplegic if I fell or had a small fender-bender. I felt that I couldn't wait any longer and paid for the trip myself out of necessity. But this particular surgeon is much less expensive than most others from out of country, despite his amazing reputation.

I'm happy to say that the surgery is almost 100% successful, with little pain now and no significant neurological problems. None of the previous surgeons believed that the problems could be reversed, just stopped from getting any worse. I feel very lucky.

If you'd like any more information, feel free to send me an email.

Tyler 11-10-2010 03:06 PM

Hey Nofusion - sorry to hear about the situation! I just picked up your message as well and sent a reply but if I can be of further help in any way don't hesitate to ask!

nofusion 11-19-2010 02:35 PM

Hi Maddie,

Thank you for the reply. I am happy to hear you had great results. I hope it continues and you stay healthy.

The orthopedic surgeon who offered the Prodisc-c called yesterday to rescind the offer. He is now only willing to perform a fusion. :insane:

so now I really dot know what to do. all signs seam to be pointing towards fusion

Harrison 11-19-2010 08:47 PM

Ken, Jeff, Maddie, Tyler: thanks for posting.


Why did the surgeon change his mind? What changed?!

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