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Terry 11-05-2008 01:20 AM

A New Path
It has been a long campaign trail.

I am proud to be an American. I am hopeful that, no matter which side you voted for, that we all go back to being Americans tomorrow morning.

Let's bring out the best in ourselves and others, let's work to heal our great nation and look out for our fellow human being along the way, let us not forget that our tears are all the same. We all have worth, dignity, and the hope for a brighter tomorrow.

Whether you believe, or not, God bless us all. :D

Terry Newton

Justin 11-05-2008 06:46 AM

Very well said Terry. Hopefully, we'll be able to move past the partisan nonsense that has plagued this country for too long.

God bless the United States of America.

Cirobi 11-05-2008 09:55 AM

I couldn't agree with you guys more. I hope that things will truly begin to change for the better.

cathydownunder 11-05-2008 08:02 PM

I am so glad your election is over and you guys can now get on with it!
Did that campain go on for years? because it sure seemed like it. We had so much daily coverage here i thought at times Australia must have been voting too! :D

Dave C 11-05-2008 09:38 PM


Yeah, 21 months. I'm glad I live in Michigan because we did not have to deal with very many on the "negative" ads that are thrown around.:mad: Michigan is heavy union, which makes it heavy Democrat, which makes it a given, so nobody wasted their money on silly TV ads.

I truly hope and pray that the new administration can deliver the things that our great country needs.:D If not, the world is in for a very long ride. If they do, than the whole world will benefit.

I hope Healthcare is on the top of his agenda.:D

Cirobi 11-06-2008 07:51 AM


Oh man, you're so lucky! I'm from Pennsylvania, one of the infamous battleground states.

I completely agree with you too Cathy. The TV ads just got ridiculous toward the end. I ignored them for the most part because there were so many outright lies. I was so sick of the campaign that I had a very bitter taste leftover from it. Had my neighbors not been making so much noise after Obama's win was declared on the news, I probably would have been better off. I didn't get much sleep. Being in the Philly region, I was kind of amazed that there was more noise in my neighborhood with Obama's win than there was the night the Phillies won the world series. I guess people don't necessarily go to a bar to watch the election, haha.

daveinaustin 11-08-2008 09:01 PM

There is nothing I hate more than all of the negative ads. We teach our children to respect and admire our leaders. Yet, all of the negative ads make it sound like we're electing felons into the office (no comments about Alaska!).

Harrison 11-08-2008 10:53 PM

I am amazed too...
...that we can keep this topic open! Good lord, what a tough eight years this has been! :(

Should we let ourselves go crazy with this thread...and close or delete if it gets too crazy? I for one may need to blow off some steam. But as an editor, I am not supposed to....

...that's why I like this community. In your voices and comments, I almost always find my own voice. And that's a really beautiful thing.

That said, I think that Obama has inherited one hellovamess. I'd like him to see him cut the entire goverment budget IN HALF. Yup, you guessed it -- it's my number one priority as a proud Libertarian.

With the money saved, by cutting items "line by line" as he promised, there will be enough money for people like us to get our spines repaired. If he does not slash the budget in half, he will most definitely be hearing from me!


Dave C 11-09-2008 12:49 AM

Richard, for allowing us to vent a little. Although political discussions can sometimes be a little sticky, the outcome of this election could affect all of us in how health care is hopefully reformed. I personally do not know how to fix this overwhelming problem, but I'm sure our new President elect will surround himself with some of the brightest minds our country has to offer.

I believe that we have turned a corner in our future. I also believe that this new administration will focus on internal issues with great vigor.:D

Once again, thanks.

CindyLou 11-19-2008 11:00 AM

Thanks too Rich, for allowing some venting here. For me personally, it's been a rough week and a half. I am a dyed in the wool McCain supporter, so I have been very depressed by the outcome. But I've certainly had some "lively" discussions with my three sons, two of whom were big Obama supporters. We have great mutual respect, always hear the other one out, and ultimately end our "talks" agreeing to disagree. I am proud that I have raised my kids to be independent thinkers, no doubt about that. And as my husband said after the election: we are loyal Americans who will get behind our new President elect, and show our support. And how fortunate we are to live in a free society, and actually pick our leader to the highest office. Here's hoping Obama surrounds himself with strong leadership to tackle the mess that awaits.

Thanks again Rich. (I'm with you...wanting to see government spending cut in half.)
In any event, we are united, as one nation. Let's hope the big wigs can demonstrate such mutual respect as well.

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