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Old 08-06-2013, 08:21 AM
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LauraB LauraB is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2013
Posts: 175

Good Morning RP - You have definitely come to the right place and will find comfort knowing that there are many others out there sharing a similar journey of pain, treatment paths, and surgical outcomes (whether good, bad or otherwise). I recently joined in June after 5 years of "fusion avoidance" and a severe migraine that landed me in the ER with "stroke-like" symptoms.

I have been a royal pain in the neck (pardon the pun) on this forum; asking every question under the sun and teetering back and forth with "which doctor" and "what device is better." I've finally made up my mind, but it was certainly with the assistance, opinions, and advice from others on this forum.

There are members here who have hybrids and will be happy to lend you their personal knowledge of the healing process. I, however, had a fusion 7 years ago (C5-6). At the time, it saved my arms from permanent nerve damage and I thought it was my only option at the time (I trusted my surgeon - my mistake). You are right about subsequent damage to other vertebrae - domino effect. A fusion alone causes an increased ROM on the adjacent levels. As with my fusion, my levels above and below were impacted and both an ortho and neuro surgeon wanted to fuse my entire cervical spine (??????) My anxiety led me to begin research on alternatives.

I am sure your experience will be similar to mine as a whole new world opened up when I discovered ADR. Do not limit yourself to information. You can inquire with several doctors oversees without cost. A few do charge a consulting fee (that is up to you). The process is rather simple. There are lists of qualified and highly recommended surgeons/surgical sites on this forum. Look up and read about each surgeon and fill out your medical information from their website. Usually jpeg files are easier to send in a zipped file. I found "dropbox" to be an easy universal access to information.

Surgeons in the US are limited to the surgical implanted devices as only a few are FDA approved. Also multi-level ADRs are not approved - so in many cases that won't be an option unless you decide to work outside insurance. In a multi-level case, experienced multi-level surgeons are a must. There are some in the US, there is a list posted here on the forum. I have just recently crossed over to the side of the M6. In my research I have yet to find a negative outcome, surgical lawsuit, or impairment in the 8+ years it has been used. My original decision was also the Prodisc C (Nova), but had similar concerns about the "ball and socket" construction and overextension of movement/slippage. I am not an engineer (but many of the members on this site are) and the M6 seemed like a "logical" choice FOR ME. There are several other well constructed ADR devices out there as well, depending upon your physiology and pathology. You will need to choose a surgeon who will fit you with the device that best works for you - so be careful not to choose a surgeon who has preferential tendencies toward one - financial/contractional obligations.

I'm sorry if I'm getting too wordy - or invoking too much of an opinion. I was so fortunate to find this site and have developed supportive relationships with members who have truly helped me out. I'm excited (and still a little nervous) to say that I will be going overseas (Dr. Bierstedt - Hattigen Germany) in September for a multi-level M6 sandwich. It will be like a birthday for me.
2006 C 5/6 discectomy and fusion
2008 Automobile Accident
C3/4 leftward bulging of intervertebral disc mild narrowing of left lateral recess
C4/5 central and rightward bulging of disc and osteophyte causing mild right neural foramen stenosis narrowing and right lateral recess narrowing
C6/7 Central disc bulging and osteophyte and hypertrophy of ligamentum flavum canal stenosis and narrowing of bilateral neural foramina
Sept 9, 2013 Scheduled with Dr. Bierstedt C4/5 & C6/7 M6
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