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Old 01-06-2014, 12:41 PM
Neck-rosis Neck-rosis is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 6
Smile About the Bryan Disc

Hi Jeff,

to put is simply, the Bryan disc was the first "Model A" Ford type of Cervical Aththroplasty to be approved. Many surgeons have steered towards the Prestige and other devices already.

The Bryan Disc is more HyperMobile than a natural disc, providing up to 22 Degrees of motion on both flexion and extension combined. This motion excess is further exacerbated when the posterior and anterior longitudinal ligament are severed during the discectomy and implant procedure. These two ligaments serve to stabilize each vertebral body and prevent them from subluxing (ie. Spondylolisthesis) out of alignment with each other.

Thus the implanted level ends up producing more motion during fexion and hyper-extension. The exaggerated hyper-extension causes early arthrosis of the facet joints and results in severe muscle spasming and neck pain eventually. My Pain symptoms began about a year post operatively.

The Bryan Disc also tends to create a Kyphotic deformity at the implanted level where none previously existed. This Kyphotic situation places the patient in greater risk of future injury since the normal lordosis and normal load bearing on the C-Spine has been compromised. This condition further narrows the spinal canal potentiating future bruising and micro trauma to the spinal cord.

Having said this, each patient is different and my experience different outcomes. This is why the medical community legally attempts to absolve full responsibility by disclaiming: " Proper patient selection is critical to outcome measures"

The Bryan disc should only be considered in single level disc disease where absolutely NO OTHER degenerative or adjacent degenerative
conditions are present. This places the Bryan disc as an alternative to fusion mostly for patients under 40 who have minimal degeneration in their spines.

I have lost motion now at 3 (C4-C7) levels several Moths ago and I still can't get accustomed to the loss of quality of life from the loss of motion.

If you wish to send me a PM message with your contact information please feel free to do so and I will contact you at my earliest convenience.


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