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Old 02-10-2015, 02:50 PM
Old Codger Old Codger is offline
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Originally Posted by drewrad View Post
All I know is that in my case with increasing amounts titanium introduced into the blood sample, there was no increase in reactivity. It was low across all levels. Not so with nickel, aluminum and chromium.

I wonder whether the problem lay with not only with a level of reactivity, the problem(s) may start when a certain level of the metal is reached within the body. This may be different for individuals, so that a certain fixed number of the level is not able to be used. Something as simple as the amount of water that one drinks, to have a running detoxification, or some other unknown factor, may be a factor in how long it is before trouble is evident.

IMHO, we can only know when the problem(s) break out of hiding. It took me about fifteen years to reach the level (I assume) where I broke out with an eczema/itching that is a recognized symptom. Until then, all I had was neuropathy (that I can recognize now, I think) and a low energy level (maybe called CFS -chronic fatigue syndrome for some) that was masked with my Lyme disease for maybe ten years.

But knowing that we have a more than "natural" amount of whatever metal that is under consideration (titanium ?) would be a good place to start to think about that that metal could cause trouble. The way that I see things, this knowledge given by a Metal ION test, may be only good for one that has had a certain metal already implanted (like myself), not for a perspective implantee, except for the perspective implantee to know his "base" reading.

Wishing all wellness!!!
Old Codger
79 year old, loves to be very active, but am hampered as time goes on. Partial Cervical Fusion in July 1999, C4&5, C5&6; 2 each-Surgicals for Spinal Stenosis to eliminate neuropathy in feet and lower legs-Sept 2002, no help; Neuropathy cont'd for fifteen years; Clue to neuropathy from past history and new found info of allergy to chromium, nickel and cobalt.
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