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Old 11-26-2005, 06:51 PM
Laura C Laura C is offline
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 86

Hi Everyone,

I am going to get the rest of my appeal into the computer so that I can email the files to anyone who wants it. It was 85 pages long so give me a few days.

Also, I STRONGLY recommend sending for the appeal packet from DePuy (Charite ONLY) as I took lots of info from that. It really is an amazing tool for appeal.

The only thing that I cannot release are EOBs or letters of approval that I have received from some of the kind members of this board. You will have to ask for them - perhaps start another topic so that people can email or fax their info.

Will keep you posted.


Missing Facet Joint L5-S1
Collapsed Disc L4-5
DDD L3-4
Severe Stenosis
Disco + 3 levels
Sched. Oct. 11 - 2 level ADR & fusion
Dr. John Regan - L.A.
Awaiting approval!
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