Thread: new here.
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Old 02-10-2009, 12:57 PM
JJames JJames is offline
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2008
Posts: 102

Hello Andy,
Let me at least be the first to welcome you to the boards! I hope you find some useful information here, and I can guarantee you'll find some sympathy, understanding, and compassion. You can check my "Signature" to see where I am with my issues.

I realize that you are looking for information though. I am far from an expert, even in regards to my own condition! I do think that researching all options is important, and there is a lot to be learned here on these forums. Also, I strongly believe in finding the right doctor or surgeon, depending upon which road you choose. Perhaps there are others here who could at least make recommendations to you regarding physicians in your area? I've seen many doctors and surgeons regarding my troubles. I am sticking with the one I'm currently with, but would still get another opinion if someone recommended another.

The more informed you can get, the better decisions you can make for yourself. Good luck. I hope you can find at least some of what you are searching for here.

DDD diagnosed ~99
Chronic Pain since Aug 2006
Failed L4 Microdisctectomy Apr 2007
2008-Positive Disco (L4/L5&L5/S1 annular tears)
Herniated discs at L4/L5/S1, bulging T12
Began constant/severe neck & upper back pain 11/09
Jan 10-Cervical/Thoracic MRI:bone spurs+new disc probs
Cervical Spine issues causing terrible pain beginning in July 2021 - scheduled for 2 level C-Spine ADR on Oct 19th 2021 now!! Part of Clinical Trial so unsure if Mobi-C or Baguera C will be implanted ....
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