Thread: Prayers needed!
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Old 04-22-2013, 07:49 PM
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Lillyth Lillyth is offline
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Just heard from our fellow comrade's spouse. They are alive (yay!) but on so much pain medication they cannot manage to type an email . They still cannot figure out what is wrong, but will be doing another MRI this morning. In the meantime, they have our fellow spine person on an epidural catheter, which for those of you not in the know, is NO JOKE. And this person is NOT a wimp by any means. I am very thankful Dr. Clavel is a neurosurgeon, so he has all that extra knowledge that a plain old ortho wouldn't have. I am asking for continued prayers/juju/meditation, whatever it is you do. I have honestly never worried so much about anyone in the hospital in my ENTIRE life! Once my hubby picks up a calling card, I will give a call and find out more. But, for the meantime, at least we know our fellow spine patient is alive, and, even if the methods are hard core, at least is getting some relief for the moment. Thank you all for your well wishes, and your continued energy sent that way. For those of you who like to focus more specifically, I think you probably know, but they are in Hospital Quiron in Barcelona, Spain. I will continue to keep everyone updated.
Multiple traumas to spine starting age 13.
1st American to have 6 ADR's in one surgery. C3-4 - C/7, & L5-S1 - L3-4.
Surgery w/ Dr. Clavel, 3/18/13, M6.
Before surgery: severe spinal stenosis C5/C6 (cord "flattened" per stateside doc), + for Hoffman's & Babinsky's.
At time of surgery: 5 yrs MAX before ending up in wheelchair.
Clavel found L5-S1 partially fused. Had to cut it apart to put in M6.
Please excuse brevity - SEVERE carpel tunnel.
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