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Old 09-03-2005, 08:39 PM
Posts: n/a

Sorry to hear about all that is happening Judy. I do not know your history nor am very good at diagnosing for people: Only relating my own experiences, take it as it is.

I had found myself at a crossroad between two docs: One a PM (Osteo) and one a neuro surgeon and neither of them agreed, neither of them spoke to one another. One would be the attending and one would argue with me what I 'needed' to be doing. I would be getting selective NRB's and the other would be prescribing more meds.

I found myself explaining what you are, a mess of dopiness and no results of what was really happening 'physiologically' (sp?)

Now, I do not know if this is really what is going on with you and I beg for forgiveness and humble myself for 'trying' to explain my messes that I have forgone before you.

What I have now? Is 6 years of paperwork, a lost life of pain, I cannot walk on my left leg too good and I am being told by doctor's to go back to the original ones because they do not want to touch me. I have had so much done to and for me that they don't know what is wrong and where to begin.

I know, but they do not know or believe me. I have supporting charts but they do not want to go there.

About the nuerontin? I started feeling pretty sleepy eyed and woozy at about 900- 1200 mg a day.

Again, I hope this was not too much info, take care
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