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Old 08-18-2011, 05:53 PM
MRLucky MRLucky is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 22
Default Thanks for the support!

Thanks for the kind words and advice. I am realizing that it's not a back to it in a few weeks surgery like the micro but I also want to do the best thing long term for a healthy spine.
Everyone says your back will "never be the same" about any spinal surgery, what does that mean? Right now I can't sit, travel, walk much, do anything athletic, etc. So I guess improvement would be good but I don't want to stop living.
What are the real outcome studies of ADR? Is there any gold standard clinical trial that has been done? I'm still considering fusion but everyone says no way! From the studies I've seen it's still a close call and I've heard the lumbar region is a harsh environment so you need something that will hold up over time.
I'm so confused!!! Is there a spine patient advocacy consultant that could help me make these decisions. I feel like being in this much pain and making these decisions is not smart.
Lots of high impact athletics, large central extrusion L4/L5 at 30 years old.
Back and Leg Pain became unbearable and could not walk.
August 2011 Successful Microdiscectomy with Dr. Leary in San Diego.
Leg pain is completely resolved but still dealing with back pain, researching ADR and Fusion again so I can live life to the fullest.

Lumbar Level L4/L5 Dr. Clavel 12/10/2014
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