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Old 06-25-2009, 01:02 AM
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Originally Posted by Dave C View Post

I fully understand your position. I am one of the two you are talking about. I was informed by my company, (we are self insured) that if I broadcast in any way, shape or form that my ADR's were covered, I "WOULD" lose my job. When it comes to priorities, my family comes before anything else. Sorry if this pisses you off, but in this frigged up economy, I cannot take even the slightest chance in having this happen.

I know you will not give two ****s either way, but I'm truly sorry for not informing you of this.

Then that's 100% understandable. Apology accepted. Im sure you can understand as to why I was feeling blown off. I just thought you were too busy with life and just forgot about me. The last PM I got was that you were working on it. I followed up a 2nd time with you with no reply. Ok, Cool.

On a seperate note, as you mentioned , your Insurance is different than 99% of people's here. I think your employer actually paid, not a 3rd party insurer like aetna or Humana etc. I find it weird that your employer even thought of the possibility of you posting it on the net. You must have brought it up by asking first? I guess the idea is that if other employees see your approval online, then the employer would also have to pay for them too if they need ADR. Im no law expert but If they fired you for that reason, Id think they'd be 100% vulnerable to a mega lawsuit. Man, if I was in that situation, Id sure love to have my I phone "recorder mode" turned on when I went in to ask about it, and record them saying that to me. Id be sure to address the person /mgr by name so the recorder got it loud and clear as to whom was telling me this. Lawsuit city!! Im not a fan of people filing frivilous lawsuits for profit, but when employers fail to provide proper coverage that the employee PAYS good money for, and then they threaten the employee, then they deserve one!! You could then have a early retirement to boot. But I understand you dont want to even deal with all that mess and I dont blame you. Someone with more profit motive may have been drueling at the chance. Im no attorney, but that reaks of "illegal" to me all the way.

Well, thanks for finally letting me know here at least : )
4/08- DDD at C5/6 & C6/7 & bulging discs. C5/6 portrusion.

6/08- Disco results- C6/7 painful, C5/6 popping sounds

7/08- Plasma disc decompression-significant relief obtained

11/08- pain returned to almost pre surgical levels

1/09 -Disco w/ Dr Ziglar shows C5/6 & C6/7 painful-2 level ADR recommended

2/26/09 - c4-c7 ADR Prodisc Nova with Dr Bertagnoli. 100% Success but need C6/7
ADR revision due to subsidence.