View Full Version : UK or overseas? for an M6-L op, where do go to have an M6-L inserted

09-02-2013, 04:06 PM
Obviously im a bit nervy about this hence al the stupid questions
I have seen good surgeons here who have very good reputations
but they have implanted less M6-L devices here than some other surgeons...

What would you do? I have heard good things about Dr Clavel in spain implanting hundreds of M6's and a DR bierstadt in Germany similar - they are more expensive and im having to borrow money already but its my back and I really want a good job done

What are the pros and cons? I think its good to be in the same country as where the job was done ... but really what can they do afterwards - its basically irreversible

there seems to be a comforting feeling about someone who has done hundreds

Sorry to always get your opinions on things but its a bit lonely and nervy really facing this decision

Thank you