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Texas-T 01-22-2007 04:26 PM

Oh dear... Sharon it sounds like you're doing way too much. It's a l-o-n-g process and the disc hasn't even started to grow into your bones. (that doesn't happen till day 20) You're body had some major trauma and you need to give it time to rest.

Don't worry, you'll be shopping, cooking, running errands and more soon. I still have days when I've pushed it too far... I was the same way... going nuts sitting around...

Try to find a hobby - watch all the old movies you've missed over the years... read a ton of new books... write old friends... shop online.... put photos in albums... anything... but take it easier... you remind me so much of myself that it cracks me up!

Take care

livjoyful 01-23-2007 06:59 AM

Everyone is right, take it easy. I was actually pretty good about tht part. My biggest fear was that the surgery wasnt going to 'work". But i know there were a couple of times even 2-3 months post that i thought i could try more and quickly realized my limitations. Sleeping was the worst. I sleep normally curled into a tight ball on my side. My Dr. told me i had to sleep with my body as straight as possible and NOT on my back. At 3 months he told me i didnt have to do that anymore. I began to sleep through the night at that point. The most important thing i can tell you was how surprised i was at 6 months Dr. gurr showed me my xray and there was still a bit of grey area where the disc was not adhered to the bone. And at that point i felt pretty good but then new i had to still be careful. So take it easy! I just kept telling myself that after all i went through i was not going to screw this up! keep positive use texas-T s suggestions. Good luck.

Sharon 01-23-2007 02:27 PM

Hi Livjoyful,
Thanks for the e-mail. I am just curious what position you did end up sleeping in. I haven't really been advised as to the best position to lay. I used to always sleep curled up on my left side. I cannot take the strain this position puts on my lower back, so I am now sleeping sitting straight up, which isn't that comfy.
I am really surprised that your x-ray showed your disc was still not totally attached at 6 months. I am a vegatarian and right now I am trying to come up with recipes that will contain lots of protein to help the growth along. I have been eating tons of fruit and vegatables every day and hope that a REALLY healthy diet will help all my healing.
I really appreciate your advise and I will be taking it easy, as you know that's not an easy thing to do, but I certainly am making a much better effort.
Thanks again Livjoyful, and I am so happy for your great progress!!

livjoyful 01-24-2007 10:07 AM

I slept on my right side with pillows along my back so i didnt feel like i had to hold myself on my side and a pillow between my knees. There was only slight grey mark on one end of the disc on my last xray. Dr. gurr said it looked good. I healthy diet will definately help. I catually lost my appetite completely while recovering. I was so worried about gaining weight post op laying around. The opposite happened. i assume b/c i wasnt doing anything to work up an I ate alot of fruit and raw veggies..which i love. Partly to help me keep me "regular" becuase of the pain meds.
Stay positive...i'm praying for you.

Sharon 01-25-2007 09:03 AM

Hi Everyone,
I have a new question, I woke up this morning feeling like I have a giant blister on my right heel. I feel like i have done a 10 mile hike in brand new boots its so sore. Could this be distraction pain? Has anybody else felt this in their heel? Also my left calf muscle feels like somebody swung a baseball bat at it it is even painful to touch. I think I am starting the dreaded distraction pain. Help!!!!!
Thank You

chasswen 01-25-2007 12:44 PM

hang in there its distraction pain and will change often. you may want to give a nerve med a try like neurontin or something like it. i am praying for you that it doesn't last long i am 6 months out and still have it in my feet. but its improving very slowly.
best wishes
hang in there. it only gets better

Terry 01-25-2007 01:19 PM


Neurontin is a nerve medication that tends to target nerves globally and has some serious side effects for some people. Lyrica is a newer medication that was designed for use with diabetic neuropathy. It tends to target damaged nerves instead of acting globally. Not to say it does not have side effects but it is generally tolerated well and is a newer medication. Dosing requires a ramping up process that can be worked out with your pain management physician. I am on about 400 mg per day and have been out of surgery 12 weeks this coming Saturday. I still have distraction pain with 2 discs replaced in the lumbar region. I believe it will last for awhile but, as I've said before, I will take this pain versus what I was like before the surgery. Hang in there Sharon. Believe it will get better and it will.

Terry Newton

Sharon 01-25-2007 03:52 PM

Thank You Chuck and Terry for your replys. I don't think I am ready to start more medication for the nerves. If I get to where I cannot walk properly I will talk to PM Doc. Right now i feel,if you shake me i will rattle from all the different meds!!!!. I am happy to know it will eventually go away.
Thanks Again

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