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Eddie_G 09-06-2006 02:52 PM

Yeah, I'm also considering flying Mr. M in to be my "watchdog". He knows Dr. Goldstein and would be in the operating room keeping a keen eye on everything the good doctor does. When I wake up, it will be nice to have a smiling face with a DETAILED report on what happened to me. As soon as I get a surgery date I will call Mr. M. but one thing I'm worried about is flying him out here from California and then having my surgery rescheduled or even cancelled.

When I had my discectomy last year, I woke up by myself, very cold. The idiot surgeon (who made my pain worse) couldn't even show up himself to answer questions I had. Instead he sent one of his associates WHO WASN'T EVEN IN THE OPERATING ROOM!!! This ASSociate had NO clue as to what I went through in theatre and could answer very few of my questions. Why even bother? I could have gotten a better report from the Swahili!
The operation was a failure and I was left with scar tissue pressing on my nerve.
The janitor could have operated on me too!

That whole situation sucked a big fat egg!!!

Do NOT get operated on in New Jersey!

JL 09-07-2006 05:27 PM

Hi Eddie, I know the weather related pain for 14 years. My attorney friend came over last week to check up on me and get a present I had for him. He described how I would call him before storms and describe the increasing pain. Unfortuantely he knows nothing of WC. Bad news is you can't sue for mental anguish. The worse news is there is sure to be more bad news. I just saw this post after I had emailed you that I believe Liberty Mutual paid for someones prodisc during the trial in 2002. From what you describe of your condition, I think it is great you can still show up to work and no matter what, you are better off working than not. I received an opinion from a WC lawyer today where he equated large WC loss to a building collaspe and loss of life. That is about the only way you get large numbers from WC he went on to say. I always knew I was probably worth more dead, thank you for making it legal.

Eddie_G 09-13-2006 05:42 AM

I heard of two people at work that received large settlements of $$$ from WC injuries. One gentleman got 100,000 for a shoulder. One woman (whom I did not like at all) got about the same for falling on her face.(and she was ugly to begin with!) so I really don't know what to expect as far as a settlement. I would be satisfied with lifetime medical coverage for my spine. That's fair because I will always have this permenant injury, so I'm sure I'll get something for that. But I'll be lucky to even get my Prodisc surgery soon! The adjuster sent his request for more information on the Prodisc from the WRONG DOCTOR! And they wonder why I'm constantly bugging them. I have to keep on them because the adjuster is incompetant. I finally got a company doctor to be my advocate. I have been home for two days this week, so e-mails will be flying out of my computer today.

Eddie_G 09-22-2006 12:05 PM

If it wasn't for my 9/10 pain today & nausea, I would be alot happier, but I finally got approval! I got a call from the nurse at work who said she was sending Liberty Mutual's approval letter to Dr. Goldstein. Dr. Goldstein's coordinator then called me soon after and she sounded more excited than me! (she knows what I've been through the past 3 years) Liberty Mutual wanted more information from Dr. Goldstein why he prefers the Prodisc over the Charite and made him write a second letter about his opinions on it.

So as of this moment, I have approval for Prodisc surgery at NYU. I hope they don't pull the rug out from under me since I will be calling Mr. Mitzner to fly in, scrub up, take notes, & give support. I'll be also be making alot of other arrangements as well so I will remain cautiously optomistic although I feel all the fighting I did was worth it and I can now sit back and take a deep breath.

I go to Florida for vacation in 5 days and then hope to have surgery right after that. I'm taking the train so I can lay down whenever I want. This should be my last vacation in pain. That's a happy thought.


Mars 09-22-2006 07:43 PM

Wow, Eddie, you finally got approval?!?! That is great! I'll keep my fingers crossed that nothing messes this up. After all your fighting, we'll all celebrate when you get your surgery. Enjoy your vacation.

chasswen 09-23-2006 02:23 AM

congrads eddie its been a long haul for ya. and hopefully things will go smoothly for you! enjoy your vacation.

Eddie_G 09-23-2006 07:09 AM

Thank you everyone for your support. I wouldn't have known what was best for me if it wasn't for this website (and a few others).

But the resources here and on the internet will help guide you so you have ammunition to fight back and do what's right for you.

Hopefully I can start posting in the "Surgical Outcome" forum soon!

<span class="ev_code_WHITE">............................ ..</span>

Sandie 09-23-2006 12:21 PM

Wow Eddie

That is really really great news for you!!! I have kept an eye on yr posts since you kindly replied to one of mine, I still remember feeling your pain as the same as mine.

You go n try yr best to make the best out of your holiday, like u said yr very last pain holiday.

Make sure yr vitamins n calcium levels are at a good lvl.

I will be thinking of you, also keeping an eye on yr posts.

Take good care Eddie


ans 09-24-2006 11:24 AM

Congratulations on your David vs. Goliath victory.

I was speaking with someone either at Dr. Regan or Lauryssen's office and when mentioning insurance concerns, the first question is I hope you don't have Liberty Mutual.


Eddie_G 09-25-2006 08:34 PM

Today I got my Prodisc surgery scheduled with Dr. Goldstein for Tuesday October 24. I'll need a "medical clearance" first which should happen in the next few weeks.
I am also happy because when I called Amtrak to ask about ice for my medication, the man told me that since I have handicap status, I am entitled to a LARGER bedroom with a PERSONAL toilet & shower! AND IT'S $3.40 LESS!!! Apparantly the handicap status is better than AAA!!!
It's nice when God intervenes for a few days. It's my only explanation especially since alot of people were/are praying for me.

I hear that prayer adds like 11%.

And plus, I don't believe in coincidence.

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