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Lillyth 01-23-2013 02:45 AM

Gluten Free Barcelona/Flight
Is anyone here besides me gluten free? If so, how did your flight go? How easy was it to navigate Barcelona's food? Getting glutened in Barcelona is NOT an option. It would inhibit bone growth. Not to mention I could tear loose one of the implants with the violence of my reaction to it.

I am worried more about the flight I think, because I will be learning Spanish before I go (enough to get around), and because Europe is WAY better at GF than the US (aren't they better at everything?). Apparently all I need to say is "Yo soy Celiaco" and they will be able to take care of me. But I don't want to trust only that. The flight over, however, I am a captive audience, and if they forget to get my meal ON the plane (it happens frighteningly often) then it will be a very hungry flight.

annapurna 01-23-2013 01:23 PM

I can't answer directly but I've always called Delta a few days ahead to order and the day ahead to confirm any special diet requests. I also always grab a gallon bag and mix up a nut, grain, and dried fruit snack to take with Laura and I on any long flight or set of flights. There's been a few times that the food on the plane was only vaguely edible and I really appreciated having that bag or even a few of the better trail bars along to eat.

Lillyth 01-23-2013 09:53 PM

Thanks Jim!

JEVE19 01-24-2013 11:53 PM

My daughter has celiac disease. I understand your concern.
Honestly, I'd call the airline and ask but as you know, we are always
having to trust when someone tell's us "oh, you can have it" and then find out
they were wrong. Happens to my daughter a lot!
My daughter brings her own bread/bun depending on where we are going.
Maybe try to bring something for the flight/airport because usually we can find a safe meat, it's usually the bread and gravies that are off limits. Airport food is very hard to eat when you have a gluten allergy. We always bring gluten free pretzels and some kind of safe snacks with us for travel. It makes my daughter so frustrated, but what can you do?
Another suggestion, as a mom here who understands what happens when you eat the wrong thing...take some immodium with you in your purse. Just in case. Better to have and not need it ;)

JEVE19 01-25-2013 12:04 AM

Delta airlines:

Special Meals Onboard Delta Flights

It says you have to notify them 24 hours in advance but they do offer a gluten free menu.

Sounds like you need to call your airline and notify them.
I would ask Dr. Clavel to write down how to say what you're allergic to
in Catalan as Spanish can be a bit different. I'd show it to my server before eating food out.

Lillyth 01-25-2013 12:20 AM

Great suggestions! Unfortunately, I want to steer clear of Delta, since those seemed to be all the stories of lost/missing meals.

We also decided to plan for an extra hour at SFO since I found places that can do GF. I also got a list from BCN. Worst case scenario, we stuff our faces on either end and starve during the flight. Hopefully security will let me through with my own stuff, but everyone says to be prepared to throw it away, even if you have a medical note because they sometimes make you. As you know, with a celiac daughter, we must always prepare for the worst case. Sometimes we get pleasantly surprised, but it's better not to plan for that.

annapurna 01-25-2013 12:51 PM

I'll defend Delta to a small extent. We typically don't fly on medical trips in coach but we've never had problems with getting the correct meal up front. I'd make sure to check in a day ahead to make sure the order is there and check with the gate agent again when you arrive. They'll bluster and say there is nothing they can do but when you explain the medical need, they should be willing to make sure that the order is on the flight attendant's paperwork. They may still miss the food but at least you've done all you can do.

We've brought food on every trip and never had security even look twice; except for cheese blocks. For some reason, they look suspicious on x-rays. Other than that, I wouldn't mention your food and be prepared to explain if they ask.

Added thought after the fact: Pastes also gives Security problems. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich probably works; bringing peanut butter and jelly to make one on the flight almost definitely will not work.

JEVE19 01-25-2013 01:30 PM

I've never traveled without food because of my daughter's allergy.
I've never had to throw anything away. No one has ever even mentioned it going through security. I think they have an eye out for liquids more than solid food.
We usually have GF pretzels, GF bread fact when I was in Cleveland, I bought 3lbs of corned beef to bring back home to my hubby. I don't know if any of you have had Slyman's corned beef but it's amazing (the only thing to miss in Cleveland). It's rated some of the best corned beef in the country. Joe told me how to freeze it for the trip home.
Put it in my carry on bag. No one said a thing.
Usually, when I fly to see my dad, I bring him a cheese that he likes that our Florida stores have that he can't find locally. Again, I've always put it in my carry on bag and no one has ever said a word to me.

Lillyth 01-25-2013 10:21 PM

Great news guys! Thanks!

wineaux 03-08-2013 03:07 AM

You shouldn’t have any problems with anything you bring that’s not liquid, but just in case you do.... it looks like these guys are inside the international terminal. You should be able to take anything you get inside of the security checkpoint on the plane. I'm sure they'd be happy to cool/heat whatever you need. (especially if they forget your meal!).

Lillyth 03-08-2013 04:18 AM

You are so sweet to look that up for me!

On the other hand, with limited choices for food, and having come from SF, it's more of a "SF Soup Company? Again?" thing for me. I was at the first Stanford Celiac Conference when they rolled out their GF soups!

I will take it if it is all I can get, but a I am *so* over them right now.

I did talk to TSA and they said I could bring anything that was not liquid with me. They also let all medications through, marked or unmarked, prescription or no.

Again, you are so sweet to look that up for me!

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