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firemedix911 02-28-2013 10:56 AM

Frustrated, in pain, running out of options.
Hello fellas:

I'm a 32 y/o firefighter who's been battling with DDD to my lumbar spine for about 8 years after an on the job injury. As of the last 21/2 -3 years ive develop severe discogenic pain. Thankfully not sciatic pain unless I spend a long time sitting which I can never do bc sitting over 20 mins with the back pain I'm experiencing is a big no no. I have herniations and annular tears on L4 thru S1. Had a discogram to confirm it and it was positive. my L2-L3 is also showing sings of DDD.

With that said I went to a very prestigious Dr in Miami (I'm located there) and he recommended a MI TLIF to L4-S1. I'm telling you right now. Not gonna happen I refuse. This would mean I can't be a firefighter any more besides affecting my activities which I have not performed in over two years anyways but had the hope that some day thru the advances of medicine(joke right) I'd be able to do. ( as far as I know there's no issues with my facet joints and my bone density should be fine)
Enter ADR. I found out about this great option(granted not always successful but then I could live with the fusion knowing I tried everything and gave mysef a chance) Since Live in Miami I read around here and did some more research online and discovered I have a very good ADR surgeon in my backyard. Dr Rolando Garcia. Well as my luck has it I requested a Dr change to my WC manager and requested Rolando Garcia. All great but there's an issue. Garcia only takes WC that do pre-payments. Well my WC doesn't do pre -payments. So I just received the news from the case manager and I'm so depressed after hearing this. I really had my hopes on Dr Garcia. So now I ask the more experience people in here. Do you recommend or know any other Dr's the do ADR in South Florida? I went to my own Dr as well and he also said "after exploring all other non-invasive options I may have to consider surgery although he doesn't usually recommend it".

I've had therapy, cortisone shots, rest, pain meds don't help anymore other than make me sleepy. I was a very active person. Water Polo player at a very high level, use to mountain bike all the time and take my dogs (4) out all the time. This all started to faced out of my life little by little and now I'm just a couch potato. I'm tired of living like this. I want my life back so any help you guys can provide I'll listen to.

I've also looked at the M6 overseas but this is not a feasible option right now due to my financial situation.
Sorry about the long post.

jss 02-28-2013 12:05 PM


Welcome and condolences.

There is an ADR recipient on this site, which I believe from his description of his job, is also a fireman. He had ADR a year ago and is now back on the job, including lifting and carrying people (with no issues). And like you he is also very active when off the job. He had lumbar M6 with Dr Boree, which you said it not an option for you. He goes by the handle, zoticos. He doesn't post here very often anymore, but if you PM him I'm certain he'd respond to you.

As your surgery will be in the US, you will very probably get a ProDisc-L. I don't know your surgeon, but would strongly encourage you to check his history of successful.vs.unsuccessful outcomes with ADR before you allow him to operate. As you've observed there are no mulligans with lumbar spine ADR, and an unsuccessful surgery can leave you much worse off than before. I don't know if this will be an option for you, but Dr Zigler at TBI in Plano, TX reliably turns out a steady stream of excellent outcomes with the ProDisc-L. I would encourage you to look into that possibility.

Good luck, Jeff

firemedix911 02-28-2013 12:19 PM

Thank you so much. For the reply. I have research Dr Rolando Garcia and he has some nice credentials plus I've seen posts by a couple of patients on other sites who have had gr8 results. He was also the first Dr in FL to implant a Pro disc back when the trials first started and is also one of the developers or the Activ-L from what I read and hear.

As far as Dr Ziegler goes I've heard gr8 things as well but the issue is I doubt he will take an out of state Worker's Comp case. Even if that was the case I also doubt my WC would actually pay for the out of sate Dr. But I'll definitely look into it.

I've been in touch with Zoticos thru PMs. He's been gr8 help. If only I could afford the surgery I'd be in Barcelona already. (Dr Boree sadly passed away las year) I just keep playing the lotto in the mean time in the hope I get lucky. :sulkoff:

Thanks for your reply.

Originally Posted by jss (Post 97965)

Welcome and condolences.

There is an ADR recipient on this site, which I believe from his description of his job, is also a fireman. He had ADR a year ago and is now back on the job, including lifting and carrying people (with no issues). And like you he is also very active when off the job. He had lumbar M6 with Dr Boree, which you said it not an option for you. He goes by the handle, zoticos. He doesn't post here very often anymore, but if you PM him I'm certain he'd respond to you.

As your surgery will be in the US, you will very probably get a ProDisc-L. I don't know your surgeon, but would strongly encourage you to check his history of successful.vs.unsuccessful outcomes with ADR before you allow him to operate. As you've observed there are no mulligans with lumbar spine ADR, and an unsuccessful surgery can leave you much worse off than before. I don't know if this will be an option for you, but Dr Zigler at TBI in Plano, TX reliably turns out a steady stream of excellent outcomes with the ProDisc-L. I would encourage you to look into that possibility.

Good luck, Jeff

Lillyth 02-28-2013 07:10 PM

I haven't done this with spine surgery, but I did do it when I needed to see an endometriosis specialist. Call your spinal surgeon and get a list of WC that he takes. Then go back to HR and see if you can switch to one of those. You may have to wait until next year, but at least it can get covered.

Grover771 02-28-2013 09:35 PM

I spoke to a guy on another board who had a successful ADR (WC claim) in Connecticut back in 2009. He actually had a 3 level ADR. His surgeon was the Head of orthopedics at Yale New Haven Hospital. It's out of state, but might be worth the research.

I'm in a suburb of Tampa, and have an appt. with a doc in Lakeland on Mon. He does ADR. I'll let you know how it goes.

Hang in there!

firemedix911 02-28-2013 10:33 PM

Thank you guys for replying and the positive thoughts.
So here is the deal with my WC and why lots of Docs won't take our WC. I work for the biggest fire department in the Southeastern US which is also part of the whole Metropolitan Dade County so we are self insured(boomer) well as luck has it last year around may our WC changed to a different program. Now they are behind in paying their bills bc of the whole conversion. Since they haven't paid basically most of the Docs since May 2012 most of them either ask for pre-payment or simply avoid my department at all costs. Lucky me right? This is the explanation I got from my case manager. I begged her and cried on the phone with her to please do anything within her power to help me reach an agreement with the Dr's office so I can be seen. She has apparently contacted the office manager for Dr Garcia and is trying to get an agreement of some type bc they keep saying they will absolutely not pre-pay(this suck). Truth is I'm not very optimistic at all. Regardless I have to just sit and wait. Again thank you all.

Lillyth 03-01-2013 02:15 AM

What about going to the media? I bet you ANYTHING they will pre-pay if we get you enough coverage.

I used to be in PR, so let me know if you want help with that. The public outcry could be HUGE. Everybody loves firemen.

Media should be a last resort, BTW, so if you have an appeals process or what have you, let that play out first.

firemedix911 03-01-2013 09:12 AM

Lillyth thanks so much for the offer. I will keep it in mind but like you said let me exhaust my other avenues before taking that route. Good luck on your upcoming surgery.

jss 03-01-2013 09:27 AM


Talk about a double whammy! In many companies a "self funded" insurance plan effectively means you don't have coverage; I hope yours is not such. And then to top it off your WC won't pay their bills either.

Short of the media card, I don't know what to suggest. I'll let you know if I have an epiphany.

Good luck, Jeff

firemedix911 03-01-2013 09:40 AM

thanks Jeff.

Lillyth 03-01-2013 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by firemedix911 (Post 98016)
Lillyth thanks so much for the offer. I will keep it in mind but like you said let me exhaust my other avenues before taking that route. Good luck on your upcoming surgery.

Thank you. I will still be here if you need me. I hope for your sake you don't, but if you do, I'm here.

newleaseonlife 03-10-2013 05:45 PM


I am truly sorry that you have to be here. I had my ADR surgery done with AIMIS in Cyprus. I know of two other people who have had their WC ADRs covered over there too. One was in WA state last year and the other was in Virginia and I think it was just last month.

That being said, I also have a friend who had a TLIF done. She is 8 months out and is doing really well. She couldn't sit for more than a few minutes without being in excruciating pain.

Drop me a PM if you want to know more. I wish you all the best!!

KanRunMo 03-10-2013 07:19 PM

6 ADR wow!

Originally Posted by Lillyth (Post 98001)
What about going to the media? I bet you ANYTHING they will pre-pay if we get you enough coverage.

I used to be in PR, so let me know if you want help with that. The public outcry could be HUGE. Everybody loves firemen.

Media should be a last resort, BTW, so if you have an appeals process or what have you, let that play out first.

It is wonderful that Dr. Clavel will do 6 ADRs. I hope it goes very well.
I've had back problems off and on for years. It has been "quiet" for several years but is beginning to "speak up" recently. I'm scheduled to see an orthopedic that a friend has recommended. However, he will most likely suggest a fusion since I think he is educated in the U.S. I've had several lumbar discs which are shown to be degenerated and a cervical fracture. My choice would also be Dr. Clavel if I had the money.

There shouldn't be a question that highly physical jobs, such as firemen should be allowed the medical care they need including ADRs.

Lillyth 03-10-2013 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by KanRunMo (Post 98363)
It is wonderful that Dr. Clavel will do 6 ADRs. I hope it goes very well.
I've had back problems off and on for years. It has been "quiet" for several years but is beginning to "speak up" recently. I'm scheduled to see an orthopedic that a friend has recommended. However, he will most likely suggest a fusion since I think he is educated in the U.S. I've had several lumbar discs which are shown to be degenerated and a cervical fracture. My choice would also be Dr. Clavel if I had the money.

There shouldn't be a question that highly physical jobs, such as firemen should be allowed the medical care they need including ADRs.

Thank you so much.

And you are right. It KILLS me to think that our service professionals end up having to be medically retired due to fusions and not being given ADR automatically. Especially as a tax payer. Don't I get a vote? I vote to FIX them and give then their lives back! Especially after all they have given for us.

Do keep us updated on your progress and your prognosis!

firemedix911 03-11-2013 08:07 AM

Hello guys. Thanks for the words of encouragement. I had a pretty rough week and weekend. Frustrated from the pain an the freedom you loose with this condition. I've always been very independent and I hate to badder anyone for anything. But it is what it is. Anyways it's looking like I may be able to see Dr Rolando Garcia after all. Fingers crossed!! I'll know on the 15th officially. I will update you guys then. Lilliyth best of luck in Barcelona. I see the date is getting closer. Praying for you.

Lillyth 03-11-2013 05:17 PM

Thank you firemedix! You know, it's funny, I am not a religious person, but it kinds feels like with all the people who say they are praying for me that it's all going to work out just fine based solely on all the wonderful folks out there who are sending out prayers.

You know, it has been scientifically proven in a double blind study that prayer works for health problems.

Do keep us updated your progress! I hope to be hearing about your upcoming appointment with Dr. Garcia very shortly!

firemedix911 03-11-2013 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Lillyth (Post 98416)
Thank you firemedix! You know, it's funny, I am not a religious person, but it kinds feels like with all the people who say they are praying for me that it's all going to work out just fine based solely on all the wonderful folks out there who are sending out prayers.

You know, it has been scientifically proven in a double blind study that prayer works for health problems.

Do keep us updated your progress! I hope to be hearing about your upcoming appointment with Dr. Garcia very shortly!

I'm sure it's all gonna work out. It's all about the attitude and the approach. Being positive, knowing that you are making the right decision and that it is what's best for you. If I had the means Clavel would be my first choice from what I've researched and seen. Actually today I saw a YouTube vid of him doing a lumbar ADR and he seems passionate about what he does. Everything will be just fine. Enjoy Barcelone. It's beautiful. Just don't become a Barcelona FC fan. Lol.

Lillyth 03-11-2013 09:19 PM


Originally Posted by firemedix911 (Post 98422)
Just don't become a Barcelona FC fan. Lol.

I have no idea what that even is, so my guess is we can safely assume that won't happen.

And thank you again for all the well wishes!

newleaseonlife 03-11-2013 11:13 PM

I think it's a soccer team.

Lillyth 03-12-2013 12:59 AM

Ah. No chance of that then.

firemedix911 03-12-2013 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Lillyth (Post 98428)
Ah. No chance of that then.

Lol yes it is a soccer team. I hate them. Lol. Outside of that Barcelona is awesome.

Lillyth 03-12-2013 11:23 PM

Like I said, no chance of that.

firemedix911 03-13-2013 10:42 PM

Ok so I was supposed to see Dr Garcia on Friday. I received a call from my agent that told that's not gonna happen. My worker's comp refused to pre-pay so I can't see him. Awesome. It is time I start looking into Lawyers etc. I'm starting my research right now. In the mean time I'm in touch with AIMIS. Sent them my info and the MRI. It's proven, trying to appeal to people's humanity and trying to be nice doesn't work as we all hope it would. It's sad what's becoming of this world where money and personal interests are more important than anyone's well being. Sad but truth. At least there's very nice people on this board still.

Boxer78 03-13-2013 11:13 PM

I hear you man this comp crap is killing us. We have no freedom. I can't even spend my own Monday to fix myself. Sickening

Lillyth 03-13-2013 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by firemedix911 (Post 98521)
Ok so I was supposed to see Dr Garcia on Friday. I received a call from my agent that told that's not gonna happen. My worker's comp refused to pre-pay so I can't see him. Awesome. It is time I start looking into Lawyers etc. I'm starting my research right now. In the mean time I'm in touch with AIMIS. Sent them my info and the MRI. It's proven, trying to appeal to people's humanity and trying to be nice doesn't work as we all hope it would. It's sad what's becoming of this world where money and personal interests are more important than anyone's well being. Sad but truth. At least there's very nice people on this board still.

I am so sorry to hear that! I hear ya man. It's all about the almighty dollar, which is silly since overseas is by FAR cheaper!

Hey! Maybe one of us should go work for the insurance companies! LOL!

BTW, have you created a spinal signature? It will help us get a better picture of your spinal history in a glance and help us help you.

firemedix911 03-13-2013 11:57 PM

Yeah I have to get on the spinal signature. It is just that I've been so down so much going wrong plus the pain plus all the disappointments that I find it hard to get around to do it. I will give it a try tomorrow.

Lillyth 03-14-2013 12:29 AM

I know the feeling brother!

Get some rest, and remember you are not alone in this. You have a whole community of people out there rooting for you!

firemedix911 03-14-2013 09:40 AM

IS it working? I just did it. why can't i see my signature?

Lillyth 03-14-2013 08:47 PM

I dunno, did you hit save? I don't see it either. Try typing it out in a word file and saving it, that way you don't have to retype it. A bit less frustrating that way. Try these instructions:

firemedix911 03-14-2013 09:11 PM

I can see it on my user CP but it doesn't show on here. Weird.

Lillyth 03-14-2013 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by firemedix911 (Post 98555)
I can see it on my user CP but it doesn't show on here. Weird.

I see it now!

firemedix911 03-14-2013 09:14 PM

Wow just like that. LOL. I didn't do anything.

Lillyth 03-14-2013 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by firemedix911 (Post 98558)
Wow just like that. LOL. I didn't do anything.

Ah, the mysterious lag that can sometimes be cyberspace! :laugh:

firemedix911 03-14-2013 09:19 PM

So how does it feel? I'm so exited for you and it's not even my surgery. It has to be a strange feeling.

Lillyth 03-15-2013 05:01 AM


Mostly it feels like it can't come fast enough. I was going to cram Spanish all week while I wasn't sleeping (no pain management until surgery), but my lumbar took a turn for the worse. The only way I can stand is if I tighten every stomach muscle I have and hold my breath. This would have been one of those weeks that, but for a significant other, I would likely not have eaten.

I haven't even been able to lay down on my own bed. The only comfortable position is on the sofa, with my neck against the arm, and my tailbone tucked in between the cushions with my body across the couch.

At this point, just being under anesthesia and unconscious of the pain looks attractive!

I can totally see me on Monday "Do I HAVE to wait until 3:30? Can't we do it NOW?!?!" LOL!

firemedix911 03-15-2013 08:24 AM

I hear you. Well hang in there for 3 more days. You are almost there and I'm sure you are gonna be all right. Best of luck friend.

Lillyth 03-15-2013 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by firemedix911 (Post 98573)
I hear you. Well hang in there for 3 more days. You are almost there and I'm sure you are gonna be all right. Best of luck friend.

Thank you! As I said to my husband, only one more night of this hell. When he pointed out that the surgery wasn't for three more days I told him, "Yes, but that is a different hell. At least I will be distracted by airports, airplanes, and a brand new city to explore!"

It really is amazing how close we can all feel to one another even though we have never met, isn't it?

Claudia K. 03-15-2013 09:43 PM


Originally Posted by Lillyth (Post 98592)
Thank you! As I said to my husband, only one more night of this hell. When he pointed out that the surgery wasn't for three more days I told him, "Yes, but that is a different hell. At least I will be distracted by airports, airplanes, and a brand new city to explore!"

It really is amazing how close we can all feel to one another even though we have never met, isn't it?

Lillyth, we all can imagine the chronic pain, the sturggles to find treatment and the whole decision making process. I can imagine how you must feel right now,finally the time arrived where you can see yourself without major pain and healing from the psychological and physiological stress.
When I woke up from anesthesia, the doc told me that I was smiling!!!

firemedix911 03-15-2013 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Lillyth (Post 98592)
Thank you! As I said to my husband, only one more night of this hell. When he pointed out that the surgery wasn't for three more days I told him, "Yes, but that is a different hell. At least I will be distracted by airports, airplanes, and a brand new city to explore!"

It really is amazing how close we can all feel to one another even though we have never met, isn't it?

Now that you mention I was just thinking the same thing all week. My best guess is that until you have experience the hell that is Spine problems you have no clue how bad it is no matter how many times you explain it a healthy individual will never get it. This is the only place where I feel like people actually gets me and understand how frustrating besides painfull and everything else this terrible disease can be. Good luck have a safe flight.

Lillyth 03-16-2013 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by Claudia K. (Post 98599)
Lillyth, we all can imagine the chronic pain, the sturggles to find treatment and the whole decision making process. I can imagine how you must feel right now,finally the time arrived where you can see yourself without major pain and healing from the psychological and physiological stress.
When I woke up from anesthesia, the doc told me that I was smiling!!!

I hope to wake up laughing!

And yeah, I feel very much at peace.

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