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nasakido 04-24-2017 06:31 PM

Natural Pain Remedies & Supplements

My thoughts for this thread are to post different concoctions I have come up with for tea, as well as different herbs and supplements I take that help with pain and/or swelling. Please feel free to share what you are doing...

First up... Homemade Tea

1 Teaspoon Organic White Willow bark for every 8 ounces of water
1 Teaspoon Organic Chamomile for every 8 ounces of water
1/2 Teaspoon Organic Lemon Balm for every 8 ounces of water
1/16 Teaspoon 90k Organic Cayenne powder for every 32 ounces of water
1/16 Teaspoon Organic Ginger powder for every 32 ounces of water
1/32 Teaspoon Organic Cinnamon powder for every 32 ounces of water
2-3 Black Peppercorn for every 32 ounces of water

Smidgen = 1/32
Pinch = 1/16
Dash = 1/12 (mine is 1/12, others may be closer to 1/8)

Enjoy 3-4 8 oz. cup of tea per day! This tea tastes kind of similar to "Tazo Chai Spice Tea." If you want it stronger, I would change the Cayenne, and Ginger powder to a DASH, and Cinnamon powder to a PINCH per every 32 ounces of water... as well as increase the Black Peppercorn to 2-3 peppercorns per every 32 ounces of water. You can add raw honey to taste or drink plain.

nasakido 04-24-2017 06:39 PM

Next up... Supplements
Currently I take the following Supplements to help with pain:
  1. Magnesium Glycinate from Pure Encapsulations (I take two capsules in the morning at the moment, but may increase it... I just do not like the cost. But, you can't beat the quality).
  2. Curcumin Complex w/ 95% Standardized Curcumminoids from Naturewise (I take as directed on the bottle)
  3. Triple Strength Fish Oil Omega 3 Gold from Nutrigold (I take as directed on the bottle)

nasakido 04-24-2017 06:42 PM

Next up... foods to help with electrolytes
The most replenishing balance of electrolytes include:
  • tomatoes
  • bananas.
Fruit, such as watermelons, apples and pineapples, are also beneficial in maintaining electrolytes.

Adequate potassium level maintenance can be achieved by eating:
  • sweet potatoes
  • avocados
  • spinach
  • oranges
I am leaving out kelp (seaweed) because it is so expensive I do not believe I will every be buying it. However, seaweed is a very good source of a spectrum of minerals.

nasakido 04-24-2017 06:46 PM

Next up... herbs to help with pain
Here is a list of herbs that can help manage pain from a few on-line sources. The ones starred I currently use. I might add some more to my diet, but it is hard enough to get me to eat, so for the moment it stays as is.
  • Basil
  • Cardamom
  • Chamomile *
  • Cilantro
  • Cinnamon *
  • Cloves
  • Fennel Seeds
  • Garlic *
  • Ginger *
  • Nutmeg
  • Parsley
  • Turmeric *
  • Rosemary

nasakido 04-24-2017 07:25 PM

Next up... Protein Shake
There are so many ways to make protein shakes, but here is one that my whole family loves. It is simple without too many ingredients. I take extra protein right now to help with my atrophy in rebuilding my muscles:
  • 14 Tablespoons of Natural Goat Whey Concentrate from ZNaturalFoods
  • 4 Tablespoons Organic Raw Sugar
  • 2 Tablespoons Organic Raw Cocoa Powder
  • 8 ounces Organic Rice Milk
  • Appox. 28-30 ounces of fresh water
  • Two handfuls of ice
I blend this in our Vitamix. All the ingredients come to just above the 40 ounce mark. I keep it on variable, turn it on half way for about 30 seconds, and then turn it up all the way for 10 seconds, then slowly bring the speed back down to off. This blends everything really well, and also fluffs it up to above the 8 cup mark all the way to the rim (without going over once the lid is removed). The texture is similar to a real milk shake.

donmas2000 04-24-2017 09:24 PM

Hi nasakido,

I thought you have no much pain after the ADR, so is that your new pain? I am going to do a single level LP-ESP ADR at my L5S1. Really worry about the disc span life time and thinking about fusing it now. What do you think and how you feel now? Any thing that you can do or you cannot do? Please share, as i love you hear from you. As you sound like taking good care of your body now by getting more healthy stuff to speed up the recovery process. Cheers Good job !!!

nasakido 04-25-2017 01:59 AM

Yes this is new pain, not my pre-surgery pain. I do not have any pain in my back per se, it is a combination of things for me. For one I was down in bed for over 2 years... the last year of that time I was only up for maybe two hours max per day. This led to my downfall, and I ended up with severe muscle atrophy.

I say a combination of things because it is not just atrophy. Part of it is ghost pain that I can actually fight against in my mind and it goes away. It is just my body remembering the former pain because of how severe it was before surgery, and how long it lasted.

Second to this, having bad atrophy can cause all sorts of imbalance in the body, and I am slowly learning this one, hence me trying to change my eating habits. However, some habits die hard, and I struggle in this area. I do not eat much in a day, actually very little to what I should be eating, but at least I do not eat unhealthy foods. The worst right now is I like tortillas. I would just grab them out of a bag and eat them. Do you know what is actually in that stuff? Yuck. Well, my daughter has been a blessing, and she is making homemade tortillas now so at least I know that it is all organic now with no preservatives, and the flour does not come from a field where round-up was used at any time before, during, or after harvest.

My leg muscles hurt from about my upper thigh in the front down to my toes. Not all the time, but enough to where I definitely notice it and it takes a lot of energy to remain focused. That is why I am going through so much effort to try different foods, herbs, and supplements.

One of my fears is that my Metal-LTT test pre-surgery showed I was highly allergic to Nickel. I pretty much already knew this in part because I cannot wear anything or have anything against my skin that is nickel. I immediately break out in a red ringed rash that burns. This left me with implants that were titanium based.

Here is the kicker. You cannot really test titanium properly with a Metal-LTT test because they are only testing shavings. This is not a sufficient test. It helps, but it only tells you so much. I state this because my Metal-LTT test showed I was allergic to Titanium too, but only barely. It was not even that significant. Nickel was off the charts for me. So, there is a small probability I am slightly allergic, and that could also be part of this pain.

This is where I stop. I do not want to dwell too much on the what if(s). There is always an unknown variable. People and testing are not perfect. With that being said, the drawbacks that could occur from ADR are far less than the drawbacks of fusion. Every one of my family members that have gotten fusion, and others I have talked with all regret getting their discs fused. But, they did not have a choice in some cases either. Insurance is only as good as what they will in the end cover. And for most that is what they go with so they do not have to pay much out of pocket.

I hope this answers your question. I am much, much better in terms of my back, probably 95% or better from where I was at. I still have some swelling, but this is in part due to atrophy. The other part I am unsure as of yet. I am stuck with Medi-Cal now, since my Settlement went towards my surgery, so I do not get to pick from a very good doctor pool. And my local doctor's office is really bad. I am calling Partnership Health Plan tomorrow to get that changed. I will have to drive an hour now to see a doctor. I just want someone to coach me a little or give me some advice other than the vast information I already know. When my doctor sits with his elbow on the counter, and hand on his chin leaning to the side, starts using profanity and says "What are you here for" I want to kick the chair out from under him. But, that is not very Christian like so I will just leave and find a new doctor. I do not expect much from this liberal state of California though. My family is trying to move, and if I get a job soon (have been applying back with the phone company) I will just bite my tongue, deal with the pain, and move on.

Can I do it? Yes.

Will it be hard? Yes, for now at least or until I can get through this next hurdle.

I just do not know what else I can try. I quit my Gabapentin months ago, and do not take Ibuprofen since I bleed real bad when taking it; and recently had to stop taking Aleve because I am bleeding again. So, medication is pretty much out for me. I am now down to only 50mg of Tramadol per day, and will have to stop that too because of bleeding. I tried last week to stop for one night, and I did not sleep at all the burning was so bad. But, now Tramadol is considered a narcotic so Medi-Cal will only approve 60 days worth and no more. Oh well, I am going to consider this a blessing since I want to stop taking it anyway. Again, this is why I am trying so many different things to help with the new pain.

My next step, I think, is to see a Medical Examiner and see where I can go from here. Maybe I might get approved for more aqua-therapy. That really helped for the 3 months I was doing it. The CoreStix I use now, and walking are strengthening me, but the pain is increasing with it, especially in my stomach. Now this I understand because my muscles tore a little more than usual during my recovery, and I am still bruised in some places.

Please do not let all this scare you though. I would not change a thing if I had to do it all over again. I know ADR has helped tremendously. I just need to figure out how I can push through this new pain since I was so overjoyed that I felt so good for 4 1/2 months, and then wham!


Healthy Diet.


Exercise the body

Exercise the mind (prayer)

I am not sure if a doctor is going to be able to tell me much more than this. If you remember these things at least three times a day, you know you are doing just fine. J.K. I just had to find a way to make sense of the Acrostic above, and it looks like I failed miserably.

Don't worry so much about the time span. In the time the LP-ESP would wear down (40+ years) you would have more problems with a fusion especially at that level... most likely compounding further disc issues above the L5/S1 level and/or facet joint syndrome. It is possible for none of those things to occur, but not likely. At least this is the case with everyone I know. The Charite disc only lasted around 12-15 years, and that was a common disc people had put in them. My sister had this done as well as her fusions, and she has to get the Charite disc replaced already, and it has only been 12 years. Just look at how far we are now, 40+. I will be over 80 by the time the LP-ESP even gets close to its EOL. I do not think I will be worrying about that being an issue at that age.

As far as my mobility? I can walk, jog around a little, get on the floor and play with my kids, hold my youngest son, put on my own socks and shoes once again, and I can drive...some. Driving is more difficult because of the concentration it takes, and my new pain is really distracting. I drove an hour the other day down to get some building supplies for our kitchen, and I almost could not make it back. Mentally it was really straining. Thank goodness we live in a rural area, just over 3,000 people. I can only imagine what I may have caused had it been the city.

I walk every day or go on mini hikes with my family. I can sit, and stand with no change in my condition. I can sleep on my sides, yeah!

So, I am doing everything I was before I got injured, and actually more so because I was so busy with work that I did not get to see my family very much.

What can I not do?

Like I said, driving is still pretty difficult. But, that is about it.

I have new pain, and it may keep me lacking in being able to be fully aware mentally in some situations. But, my overall health has improved, and that is really important to me.

It is not the quantity or amount of pain that matters with new pain that may come and go at whim. It is the quality of life that improves once you take that next step to your road to recovery. My road went to the right, and now I am heading towards a known unknown, yet not unknown at the same time; and my family is right there beside me. I would not trade this moment for anything.

Keep the faith.

"Coram Deo"

Gorrito 04-25-2017 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by nasakido (Post 115996)
The most replenishing balance of electrolytes include:
  • tomatoes
  • bananas.
Fruit, such as watermelons, apples and pineapples, are also beneficial in maintaining electrolytes.

Adequate potassium level maintenance can be achieved by eating:
  • sweet potatoes
  • avocados
  • spinach
  • oranges
I am leaving out kelp (seaweed) because it is so expensive I do not believe I will every be buying it. However, seaweed is a very good source of a spectrum of minerals.

FYI. High levels of potassium can be cardiac toxic and fatal.

Harrison 04-29-2017 09:05 PM

Excellent and eloquent post, Nasakido. Thanks for sharing this information as it will help others.

With the focus and discipline you are now performing daily, and the right regime, I am sure you will get better.

Keep up the good work, you will get there.

BTW, how much of your produce is organic? That's a biggie.

nasakido 04-30-2017 02:43 AM


Originally Posted by Harrison (Post 116044)
Excellent and eloquent post, Nasakido. Thanks for sharing this information as it will help others.

With the focus and discipline you are now performing daily, and the right regime, I am sure you will get better.

Keep up the good work, you will get there.

BTW, how much of your produce is organic? That's a biggie.

We are trying to change everything we can to organic. However, our local produce is lacking. So far we order the following that is organic:

These are just a few of the items we get on a regular basis. The coconut oil replaces all dairy butter for all of our cooking. We do not eat dairy any longer unless it is raw, and preferably goats milk. However, we still do buy eggs. We use the above mentioned raw sugar in all of our cooking that requires sugar irregardless of whether it calls for fine powder or not. We bake our own bread from all organic ingredients, i.e. flour, sugar, sunflower oil, salt and of course bread yeast. I make tea every day for me and my family. My wife and two out of three kids drink approx. 12 ounces of all organic herb and spice tea I brew, i.e. chamomile flowers, lemon balm, cayenne powder, ginger powder, cinnamon powder, and raw organic honey. I brew the same tea for me but add white willow bark, and I drink approx. 32+ ounces per day. I make the special shake I referenced for my whole family out of all organic ingredients, including the goat whey powder, and we drink this every day... approx. 16 ounces per person. There is a ton of other foods that we make that are all organic including all of our treats, i.e. organic brownies, lemon bars, pies, etc. We have to substitute ingredients at times to keep things organic, and away from dairy, but my daughter does an excellent job at cooking so we are eating very healthy now. Most of our herbs come from And all of our essential oils come from Eden Botanicles.

There are some foods we struggle with such as the ham for the pork fried rice. It is natural but not organic, and I really want to find a better source because I hate preservatives and/or nitrates in any food. And the eggs, yuck. But, we have no other choice at the moment.

I have been off of work for almost three years now, and we are in the process of trying to sell our home next month to get ready to move. I want to go back to work, have applied to 6-7 telecom jobs again, but nothing yet. Once we get into a better situation, and we pray out of California, we want to raise our own chickens and goats. We are simply at a place in our lives where we do not know what is next for us. Silence...

I can state that I feel a big difference eating organic. I do not feel as sluggish. I feel more mentally aware. We rarely get sick as a family, maybe a light cold with fever every year but that is it. And we stay far away from any type of vacs. I do not want any of that stuff in my kids.

And lastly, I finally figured out a little of why my pain has been so bad... I have been losing more weight. So, I eat more, and the pain is subsiding. Go figure. It makes sense though. I did drop from 186 to 157. And since I have gone through two back surgeries and had severe muscle atrophy my body needs more calories than say the average person because I am trying to recover, overcome atrophy and still eat what I should to keep me healthy. So, even with me feeling nauseated from the pain... I eat more anyway. It is slowly working.

I also stopped all medications except Tramadol. I tried to stop completely two weeks ago and the pain was too severe. I know it is part mental so I decided to cut the dose in half down to 25mg per night, and next week will cut it in half again. This way my brain can slowly adapt to the change rather than be shocked all at once.

Second to this I stopped using Penetrex and Arnica gel rub. Something tells me I was poisoning my body. Okay, it wasn't something. It is just the known fact that too much arnica for too long is not good for the body. Now I use emu oil as a substitute and my own concoction of essential oils, herbs, and almond oil for a rub and/or beeswax for a balm, i.e. infused chamomile, st. john's wort, and calendula and 3% total essential oil dilution of Myrrh, geranium, helichrysum, clary sage, cypress leaf, peppermint, yarrow, and ylang-ylang.

Anyway, I know I answered more than what you asked, but I thought some of this information might be helpful to others.

"Coram Deo"

nasakido 05-09-2017 12:09 AM

Update on Tea...

I have been trying different amounts with the tea I brew, and I think I got it near perfect... at least for me. I can actually feel it working as I am drinking it about 10 minutes in. Here is how I brew my tea now:

2-3 Teaspoon Organic White Willow bark for every 32 ounces of water
4 Teaspoon Organic Chamomile for every 32 ounces of water
2 Teaspoon Organic Lemon Balm for every 32 ounces of water
1x Dash Teaspoon 90k Organic Cayenne powder for every 32 ounces of water
1x Tad Teaspoon Organic Ginger powder for every 32 ounces of water
1x Pinch Teaspoon Organic Cinnamon powder for every 32 ounces of water
4-6 Black Peppercorn for every 32 ounces of water

Pinch = 1/16
Dash = 1/12 (mine is 1/12, others may be closer to 1/8)
Tad = 1/4

nasakido 05-09-2017 12:21 AM

Epsom Salt
Two days ago was the first day I had no ghost pain. My whole body felt relaxed for the 20 minutes I had of soaking. Sad to say as soon as I came out I did not feel so relaxed anymore.

Anyway, I have been trying different Epsom salts, and the one that works for me is from San Francisco Salt Co., i.e. I buy the big 19.75 lb. bag and add 2 cups to warm bath water, then soak for 20 minutes or so before returning to reality.

nasakido 05-14-2017 02:13 AM

2nd update on Tea
I have also been adding approx. 1 Teaspoon of Calendula Flowers to every 32 ounces of water as well. I do this as a replacement for the Arnica Flowers I bought and was going to use before realizing that too much Arnica is not such a good idea.

I try not to put too much more than 1 Teaspoon because the taste can be overbearing if you put too much more than that. Anyway, it is a great tasting tea. Like I mentioned before, it kind of has a Tazo Chai Spice taste to it, almost exactly to me... but mine is all organic. I know they label theirs as organic but I do not always trust labels. My family likes to be in control of what we put in to our stomachs.

Besides, if you study seasonal spraying, organic crops can still use round-up in-between yields and off season. I have confirmed this from multiple sources when I called different companies that work with wheat and grains. They just cannot spray during growing season. Some avoided the question altogether and gave a round-a-bout response to where in the end they simply did not know for positive. If i ever find out that Mountain Rose Herbs falls into this category I am off to find another company. But, for now they are safe so far as I know.

nasakido 05-22-2017 12:28 AM

My Essential Oil Blend
First, I was hesitant to post anything about this because I was at one point wanting to try and sell the blend... since I have been out of work now for almost three years. I am trying to get back to work, and this was something I was looking into selling since it works so well. This will be the first time mentioning it to anyone other than my immediate family. However, I am going to hold off for now on mentioning the exact dilution ratio overall, and how much of each essential oil was added to make the overall dulution ratio.

Basically, this is not a blend that you want to use everyday. It is a blend that helps with deep muscular pain, nerve pain, and bruising. I only use it as needed when I really hurt, or for bruising (such as my gardening yesterday). I am sure you can use it more often if the dilution ratio is only 2-3% Essential Oils, but I do not find blends that effective until you get to a certain ratio, depending on what essential oils you are working with.

This blend works, as partly mentioned, for muscular pain, bruising, neuralgia, neuropathy; and is classified as an anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, anti-spasmodic, analgesic, adaptogenic, stimulating, astringent, sedative, nervine, vasoconstrictor, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal.

Also, there are varying degrees of essential oils of the same oil depending on the region of which it is harvested. Not all regions are equal in effectiveness. One last thing I look for in a top essential oil (Have researched over 20 vendors by emailing, calling, etc.) is making sure they have each organic essential oil certified from an independent third party testing facility, After what I found, I will not trust internal testing results from companies claims that no one else can test like they can, etc. Two companies I do not like are doTERRA and Young Living. I will let what I found through my research lay as it is, but one thing to note is the quality in which they claim is not any better, and even less in some cases, than where I purchase mine from Eden Botanicles. This makes them over hyped and over priced for what you are getting.

I called companies from the U.S. and Canada mainly, and in the end Eden Botanicles gives you more options ranging from Non-organic, organic, to wild crafted; is tested thoroughly by an independent entity and certified with a Certificate of Analysis or COA, provides a safety data sheet, and all at a good price point.

So, without further ado, here is my blend (with limited information, i.e. dilution of each essential oil is not listed... only what essential oil is used).

Bottle: 100ml Violet Color w/ 2.0mm Orifice Cap

Blend Size: 3.25 oz.

Base Ingredients (Infused): Organic Almond Sweet Oil, Organic Chamomile Flowers, Organic Arnica Flowers, Organic St. John's Wort

Essential Oil Blend
: Myrrh, Somalia - Wild; Geranium, Egypt - Organic; Helichrysum, Croatia - Organic; Juniper Berry, Bulgaria - Organic; Clary Sage, Bulgaria - Organic; Cypress Leaf, France - Organic; Peppermint, India - Organic; Yarrow (Blue), Bulgaria - Organic; Ylang Ylang Complete, Comoros

nasakido 05-24-2017 01:53 AM

Tea for colds / flu
Well, my son decided it was a good idea after service, Sunday the 14th, to put a little babies hand in his mouth. Ergh. My wife and I knew what was coming next because that child was sick with a cold.

And then Tuesday the 16th came, and my son ends up with a fever, gunk, a lot of snot, and it hung on for a good 4 days or so. But, not before it went to my youngest son, then my wife, then my daughter, and now me. Like I told my wife, "I just can't catch a break can I"? Oh well.

I brew a tea for our colds, etc. and it changes depending on the degree of how sick we are. Right now I have a lot of drainage, sinus headache, gunk, it is hard to breathe at times, sore throat, and I have a low grade fever. Nothing too serious, just annoying.

Here is what I just brewed. It helped the rapid drainage, and my sore throat is not hurting at the moment. The big bonus... I do not have to blow my nose every 30 seconds. I would say it is a win. However, I will experiment more with other herbs I have. I do have echinacea and thyme, so I will add that tomorrow; and I will add the white willow bark if I still have a sinus headache to help with the pain. I just did not have time (thyme) tonight to get everything out, I need to get extra sleep.

4 Teaspoon Organic Chamomile for every 32 ounces of water
2 Teaspoon Organic Lemon Balm for every 32 ounces of water
1 Teaspoon Organic Raspberry Leaf for every 32 ounces of water
1 Teaspoon Organic Peppermint Leaf for every 32 ounces of water
1/2 Teaspoon Organic Nettle Leaf for every 32 ounces of water
1x Dash Teaspoon 90k Organic Cayenne powder for every 32 ounces of water
2x Tad Teaspoon Organic Ginger powder for every 32 ounces of water
1x Dash Teaspoon Organic Cinnamon powder for every 32 ounces of water
6-8 Black Peppercorn for every 32 ounces of water

Adding Tomorrow maybe (depends on if I am still this bad or not):

2-3 Teaspoon Organic White Willow bark for every 32 ounces of water
1/2 Teaspoon Organic Echinacea for every 32 ounces of water
1/4 Teaspoon Organic Thyme for every 32 ounces of water

Pinch = 1/16
Dash = 1/12 (mine is 1/12, others may be closer to 1/8)
Tad = 1/4


I COULD NOT WAIT. I WANT SLEEP TONIGHT. So right after I posted this, I shut down the laptop, walked past our pantry, and then turned around and pulled out some more herbs to brew. I do not think I can sleep with this sinus headache. So, I added 8 ounces back into my tea pot, since I drank 8 out of the 32 ounces just moments ago. I was going to refrigerate the leftover for tomorrow, but I am going to have more tonight. Then I added White Willow Bark, Echinacea, Thyme, and Elder Flowers to my previous brew. So, here is my final brew (this was the only tea I made today):

4 Teaspoon Organic Chamomile for every 32 ounces of water
2 Teaspoon Organic Lemon Balm for every 32 ounces of water
1 Teaspoon Organic Raspberry Leaf for every 32 ounces of water
1 Teaspoon Organic Peppermint Leaf for every 32 ounces of water
1/2 Teaspoon Organic Nettle Leaf for every 32 ounces of water
2 Teaspoon Organic White Willow bark for every 32 ounces of water
1 Teaspoon Organic Echinacea for every 32 ounces of water
1 Teaspoon Organic Elder Flowers for every 32 ounces of water
1/4 Teaspoon Organic Thyme for every 32 ounces of water
1x Dash Teaspoon 90k Organic Cayenne powder for every 32 ounces of water
2x Tad Teaspoon Organic Ginger powder for every 32 ounces of water
1x Dash Teaspoon Organic Cinnamon powder for every 32 ounces of water
6-8 Black Peppercorn for every 32 ounces of water

I only have 5 minutes more to wait.......

2nd Edit:

Disclaimer / Be forewarned: This is not your run of the mill store bought tea labeled for cold and flu. This is home brewed, and it is going to pull the gunk out of your lungs, and it might give you a a few moments of a hack fest as it just did me. I already knew this but I forgot to state it above. Also, the tension in my temples is now minor, so I am going to hurry off to bed now.

nasakido 06-02-2017 04:27 PM

Every Day Tea
Below is my every day tea. The herbs and spices I use come from different companies so I will be sure to list them as well. I am always researching companies that sell herbs and spices. From time to time I buy from certain companies to see whether or not I like what I am getting, and also to test the quality. So far, I find the below every day tea very good. The certifications, etc. that are listed above each company applies to all the items under the given company name.

It is warm and spicy... drink slowly.

Raw, Vegan, Chemical-Free, non-GMO, Organic, Kosher

[Z-Natural Foods]
1 Dash / Cayenne Pepper Powder 30,000 to 40,000 H.U. (my batch is 30,000 H.U.)
1 Dash / Bird's Eye Chili Powder 100,000 H.U.
1 Tsp. / Ginger Root Powder
1x Peppermint 2g Tea Bag
2x Chamomile 1.3g Tea Bags

non-GMO, Organic, Fair Trade, Kosher, non-irradiated

[Frontier Co-op]
1 Tad / Ceylon Cinnamon, Ground
6x Whole Black Peppercorns (Piper nigrum)

Organic, Kosher, non-irradiated

[StarWest Botanicals]
2 Tsp. / White Willow Bark Cut & Sifted (Salix alba)

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