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Harrison 08-21-2011 03:27 PM

In Honor of Animals - Love and Healing
1 Attachment(s)
My furry friend Harrison left us a few weeks ago. He’s the best little friend I ever had. He was with me before after and my spine surgery, and was with me through the long (and far worse) illness that nearly killed me (systemic bacterial infection).

I never had to euthanize an animal I loved so completely, so saying goodbye was grueling for me. My wife’s support and relationship with our eighteen-year-old tabby made it much easier to bear. For those of you that have suffered with illness while your pets were there for you, I am sure you can relate.

I searched out books to help me through the grieving process and really liked When Your Pet Dies, A Guide to Mourning, Remembering and Healing. It helped me a lot. I’ll read it again soon.

There were a few things that happened in the last few weeks of his life that helped me look at animals in a whole new light, literally. These days, though I am still grieving, I marvel at all the ways animals can help us heal through love and energy (see attached).

Thank you Harrison, for your love and light! :angel:

JEVE19 08-21-2011 10:16 PM


Losing your pet is the only bad part of pet ownership.
It hurts like you have lost a piece of your heart.
The true definition of unconditional love is a beloved pet.

Last year my mother was in hospice.
She could no longer speak or move.
I brought her Ragdoll cat up to see her who at the time
was only 7 months old. It was like the cat knew, she laid next
to my mother's side and never moved.
I whispered in my mother's ear that Lily was next her.
My mother struggled, but got her hand to pet the cats head just one
last time. It was the last time my mother moved.
My mom passed in September.

Lily now lives with me (and my other 3 cats).
Sometimes at night, I will cry because I miss my mother.
Lily will come and put her paw on my cheek.
I swear she knows and it always makes me feel like somehow
through that cat, my mother is touching my cheek.

I have tears just typing this.

I am truly sorry for your loss. I 100% understand the pain of losing such a great love.

Harrison 08-23-2011 05:20 PM

Vicki, well said, and thanks for that. God's creatures are really quite amazing. I really am in awe of the "knowing" aspect of animals, especially cats. But I have friends that say the same things about their dogs, horses and birds...

Glad you have Lily and the the trio! :look:

laid up doc 08-23-2011 06:28 PM

had a cat most of my childhood, whom my mom had to have put down at the age of 19. she was quite a gal.. i still miss her :(

am terribly allergic to cats, keep needing to move, and having so many back issues... so i haven't gotten one of my own yet. my first pet will definitely be a cat, though.... i'm definitely a cat person!!!

so so sorry to hear.

Maddie 08-23-2011 06:40 PM

So very sorry to hear of your loss. I've got a houseful of critters, but there are always the very special ones as you describe.

Not only do they help us through grief, but they can grieve themselves for their own loss. My grandparents had two Standard Poodles, brothers, and when one died of cancer, the other stopped eating and drinking and sadly, they had to put him to sleep also. It was a huge blow.

My friend had two horses, two mares who were very close. When one contracted a terrible disease, her barn mate wouldn't leave her side. When her time came, an act of kindness by the vet, the other mare kept jumping the fence and standing on the horse's grave. They finally left the gate open and after a week, she started eating again and seemed to get back to normal. If I hadn't watched her, I wouldn't have believed it could happen.

JEVE19 08-23-2011 06:53 PM

Usually it's the cats dander you're allergic to.
My daughter is allergic and some breeds are more allergy friendly because they don't shed cat danders.
She has a Bengal which has more of a pelt like a real Bengal.
A Siberian is also supposed to be great for allergies/asthma because they are missing an enzyme in their saliva that most cats have and that can be the cause of the allergy.

Would never be without a furry friend.
They always love you or make you laugh at the best moments.

When my back hurts, I soak in a bubble bath.
All three cats have to come in and sit on the edge of tub.
I poke my toes through the bubbles and then slowly disappear.
The cats are all mesmerized. The Bengal will actually stick her paw in the water up to her shoulder, trying to find where my toes went. So, even though I'm in pain, I forget about it when all the cats come and are so entertained by it all!

We put our German Shephard down a few weeks ago.
It's the hardest part of life.
I think a lot of us learned what death meant as a kid loosing your first pet.

Rich, I truly believe when God closes one door, another will open. Somewhere in your future, a great furry love awaits you ;)

laid up doc 08-23-2011 07:35 PM

my parents didn't have a cat for about 1.5 yrs.... moved in the meantime... then stopped at an adoption fair one day. my mom picked up this gray male cat - he put his front paws around her neck like he was giving her a hug, and kissed her cheek.

the rest is history. his name is Howie, and he's a cat-dog sort of guy. i wish i could steal him w/o breaking my mother's heart!

and vicki - i do know that the saliva is most of what ppl are allergic to, and that indoor cats clean themselves less. have to look into the breed thing...

JKDE302 08-24-2011 11:56 AM

R.I.P to your cat, I almost lost my dog last week from a heat stroke caused by a lyme tic. He is still sick.

Harrison 08-24-2011 08:24 PM

So sorry about this news with your dog. I hope he is being properly treated? If you’ve not already seen the videos I did with doctors' Eva Sapi and Carlene Patterson, you may find them interesting while concerning:

Dr. Eva Sapi - Geneticist, Microbiologist (Two Videos Available)


Dr. Carlene Patterson, Veterinarian (Excerpt & Video Available)

There are interview excerpts and videos there, so there’s a lot of information. I published this information last year while producing the film, Why Am I Still Sick, which is scheduled to be completed year end.

Doc, Vicki, thanks for your posts…so bittersweet.

So, tying this topic back to the super-duper powers of animals to earthquakes, see this story below. Like I was saying before, it’s “cool” how animals know things we don’t!

Zoo animals go wild ahead of quake - Local News - Washington, DC - Washington D.C. -

Lizard 08-25-2011 12:15 AM

Healing Animals
Harrison, I am sorry for your loss.
I think all living things, especially the animals we live with, are connected to our energy and can sense changes. I know my dog, who is a herding dog and not overly affectionate, preferring to sleep on the floor and play with other dogs, has done a complete about face d/t my situation. When I began to deteriorate with increased pain several months ago, he did not leave my side, would rest his head on my shoulder when I was lying down, and was completely in tune with when I needed him for comfort just hanging out with me on the couch. He was not like this before my increased pain and symptoms started. I have had a tough road with this emotionally, physically, mentally, and financially, etc, like most of us have had on this site, but having his comforting, unconditional show of concern and caring has made it just a little easier to bear. I love my dog!

JEVE19 08-25-2011 12:37 AM

While on the subject of pets.
I would like to say that diet really makes a difference.
People tend to feed their cats and dogs like people.
Their digestive tract is much shorter.
I've read many books about nutrition and cats n dogs.
My Maine Coon cat was diagnosed with asthma when he was a year old. Took him to a specialist who gave me Prednisone and inhalers. There is a special mask you have to use to give them an inhaler. All of this made me start reading about health and diet. I switched my cats and dogs to a BARF diet.
Bones and raw food. If they were wild, what would they eat?
Wheat, grains, fruit, veggies? Don't think so.
All of the books convinced me to try and feed them like they would if they were wild.
My Maine Coon was instantly better. My first dog (German Shephard) lived 10 years and never had to have his teeth cleaned, never lost a tooth.
My cat is now 10 years old. I never had to give him any of those meds in 9 years since I switched his food.
My Bengal cat used to always throw her food up.
Tried tons of brands. Found a holistic pet food store and switched all cats to Radcat raw food. All are doing great and symptoms are all gone.
Just as humans need a proper diet, so do our pets.
What we eat isn't necessarily good for our pets.
A dog will eat just about anything. Doesn't mean it's good for them.

I spend more money on their food, but less trips to the vet makes it worth it in the long run.
This is where I started reading and read many more books as well. Some people even have videos on YouTube to show how they prepare the food .

Dr. Ian Billinghurst

JKDE302 08-25-2011 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by Harrison (Post 90044)
So sorry about this news with your dog. I hope he is being properly treated? If you’ve not already seen the videos I did with doctors' Eva Sapi and Carlene Patterson, you may find them interesting while concerning:

Dr. Eva Sapi - Geneticist, Microbiologist (Two Videos Available)


Dr. Carlene Patterson, Veterinarian (Excerpt & Video Available)

There are interview excerpts and videos there, so there’s a lot of information. I published this information last year while producing the film, Why Am I Still Sick, which is scheduled to be completed year end.

Doc, Vicki, thanks for your posts…so bittersweet.

So, tying this topic back to the super-duper powers of animals to earthquakes, see this story below. Like I was saying before, it’s “cool” how animals know things we don’t!

Zoo animals go wild ahead of quake - Local News - Washington, DC - Washington D.C. -

Thank you, its crazy how animals in the zoo could feel that. Makes me wonder.

JKDE302 08-25-2011 05:54 PM

Vicki can you tell me more about the Barf diet?

JEVE19 08-25-2011 06:25 PM

If you click on the name of the dr in my post, it will take you to his website.

JEVE19 08-26-2011 09:46 AM

I posted pictures of my furry friends (and me) for anyone interested. Click on my name, they are in my albums.

Harrison 09-01-2011 12:54 PM

Some of you may have seen this already, but it honors the angels in our lives. The people and pets that provide support and love to patients all around the world, we salute you and the love you give!

Lucky Dog....

Anyone who has pets will really like this. You'll like it even if you don't and you may even decide you need one!

Mary and her husband Jim had a dog named Lucky.

Lucky was a real character. Whenever Mary and Jim had company come for a weekend visit they would warn their friends to not leave their luggage open because Lucky would help himself to whatever struck his fancy. Inevitably, someone would forget and something would come up missing.

Mary or Jim would go to Lucky's toy box in the basement and there the treasure would be, amid all of Lucky's other favorite toys. Lucky always stashed his finds in his toy box and he was very particular that his toys stay in the box..

It happened that Mary found out she had breast cancer. Something told her she was going to die of this fact; she was just sure it was fatal.

She scheduled the double mastectomy, fear riding her shoulders. The night before she was to go to the hospital she cuddled with Lucky. A thought struck her...what would happen to Lucky?

Although the three-year-old dog liked Jim, he was Mary's dog through and through. If I die, Lucky will be abandoned, Mary thought. He won't understand that I didn't want to leave him! The thought made her sadder than thinking of her own death.

The double mastectomy was harder on Mary than her doctors had anticipated and Mary was hospitalized for over two weeks. Jim took Lucky for his evening walk faithfully, but the little dog just drooped, whining and miserable.

Finally the day came for Mary to leave the hospital. When she arrived home, Mary was so exhausted she couldn't even make it up the steps to her bedroom.. Jim made his wife comfortable on the couch and left her to nap..

Lucky stood watching Mary but he didn't come to her when she called. It made Mary sad but sleep soon overcame her and she dozed.

When Mary woke for a second she couldn't understand what was wrong. She couldn't move her head and her body felt heavy and hot. But panic soon gave way to laughter when Mary realized the problem. She was covered, literally blanketed, with every treasure Lucky owned!

While she had slept, the sorrowing dog had made trip after trip to the basement bringing his beloved mistress all his favorite things in life.
He had covered her with his love.

Mary forgot about dying. Instead she and Lucky began living again, walking further and further together every day. It's been 12 years now and Mary is still cancer-free. Lucky, he still steals treasures and stashes them in his toy box but Mary remains his greatest treasure.. every day to the fullest. Each minute is a blessing. And never forget....the people who make a difference in our lives are not the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones that care for us.

Live simply.. Love seriously. Care deeply. Speak kindly. Leave the rest to the dog.

JEVE19 09-01-2011 04:35 PM

Or the cat :)

Harrison 09-05-2011 08:14 PM

Agreed on all Fronts
2 Attachment(s)
Vicki, right on. I was just making the point that our support system is composed of all different creatures; human, animal and spiritual.

These pictures reference one of the points I was making in my earlier posts -- it's really wonderful how animals just know.

One day, a giant turkey wandered into our yard. He was big enough for me to ride. We live in the burbs, so I thought that was good entertainment. Apparently, Harrison did too. He made friends with the big feathered guy, in an interesting non verbal way. It still blows my mind...but taught me so many lessons.

They just know.

Since the introduction, two of the feathered cousins visit most nights and sleep in the trees. Harrison is gone, but his new friends remain.

Harrison 09-11-2011 02:24 PM

Special Healing on 9-11
Dog Therapy at Ground Zero

For eight months, a golden retriever named Nikie gave comfort to workers amid the ruins


Frank Shane, a professional dog therapist and CEO of the K-9 Disaster Relief Foundation, had to improvise when he brought his golden retriever, Nikie, down to Ground Zero. There was no protocol for anything—from the kind of footwear Nikie should wear to how Frank should deal with the unfathomable grief of 9/11. Yet from the moment Frank and his dog stepped onto the site, they both knew they had a job to do. As it turned out, a pair of soft ears and a wagging tail offered one of the best ways to connect to the people on the ground.

Full story in the WSJ here.

Harrison 10-09-2011 01:01 PM

Skimming another book on the subject of animals and there wonderful way with humans:

The Healing Power of Pets

Harnessing the Amazing Ability of Pets to make and keep people happy and healthy

Dr. Marty Becker with Danelle Morton

Well written, enjoyable read. :)

I borrowed it from the local library, but here's a link for reference.

JEVE19 10-09-2011 08:50 PM

Best thing I did was start reading about pet nutrition and how vets basically have very little education about dog/cat nutrition in school (which is usually funded by the worst foods for our pets Aims, Science Diet, etc).

A couple of good reads:

Not Fit for a Dog!: The Truth About Manufactured Dog and Cat Food

Description:Not Fit for a Dog highlights the dangers of modern pet food how it is unbalanced, creates addiction, and often contains ingredients that can literally poison your pet. It destroys the myths propounded by pet food companies that human food is bad for pets, and that natural food diets are unsafe. In this revolutionary book, three veterinarians share their expertise to provide an in-depth appraisal of the pet food industry and what people are feeding to their cats and dogs. The first insurance for an animal s health and happiness is good nutrition and pet owners, veterinarians, and other professional animal care-providers will find this book to be an invaluable and inspiring guide and resource.

Raw Meaty Bones by Tom Lonsdale

Living Enzymes - The World's Best Kept Pet Food Secret

Description:A must read for all devoted pet parents! Robert Mueller - BARF World's co-founder & pioneer advocate of raw feeding - has discovered "THE SECRET" of happy healthy pets! It's about the choices we make as guardians for our pets and what we can do to improve the health and well being of not only our pets, but also ourselves. Rob has found the key that unlocks the pathway to improved health.You will be amazed at the simplicity of the world's best-kept pet food secret.

Healing Pets with Nature's Miracle Cures

Description:How holistic and conventional medicine can work together effectively. For pet owners and veterinarians, these practical healing methods integrate 'natural' and conventional therapies. Written in layperson's terms, this book can help animals suffering from chronic as well as acute illnesses, including cancer, asthma, skin diseases, diabetes, heart disease, and arthritis. Readers will learn * what pets need for optimum health, system by system * the truth about nutrition: natural raw food or processed pet food? * facts on herbs, vitamins, and minerals * raw meat diets and the protein diet controversy *See how conventional and holistic therapies can be used together to treat various diseases and disorders .

Read a few of these books and you'll start really reading those pet food labels and rethink what you feed your pet.

Harrison 10-11-2011 05:48 PM

Thanks Vicki.

Perhaps you would find this question odd, but from what you read about high quality diets for pets -- did it change any of your ideas about human diets? :wiggle:

JEVE19 10-11-2011 08:31 PM

Yes. All the carbs and processed food affects them the same way it does us.
Cancer rates in our pets dramatically increased when kibble came out.
I can tell a dog that's on a kibble diet just by their body shape.
I feed my pets better than I do myself, but I'm working on that.

Harrison 11-21-2012 08:44 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Vicki, I finally got another pet from the shelter. She looks remarkably like Harrison, who went to the rainbow bridge last year. She's a porker, so I have to get smarter on pet your old posts are appreciated.

She was stuck in a cage for two months. So maybe now with love, playing and better food she'll do better and loose a pound or two (she's 10 pounds). She's remarkably well adjusted and makes progress every day.

It's weird, it's like Harrison never left... :angel: No name yet, I'll let the wind carry it to us.

JEVE19 11-27-2012 02:59 AM


Glad you found a new family member.
I see the kibble diet in the
Maybe she was stress eating?
Did you decide which food yet?
She's a bit hefty so watch the protein.
Alot of these new grain free cereals have much more protein.
Can be hard on the kidneys as they get older but a younger more active pet can use the protein.
I love when a new pet does something that reminds us of our past pets.
Love never leaves us!

Harrison 11-27-2012 10:29 PM

Vicki, I love this: Love never leaves us! What a great thought.

Do you have recommendations as to what dry food I can get as a stepping stone to something better? I've gone to the pet food stores and come out empty-handed, I'll go again. All the primary ingredients are corn-meal and chicken-meal by by-products. What-the-hell is a a "by-product?" Reminds me of the movie Soylent Green!

Any opinion on the Newman brands? That's looking better than Iams and others...

Newman's Own Organics Premium Pet Food

JEVE19 11-28-2012 12:18 AM

cat food link
Here's a good link:

Cat Food 101: What You Need to Know About Feeding Your Cat

The Newman's brand lost me at soy and oats.
I would try and find one that doesn't have grain in it.
Cats are carnivore's, they need meat not grain.
I'm not sure what type of stores you have around you.
Do you have any special pet stores besides Petsmart or Petco?
Here we have Holitisic for Pets or Boneappetite which only carry better quality foods.
I would try to find a specialty store because they usually have better selections and also give away sample bags so you can try the food first.
Are you only wanting to feed dry food?
The wet food is better because it gives them more meat, and more moisture.
Cats are prone to get urinary crystals especially ones who only eat dry food.
Read this:

What causes crystals in cat urine? - Yahoo! Answers
I had to send a cat to rainbow bridge because of these crystals.
Spent $2,500 on surgeries trying to clear it up and this is what started me reading books about pet food. The vet had no idea about food and the vet I go to now said that they study about two weeks of nutrition in school and most of it is sponsored by Aims :(

The worst thing to do is just leave food out all of the time.
They really need to eat twice a day.
I feed mine in the morning and at night.
I put it down and they eat it up...just like a dog.
I don't let them have people food either.

If you only have the option of a Petsmart type store, the Blue Buffalo brand is decent but there are better brands out there.
Did the vet say if she is overweight?
If so, you may need to get an indoor formula or one that is made for an overweight cat.
I've been feeding mine a raw diet (Rad Cat) for years so I haven't looked at the other type of food for awhile.

The people in the pet store's are sometimes knowledgeable and sometimes not.
I would stay away from Iams, Science Diet and Royal Canin.
Let me know what kind of store's you have to choose from.
I'm glad to help.
Did you give her a name yet?

JEVE19 11-28-2012 04:24 PM


Just left my pet food store.
Looked at the food for you.
Fromm or purevita looked pretty good.
Maybe their websites will show you if a store in your area
that carries their product.

2Confused 11-28-2012 10:52 PM

Love never leave us....

Memories sustain us.

So glad you have another pet to love...
Love makes us whole, happy & healthier!

My litte poodles have been my lifesavers.... And they are funny as heck too! :wiggle:

Harrison 11-29-2012 12:55 PM

Thanks Vicki, that's awesome. No name yet, though my my wife likes Lily (from a Pink Martini song). Don't like it. Waiting for the wind to blow it in...

JEVE19 11-30-2012 12:07 AM


I name my cats but then we never end up calling them by their name anyways.
I only have one cat that will come to me if I call her name out.
The other three come by a certain sound we make or we shake the treat bag, that brings them out.

Have you seen the freeze dried chicken treats? They are for cats or dogs.
I call it kitty crack. I know if one of my cats is not feeling well because if I offer them one of these treats and they don't eat it, then I know something is not right.
The treats are a bit expensive but wow, my cats sure like it.

Whole Life 100% Organic Chicken Freeze-Dried Treats for Dogs and Cats

2Confused 11-30-2012 10:59 AM

Harrison, I don't have cats..... Aaaahhhh-choooo! But I do have two toy poodles. If there is a small independently owned pet food store near by I suggest talking to them. I went to several & asked about what was best to feed my little ones; 3 out of 4 stores gave me the same brand. A couple of the people at the stores were amazingly knowledgable & provided great info. Poodles have remained on the food for 6 years and Re very healthy and I use the frozen "dog crack" for special treats like Vickie mentioned, they love it!

The name dilemma! Can't resist telling this -- my parents have a couple of cats, one is named TC....... *drumroll* because he follows everyone into the toilet! Thus he is called Toilet Cat! :laugh:

P.S. thank you for this valuable site - the ability to share info & war stories helps so many of us make decisions regarding our spinal health. I'm on week 5 & feeling great - a little soreness in neck area if I over do it & still dealing with those nerves celebrating their newly gained freedom --- but WOW, it's amazing how much better I feel. Dr. C. Responded to an email question I had & he reminded me to "take it easy" and "smooth" for the next couple of months. I feel like a caged bear, some days I feel so good & want to go out and play!!:jacks:

Still have the insurance battle ahead - we are going to present everything to them as soon as all the paperwork comes in. Cross your fingers - we feel if we push hard enough, sooner or later the ins. Co.s are going to have to cover these life changing procedures!!

Harrison 12-12-2012 10:49 PM

Hey everyone, just wanted to share this from a friend who is also a member here. An excerpt on the subject of pet foods, continued. Thanks M.

I changed Yoshi back to the Blue Wilderness kibble food. After I get close to running out of their canned food ( have about 2 months stocked up) I may give the raw food diet diet a go, or at least a partial raw food diet. Need to buy a grinder, which is expensive, so will have to see. I spend about 60.00/mo on the canned food so the cost for may be comparable after the initial equipment expenditure. I found a recipe that looks good .

foodmaking pictorial - cat nutrition

The Origin of by Lisa A. Pierson, DVM :: How came to be - More info than you could ever want, but goes into more detail. I like that that she partially cooks some of the meat and eggs for surface bacteria. Gives suggestions for testing it out on your cat before making any big purchases.

Electric Meat Grinder from One Stop Jerky Shop Tasin 108 a cheaper grinder that may work okay, but take longer to grind up bones. Lighter weight is better for me. Can't be hauling a 33lb grinder out of my cupboard every month.

JEVE19 12-13-2012 02:09 AM

Worth the money

Glad to see that you are researching the cat diet.
It does seem to cost more to feed raw but making your own is much cheaper.
I was always worried about them getting enough bones, organs, taurine, etc so I have always used a pre made raw diet. My cats won't eat Nature's Variety (they don't like the raw diet's that have vegetables in them).
I feed four cats and we spend $350 a month on their food.

Here's another brand my cats will eat:
Chicken & Fish for Cats

But this is the winner:
Rad Cat Raw Diet Premium Raw Food For Cats

Seems like alot of money but I watched a cat years ago suffer from those feline crystals they develop.
I spent thousands on surgeries trying to fix him so I figure the better food is making them healthier and I'm not spending money at the vets office.

Just remember that not all vets are on board with a raw diet.
I finally found a holistic vet who is very educated about the raw diet and also, she doesn't make me give my cats vaccines if they haven't been seen in years (which is usually the case). I'm not a fan of the vaccines either.
Find a vet who will support your choice of a better diet and not just push the crap they sell in their office.

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