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letteski 06-29-2005 10:32 PM

Anyone out there considering pregnancy after ADR? You could say my alarm clocks snooze button is all worn out. Before the accident at 40 I was told not to wait much longer. When I saw my OBGYN last week he said he did not recommend it for me after ADR even though the ADR surgeons would think its OK. Age as well as ware to the prosthetic and my body understandably hard to comprehend right now. Another case of waiting too long.

I am considering adoption when I�m recovered. If I can�t be a Professional Ski Instructor with a bad back I sure can be a mom with a bad back. Know lots of them around here.

Katrina 06-30-2005 02:40 AM

I am considering pregnancy after ADR. My Surgeon has said we will be ok to. But I haven't run it by my OB/GYN yet. I am not going to get my hopes up. But I do hope that I am able. I am 35 and have 3 kids. We would like to have one more.
I will be very bummed if I can't. My accident happened about a year before we had planned to start. And it has put it all on hold. :-(
Good luck Paulette, I hope everything works out for you.

Alastair 06-30-2005 05:14 AM

Hi Katrina,
the usual recommendation certainly by the European doctors is that you wait 12 months after your surgery prior to starting a new pregnancy. This is because of course the operation is done from the front where most of the expansion of muscle and skin occurs. I hope that's a help and good luck with it

Rein 06-30-2005 08:15 AM

Gee, I didn't know ADR enabled one to become pregnant! This is the most amazing news in medical science! Males can now become pregnant after ADR?!!! Holey moley! (Sorry, haven't had my third cup of coffee yet this morning and I'm a little goofy...)

David 06-30-2005 08:28 AM


In that case, definitely keep ADR away from me! No way, no how, no sir. No pregnancies for me!


Mariaa 06-30-2005 08:36 AM

Truly if I were your age and had the option open to me after a healthy recovery from ADR, I'm quite sure I would have done this~

Altho age is a factor w/pregnancy there are early screening tests available to r/o most anomalies so at least pregnancy after 40 is much better screened and monitored these days ( prenatal care is very well monitored with all ages today in terms of healthy and high risk pregnancy).

Do what your heart tells you when you're in that situation and ready~

letteski 06-30-2005 11:09 AM

The OBGYN also saying I would have to have a C-section and would not be able to push. Not that I am vain and hope to be in a bikini contest after all this but a vertical and a horizontal incision on my stomach, X will mark the spot. Has anyone else (but Rein) been told this by their OBGYN?

Fortitudine 06-30-2005 11:22 AM

Hi Paulette,
You can ask for a bikini cut - it's done horizontally, just at the pubic line. I had one with my first kid - age 37 - because I expected to wear a bikini again. HAH! Oh well - just never got the old body back...but was happy with the resulting scar, which is barely noticeable.

letteski 06-30-2005 11:30 AM


The OB said to have the vascular cut me where the ADR surgeon would have the best access to the spine. I have been told that would be vertically. If they go horizontally, bikini line the incision has to be bigger I was told. So I will just let them make the professional choice and live with my new tattoo.

Poncho 06-30-2005 12:16 PM


At the age of 35, I am at a crossroad like yours. I am 1 year post-op from ADR and feel that I am a success. However, I am still leary about pregnancy. I am also considering adoption.

I think that if men could get pregnant too - there would be more choices for birth control

Mariaa 06-30-2005 12:32 PM

Hmmm, I think scars are the least of one's concerns if you're thinking children vs. no children~ you can always go back and have plastic surgery to help out with the scars later on... know women that have done this.

letteski 06-30-2005 01:12 PM


Scars yes are the least of my worries. Finding a donor is pretty high on my list of worries these days when it comes to pregnancy.

Any of you guys out there with banked sperm what to make a donation?

Adoption may be a better option for me.

ans 06-30-2005 02:31 PM

That's what they all said: "I"m sorry but you'll have to bank it".

I wonder if having ADR complicates getting a cesearean.

Good luck, Allan

Melissa 06-30-2005 04:04 PM

I'm 34, finger's crossed waiting for ADR and when I'm all finished I DO want 1 more child. I'm a single mother now of a son and if that's still the case in another year or so when I'm recovered, don't laugh but "I'm going to the bank!!"

Mariaa 06-30-2005 05:34 PM

Yep, frozen pops! That's certainly an option~ as is adoption...

Rein 07-01-2005 09:59 AM

[qb]I think that if men could get pregnant too - there would be more choices for birth control [/qb][/QUOTE]

AMEN, sister! Satisfied (and freakin' considerate!) vasectomy recipient here... ;-)

Paulette - "Any of you guys out there with banked sperm want to make a donation?" This question reminded me of something that's been bothering me for a while. After seeing the numbers of members here who have both cervical and lumbar multiple level DDD I've wondered whether this isn't a condition which might be congenital. If research reveals this to be the case, then I'd think seriously about going elsewhere for "frozen pops"! Just a thought.

David 07-01-2005 10:26 AM


AMEN, sister! Satisfied (and freakin' considerate!) vasectomy recipient here... ;-)

Since we are sharing, I am also a quite satisfied vasectomy recipient as well.


letteski 07-01-2005 11:24 AM

Humor is my way to make a bad situation not seem so bad. Guys the reality here is I was told that medically that I would never be able to bare children after ADR thus looking at this from a �medical� point not an �other� thus my original category of this topic. Now that we have had are fun with topic and been put in our place literally, lets get back to the original question�.


Anyone out there considering pregnancy after ADR?
Is there anyone out there that has had a child after ADR? I do know someone that was fused so that she could have children and did so I was just assuming it was the same.

I ever imagined life without a children growing inside of me and feeding from my breast. It�s like a part of me will never get to live. I don�t expect everyone on the forum to understand this but I know there are others out there that feel the same as I do and I would like to know what your doctors think is possible. I am just not ready to let the hope completely die.

Mariaa 07-01-2005 12:47 PM

What reason did the doctor give re not being able to have children after ADR? I completely understand how you feel re that part of you that will never get to live since I made the choice not to have children because of my back problems~ altho if I were younger and childbearing age, I'd definately want to consult with various surgeons regarding their opinion on this~ (I know you're looking for persons who've had ADR to answer you question~ sorry I can't)~

Carolina 07-01-2005 04:08 PM

Does anyone know what happened with Lor from the BPSG or MGH site(can't remember where I first saw her posts)? If I remember correctly, she was absolutely considering pregnancy after her ADR, which she had with Zeegers.

I think this would be worth an email to Regan, Bitan, Zeegers, Bertagnoli. Between them, they should have some experience with the relative risks.

mmglobal? Can you front the question for us?

Meanwhile, Paulette...I would get more than one OB/GYN opinion, especially from some high risk providers who might have more experience regarding managing complications from prior surgeries/traumas.


Poncho 07-02-2005 02:19 AM

Sorry Paulette,

Sometimes, I can be good at causing threads to get off track a little.

If my mind serves me right - there was a young lady named Ginger that went to Zeegers like back in 2002? But it seems to me that her mother advocated for her a lot and was on the forums to get info. They were from the South - like Alabama somewhere in there. She was young like early 20's and had a one level replacement. Had a baby like 1-2 years post ADR. I am thinking they were on Back Pain Support and on MGH. The reason I am posting the above info is in hopes that it may possibly help one of the other members remember and who knows, possibly come up with contact info.

Poncho 07-02-2005 02:23 AM

I'm not sure if Lor and Ginger or Ginger's mother are the same person (on the forums mentioned) - but could be. Anyways,I know that the real first name of this ADR recipient with successful pregnancy post op was "Ginger".

Mariaa 07-02-2005 02:02 PM

Poncho.. want to be Poster Girl for Pregnacy After ADR??

Poncho 07-03-2005 01:39 AM


My heart is torn over this - in one way I do and in other ways not so much.

Mariaa 07-03-2005 11:26 AM

Dearest Ponchita
yes, I think I can understand this~
Since this is no longer an issue for me, I don't really have to put any thought into it, thankfully as I did for so many of my reproductive years while my back was in and out of being bad..
tough call...
Best to all who are going this route and surely someone will pop up sooner or later and let us know the status of pregnancy post ADR~

Clairem 07-17-2005 06:18 AM

I have just read these posts with interest. I'm 33 and developed my back problems whilst pregnant with my first(and only ) child. I'm currently 3 1/2 mths post adr and not out of the woods yet but improving.
If I get back to normal I would love another child and have also wondered about pregnancy post ADR. I think it would be really important for me to have no symptoms though. I had to miss out so much on my little one, as there was so much I couldn't do for her.
My plan would be to have a ceaserean DEFINITELY. I would not want to push again (that was what finially finished my back off). I would also take things VERY easy when pregnant and be very kind to my back.
I don't know if I will ever get to the stage of feeling able to have another child, but I really hope so.
I will watch these postings with interest...

Alastair 07-17-2005 01:27 PM

Hi Clare,
you won't remember Lorraine who was a UK patient about two years ago who had two level ADR. She asked Zeegers about this and he said, "wait at least 12 months after your surgery before getting pregnant again".

I've not heard from Lorraine for a little while, and wonder if this is caused by the arrival of her first baby. That's all I can tell you, that's what the great man said.

letteski 07-17-2005 04:16 PM


Thanks for sharing you may be a head of me, as I have not had surgery yet. I hope this thread helps others in our same situation and we get to meet someone soon that has or is in the posses of pregnancy after ADR. Time will show us all just what our bodies will be able to handle after ADR.

I posed this question to yet another ADR surgeon this last week and he said that every woman that has asked this question to him has gone on to have there children. I hope I do the same. If its Gods will I would love to be our pregnancy ADR poster girl. (Or at least get to practice)

Alastair 07-17-2005 04:29 PM

Paulette - - -- lol

Mariaa 07-18-2005 08:32 AM

as in the old saying "practice makes perfect"?
Glad you got a positive response from an ADR surgeon re the babies after ADR ?..
*good luck on surgery
*good luck on best outcome
*good luck on finding right man to do the job...
(for everything LOL)!

Clairem 07-18-2005 08:37 AM

Thanks Alistair and Paulette.
Paulette, I have my fingers crossed for you.

Nairek 07-18-2005 10:00 PM

I aked my doctor the question about the getting pregnant after ADR surgery. According to him, it's ok to become preggers after the surgery & he told me that I would be better off having a "better" back for the pregnancy.

LisaB 07-18-2005 11:21 PM

I had my son when I was 35 and was having serious back problems by the time I had him. Carrying and delivering was pretty rough.

I haven't had an ADR (yet), but, if I were you I would follow my heart. I too felt the same as you about a child growing inside me and feeding at my breast and don't think I would have felt complete if I hadn't gone through that. I think, at the worst, you would have to have bed rest at the end of the pregnancy and have to have a C-section. My other concern would maybe be to aggravate any additional problems that may not show up yet and need pain meds and have to wait. As I said, this would probably worst case. But, you would be amazed at what you can deal with when you know what the gift at the end will be.

I hope that you are able to follow your heart on this.

letteski 07-19-2005 01:15 AM


You sure do understand how I feel. Thank you this last ADR doctors did also say I may have to lay down for the last month (I am definitely good at laying down) and for that prize I would do it for 9 months. If you add all the months I have been laid up in the last 6 years I could have a basketball team with subs.

LisaB 07-19-2005 09:04 AM

Well Paulette, why don't we just try for one just now!! LOL!! I know what you mean about being down too. I haven't been down for a year yet as far as my physical restrictions and I still try to do too much and it comes back to bite me in the ----!! LOL!!

Danielle Shawgo 07-19-2005 08:23 PM

I am planning to get pregnant after ADR. I am 23 years old and I have lived 3 years with this cirppling pain. When was I supposed to have my family? My doctor is aware of this and they said that they would let me know when it would be safe. I am also aware that a C-Setion may be necessary but my OBGYN thinks that a regular birth will be possible.

SenecaGirl 07-20-2005 05:24 PM

I was also told to wait after my ADR surgery to become pregnant -- my neuro said my body couldn't handle the extra weight and strain in my bad back condition. We plan on starting a family next year, well after my 12 month mark. I will be 27.

I'm glad this topic was started, as I didn't think too much more into the subject of how my ADR will influence a pregnancy. I hadn't even given thought to a possible C-Section.

We need more information on this subject. Anybody out there have any sources we can go to for info?

jxe126 07-20-2005 06:42 PM

Hi everyone,

Thanks for starting this topic Paulette; it is a very important one. Seneca girl is right...we do need more info.

I too am at that point of trying to figure out how my husband and I are going to be able to have children. I just had my 3-level ADR 3 weeks ago with Dr. B and although I am doing very well, I would be afraid to put my body through a pregnancy before one year. I did ask one of the doctors that assists Dr. Bertagnoli, and he also said to wait a year. I'll be 38 then, so we are facing timing issues too.

I just knew that before the ADR surgery, my back would have never made it through a pregnancy and if by some miracle it would have made it through the pregancy, I know I wouldn't have been able to lift my baby in and out of a crib multiple times a day. At least with my new discs, I have a better chance!!

I meet with Dr. Yue (in Ct) in a few weeks and I was planning on asking him about pregnancy. I'll let everyone know what he has to say.


Dale S 07-20-2005 08:27 PM


I have found that different specialists, ob's vs. ortho's, etc., know far too little about other specialties. Your ob may not realize how little or how much stress your new back can take. During the last trimester, the lumbar curve of your back is magnified. I would think your adr surgeon would be the goto guy in instance.

But there is something else that you might want to consider. Carrying a baby on your hip also puts stress on your back. Older babies can weigh 25-30 lbs, or more and toddlers even more than that. Though you can change positions as often as necessary, just ask anyone who's been there. I would also discuss alternative ways of carrying a baby with your surgeon, like the use of a harness that distributes the baby's weight more evenly.

Whatever you decide, a baby is still a miracle, as is a grand-baby. (If you're serious about doners, and though I don't know him personally, I would stay away from Rein ha-ha) Unfortunately, babies grow up to be teenagers.... I can attest to the current definition for a 16 year old. It's the terrible 2's, multiplied by 8 with a driver's license. (Are you sure you want to do this) I firmly believe that my children are my mother's way of getting even... and I would do it all over again in a heartbeat.

I wish you all the luck


letteski 07-20-2005 08:40 PM


GEAT ADVICE���.I will stay way away���. as I head out the door for yet another blind date wish me luck���He�s a PT. Could be helpful in the future.

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