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pelada 04-08-2012 01:48 PM

need info on m6 doctor
Hi. Im struggling right now.

had files sent to Boree the day before his accident and now im back to square one looking for a trustworthy doctor to do an m6. im going to evaluate his replacement but havent got started yet.

i need L5/S1 either fused or replaced.

anyone have experience with Pimenta and M6???

can you recommend anyone else that was at Boree's level???

jss 04-08-2012 02:51 PM


Sincere condolences on your hopes of surgery with Dr Boeree not working out. By all accounts he was among the best of the best.

I've not heard of Dr Pimenta using the M6 (he may, I don't know). Spinal Kinetics' site does not list a distributor in Brazil. The posters on this site that go by the handles Maddie and Sandy123 are both former patients of Dr Pimenta. They may have some insight into that question.

Another surgeon on par with Boeree/Clavel/Pimenta that (as far as I know) have no affiliation with any health broker is Dr Zeegers in Germany. He doesn't use the M6; I don't know if he'd be willing to implant one if you leaned on him really hard. The poster on this site that goes by the handle nanfromsactown is a recent patient of his, and may be able to provide you with some insight.

Other than that Dr Boeree was his mentor and that Dr Boeree's office is referring Dr Boeree's patients to him, I have no knowledge of Dr Dare; but as he seems to have been a very close associate of Dr Boeree, Dr Dare might also warrant your consideration.

Good luck, Jeff

mcjagger 04-08-2012 03:47 PM

Dear Palada,

I have just recently made my decision to have Dr. Clavel at the Barcelona Spine Center perform my adr, M6-L at L3/4, surgery. I have only dealt with Dr. Clavel or one of his assistants, Yolanda. They have been timely in their responses to my questions and very helpful with anything that I have asked of them. Just my two cents :)

srajan0929 04-08-2012 06:36 PM

i contacted dr. pimenta's office. dr. pimenta himself replied. he said that he hasn't used the m6 but he could use it. i assume he will just place an order for the m6 and it will arrive promptly.

laid up doc 04-08-2012 10:59 PM

there is definitely a learning curve with a new device... you should ask Dr Pimenta how many M6's he has done.

you don't really want to shell out that much $$ to be a guinea pig, especially for 1 level disease at L5/S1, which pretty a chip shot and you should have a great outcome if it's done right.

JPJH 04-09-2012 06:00 PM

Dr. Clavel in Barcelona!
I had consulted with both Dr. Boeree and Dr. Clavel about doing my cervical ADR using the M-6. They are very much alike in their approach and I liked them both, but in the end I went to Dr. Clavel for my surgery. It was a tough call. If you had chosen Dr. Boeree then I think you will have no issue with shifting your focus to Dr. Clavel for your surgery.


M.Frost 04-12-2012 04:54 PM

I have been a patient of Mr Chris Dare for the past two years and I really can not recommend him more highly. I had L5/S1 disc replacement surgery in November 2011 at the Spire hospital Southampton UK using the M6 artificial disc.
The operation hads been a total success and I still thank Mr Dare on a daily bases for every thing he has done for me. In my opinion not only is he an extremely talented surgeon he is an extremely nice man. I would be more than happy to answer any questions.

Lillyth 11-19-2012 08:42 PM

Do you have contact info for Dr. Dare? I'd love to consult with his as well.

M.Frost 11-26-2012 06:29 AM

Mr Dare
Hi Lillyth
Mr Dare's contact info

Wessex Hospital
Chandlers Ford
SO53 2DW

Contact number 02380 258432


Please let me know if I can be of any further help
Best Wishes

pelada 11-27-2012 10:03 PM

I spoke with Mr. Dare recently and found him to be very polite and he never once seemed to want to get off the phone. I asked ridiculous amount of questions. If his surgery is as good as his patience on the phone, its going to be good!

Havent talked to him since summer though so im very interested to hear from anyone who has had surgery with him.

pelada 11-27-2012 10:07 PM

M6L doctor updates
Anyone had surgery with Dr. Dare?

Im very interested to know how you are doing. Im a candidate and looking for courage to cross over.

Also anyone been to see Dr. Clavel? Im looking to get in contact and get feeling on going to him.

M6 double disk lumbar.

anyone else had this done, where and how are you feeling.

Lillyth 11-28-2012 01:25 AM

I haven't had my surgery yet, but I do know that I have not seen a single bad review of Dr. Clavel.

JeffR 11-29-2012 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by pelada (Post 96484)
Anyone had surgery with Dr. Dare?

Im very interested to know how you are doing. Im a candidate and looking for courage to cross over.

Also anyone been to see Dr. Clavel? Im looking to get in contact and get feeling on going to him.

M6 double disk lumbar.

anyone else had this done, where and how are you feeling.

consulted with Dare but felt he didnt have enough mutli-level experience which is what i needed. Just had a three level with Clavel and am very pleased thus far.

Lillyth 11-29-2012 08:31 PM

Hmmm... Interesting. I just sent my films to Dr. Dare. I will be curious to see what he says about my case, since it is multi-level.

Claudia K. 12-30-2012 01:13 PM

Hi pelada,
I'm really sorry you have to start over. I'm shure you will make the right decision for you. I just came back from Germany, I had disc replacement at L5-S1 by Dr. Bierstedt. He uses a variety of disc and also the M6. He is an experienced surgeon.
Just wanted to give you his information so you can contact him
website German Spine Specialists – M6 ADR Artificial Disk Replacement - Stop spine pain now, Lumbar Cervical Spine Surgery

Hope you find help soon!

Harrison 12-30-2012 03:28 PM

Pelada, I am glad that some patients have had good luck with Stenum (the link that Claudia provided) but I have many, many concerns about their treatments, litany of horror stories from patients, and of course the hijacking of this very web site.

Pls see this FAQ:

trkdoc714 12-30-2012 07:19 PM

Bio on Dr. Bierstedt
Although I had an extremely good result from the 2 level ADR at Stenum and will recommend them to anyone that asks, it appears Harrison is mistakenly connecting Dr. Bierstedt with Stenum. Below is his biography.

"Hr. Dr. Thomas Bierstedt studied medicine from 1991 to 1998 at the Westphalian Wilhelms University in Münster and received the license to practise medicine in May, 1999. His doctorate to the MD was achieved in October, 1999. He began his neurosurgical education in the Knappschaft hospital under Mr. Prof. H. Kretschemer and continued this from the middle of 1999 in Bodelschwinghschen hospital of Bielefeld with Mr. Prof. F.Oppel. Here Dr. Bierstedt worked untill September, 2004 as a resident.

He graduated as neurosurgeon in 2005 in Bielefeld.

From December, 2005 to March, 2008 Dr. Bierstedt worked as a senior physician for neurosurgery and leading senior physician for spinal surgery in the Knappschaft hospital of Recklinghausen under Mr. PD Dr . M.J.A. Puchner.

From 2005 to 2008 Dr. Bierstedt in the Knappschaft hospital of Recklinghausen established a national center for spinal surgery with a special main focus of mobility retaining interventions (artificial disk replacement) as well as spinal trauma.

From 2008 to 2010 the additional education manual therapy and chiropractic."

Good luck with your decision. It should be made with fact and not innuendo and one sided stories.


Claudia K. 12-30-2012 07:35 PM

Hi Harrison,
Sternum? Now I'm confused. Dr.Bierstedt is in Recklinghausen and operates in Hattingen. I have read some of those horror stories about Dr.Ritter Lang too. I know that Malte Peterson ( the person who organizes the trip) worked previously for Dr. Ritter Lang and left, because of reasons explained here in the forum but he is not the surgeon! Apparently I'm missing something?! Dr. Bierstedt is a specialist in disc replacement, he uses a variety of disc and he only has two or three surgeries on one day.

Harrison 12-30-2012 09:15 PM

I would like to better understand the past & present legal & financial situation between this clinic and Stenum, see:

German Spine Specialists – M6 ADR Artificial Disk Replacement - Stop spine pain now, Lumbar Cervical Spine Surgery

I am unclear as to how "clean" their break-up was and when it was. E.g., see this extraordinary email from Petersen to a spine patient dated 2009:

Email from Malte Petersen - Stenum Nightmare

At some point in the recent past, they removed his profile, though the URL still has his name:


What is Stenum Hospital's Reputation? - International Department, ADR Surgery, Artificial disc replacement surgery at Stenum Hospital Germany, lumbar disc replacement, cervical disc replacement, previous fusion ok, multi level, cervical ADR, leading

Everything about that institution has brought nothing but problems to this community, non-profit and many patients. Anyway, glad that people like Bob can come out of the woodwork to correct me and defend the Stenum gang -- how flattering indeed.

A reminder that I was the one that learned (from others in this community) that Dr. Clavel was working for Stenum. I don't have the time now to dig up the posts, but I don't think anyone really cares as much as I do. I had to use what few funds I have to pay for a lawyer to sue Stenum. Their tenacles are long, devious and usually don't get noticed -- few people are watching them and their mishaps. That's why I am grateful for patients for reporting their outcomes.

Jmbeam 12-30-2012 11:16 PM

Im a bit confused. Before I chose Dr Clavel I asked if he was associated with Stenum Hospital. The answer was NO. Are you saying that is not true?

Harrison 12-31-2012 12:49 PM

Jm, I assume you've seen this website:

Artificial Disc Replacement Surgery

Perhaps because of the legal and PR nightmares, they may have changed names, dropped names, re-organized, whatever -- but it's the same cast of characters (Ritter-Lang, their US salesguy, etc.). Again, pls read all the posts in the FAQ I offered on Stenum.

As patients, we have to be as precise as surgeons when asking questions.

trkdoc714 12-31-2012 07:59 PM

Malte Peterson

I was told Malte parted company with Stenum late last year or very early in 2012. The hospital has changed hands and is under new ownership. The relationship between Peterson and old/ new ownership is not clear but I'd assume the change had something to do with his leaving.

With Ritter-Lang and Clavel in a sort of a partnership, the care at Stenum now offers both Orthopaedic and Neurosurgical skills. I think this was a result of the new owners. I hope they continue to produce good results to overshadow the (undeserved) bad press they were tagged with earlier last decade.

I hope all have had a Merry Christmas and are looking forward to a hopeful and painfree new year.


laid up doc 12-31-2012 08:25 PM

thanks for deleting my post Harrison... enjoy your fiefdom. i think most people benefit from a variety of opinions.

there is no one answer..

Harrison 12-31-2012 09:32 PM

Bob, thanks for your post and clarification. I apologize if I was impolite.

LUD, I canceled your post because someone else (1 of 3 people who complained about your posts in the past, some are easily found) called my attention to this post (that was deleted) and another recent one (that was not). I do agree with you about no right answer -- but Stenum and its original doctors have left such a trail of carnage here and elsewhere it's the ONLY clinic in this world that enjoys my rabid attention.

I have nothing to hide, I was trying to be polite and not air dirty laundry. At least one patient learned something new in this post, I see that as a good thing. We all need to know the good, bad and the ugly with the complexities of surgery and we've always discussed these openly since 2004.

I am now returning to my fiefdom to do the dishes, pet the cat and relax with the wife. Maybe not in that order... :sulkoff:

JeffR 01-21-2013 04:14 PM

Harrison while I appreciate your views n sternum - and in fact agree with them - I think this site lost an important voice since LUD stopped posting. Perhaps you could write her and explain? Also maybe there could be a warning before a deletion or a flag or something, I don't know I just think this was an unfortunate situation...

mercymar1 11-01-2020 12:47 PM

Victim of M6L failure and negligent surgeon

Harrison 11-05-2020 10:32 PM

Folks, sorry for the continued problems with certain German surgeons. The German patient advocates, and a small number of poor outcomes has literally cost me hundreds of hours, and THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS from my own pocket. Read up on how the Stenum sales guys spoofed my site years ago. They high-jacked this site; I had to hire a lawyer to stop them!

Sorry, done with this topic. Been hosting this site since 2004 and it's been nothing but headaches, time and money.

Mercy, pls start another topic in the post-op forum if you have not already. Pls add a signature too. Hope we can support you, now that we have more information on certain M6 failures.

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