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iris 09-16-2012 01:36 AM

Alkaline diet as curative?
My chiropractor is saying that part of my degenerative disc disease is due to diet, particularly having a diet that creates more acid in system, and recommended taking one teaspoon of baking soda in water daily. I believe there is something to this since my symptoms get worse with coffee & sugary foods. Thoughts?

annapurna 09-16-2012 03:20 PM

After too many years of soda and bad food during business travel, I ended up about 10 pounds overweight and fighting high blood pressure and osteopenia. I'm now just under a year without any soda at all. The weight and blood pressure were, of course, fast reactors to the changes. The osteopenia seems to be turning around slowly. I do believe that there is something about diet. I would, though, say that you can't reverse everything with a better diet; you reach a point where additional intervention is needed or else you continue to slide down the cliff and the diet only affect how quickly you'll slide down.

Instead of trying baking soda to force an alkaline diet, I'd suggest reading through Dr. Hauser's diet book or guidelines on his webpage. His concept is that everyone digests food differently so a "one size fits all" diet isn't going to work either.

iris 09-17-2012 12:06 AM

Alkaline diet
Thank you, Annapurna, your words reflect a voice of reason. I have not seen Dr. Hauser's writing yet and will explore this. These little spurts of hopeful "cures" keep me going!

Harrison 09-17-2012 11:10 AM

Iris, did you already see this topic?

I believe a healthier, organic, plant-based diet can help restore health. Juicing is an easy way to efficiently get nutrients into our body, why alkalizing at the same time.

I attended the Gerson Therapy seminar a few years ago and personally met people that had cancers that were "cured." So radical, natural therapies can reverse many ailments.

Harrison 09-17-2012 10:02 PM

There are many contributors to DDD, here's another one:

iris 09-18-2012 12:17 AM

Alkalinity as cure?
No, Harrison, I did not read those resources you've referenced & look forward to doing so. Thanks.

Lewis01 10-17-2013 09:32 PM


I have been on a mostly raw, mostly plant based, high alkaline diet for over 10 years now. I also do certain supplements and oils designed to help my back. It has helped me tremendously. My chiropractor also got me headed in this direction. I can explain the details of what has worked for me and what hasn't etc. if you (or anyone else) are interested. My back was in the worst possible shape and now I do most things that I want even though my back is not perfect. The disc gets very little blood flow. I've heard the inner disc, the pulposus, gets no blood flow. Therefore actual complete regeneration of the disc after a certain point may not be possible. However, my body has gotten much better in so many ways with a high alkaline diet.

Harrison 10-19-2013 11:53 AM

Good for you, Lewis! That's awesome. I recently invested in a Living Water machine. It filters and changes the pH for water consumption -- or even cleaning. I use it to clean produce, or the countertop, at the lower pH. And I drink 8.5 to 9.0 alkaline water.

So many things have contributed to my better health...I'll have to write them all down some day!

Lewis01 10-19-2013 04:51 PM

Harrison, sounds like a book to be written. Can you tell me some details about the water filtration? Brand, how and where installed, etc. Is it one filter for all water coming into the house? Thanks.

Lewis01 10-19-2013 04:52 PM

Is it this one: Home

Harrison 10-20-2013 11:30 AM

It's this product here:

I bought mine months ago, I use it 5-10 times daily.

Lewis01 10-20-2013 08:11 PM

Thanks. This may be a good fit for us.

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