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Johnny Vegas 09-14-2008 03:46 PM Hello to all my fellow REAL back pain sufferers! As a newbie to this site, it is nice to know that there are others who are facing the same issues as I am, although this is a group we certainly did not ask to be a part of!!

Unfortunately, having this sometimes crazy pain has been more difficult in socially than physically (not to mention the psychological impact as a man getting old and generally unable to do certain things!). I can't tell you how many times I have missed a social outing in the past few years because of back pain. It has unfortunately forced me to change my lifestyle, and my friends and family have been very slow to understand. (How many times have you heard, "You know my back gets sore too!" --I have learned to avoid the subject in some instances because I realize most people are incapable of really understanding).

I now thank God for some of the little things in life that I can be thankful for --In some ways this has been a positive experience --and I welcome ANYTHING and everthing positive right now, including my ability to make this post and reach all of you, a group that DOES understand. I have learned being positive is as important as anything.

I have alot of questions that maybe some of you courageous souls could answer for me. First, my back history:

2000-rear-ended by a truck-physical therapy and injections cured most pain

06-"crazy-killer" back pain kept me in bed for almost two weeks-injections (20!) and more PT helped somewhat

07-IDET procedure at L4-5 and PT helped for 4 months (discrogram diagnoses herniation at this level)

08-currently on leave from work last two weeks-trying PT, chiro, deep tissue massage
Post poned dascor surgery, considering ADR or fusion

Medication has been a double edged sword for me--while it does help somewhat, the side effects are sometimes unbearable. I have been off and on it for 8 years. I have been on vicodin, perkiset, and oxycontin, though from what I understand they are all the same, opiates. They have had a wide range of effects on my pain, from no effect to completely pain-free. The problem, which I see few discussing here, is that they effect my cognitive abilities (especially memory), somtimes make me drowsy, and are very addictive. I have had trouble sleeping and increased heart rate when getting off of them. I would advise anyone thinking of using them to find every other alternative before using them. I am really hoping the next surgery will allow me to never use them again.

I am hoping to get responses to the following questions:

--1. Does anyone have any Dascor data from Europe? My Dr. tells me there have been "hundreds" performed there, and only - 20 in the US. He has peronally performed 5, of which 4 have been successful.

--2. Does anyone have any information on polyurethane and cancer? I have read that this plastic in your body can
increase your levels of MDA -which is a carcenogenic. My Dr. tells me these levels are not high enough to worry about.

--3. Are there any significant research numbers on the percentage of fusion surgeries that are successful? Most Dr.s
tell me they are in the %50-%60 range, but I have yet to find any real numbers.

--4. Are there any significant research numbers on the percentage of other ADR's that are successful? No one that I know
here in Phoenix, Arizona performs ADR's and a good fusion Dr. is tough to find.

--5. Can anyone tell me what sort of complications I might expect from my insurance company or Dascor, if I have the
the Dascor procedure? Who will pay if a problem arises?

--6. More specifically, I would like to thank Dylan, Darren Rose, and Paul Annis for their input here, as they are the only
three that have had the Dascor procedure on this forum, as far as I know. I am also hoping they could update me on
their current status and feelings about the procedure.

My Dr. assures me that the Dascor company will foot the bill for everything (my insurance denied it, as expected for
a experimental, non-FDA approved surgery). Will they pay for a complication that might fall into a "gray area" of "what is the cause?" By the way, is everyone with me when it comes to getting a nationalized health care system for all! The great USA needs a NEW system. For the naysayers, how do we know how it will work-we have never tried it. You would know if you had to fight insurance companies for everything, like I have. Any ideas? email me at!!! Doops, off on a political tanget. OBAMA (subliminal message)

I have been a poker/blackjack dealer for over ten years. Although this aggravates my situation, I really enjoy my job and hope to continue with it. For those who have any input I will also tell you that I am a non-smoker, 44 years-old, and OBAMA (sub. mess.).

Seriously, I appreciate everyones prayers, help and support, especially Harrison, thank you. Sincerely, Johnny

Johnny Vegas 09-14-2008 04:07 PM

Sorry for the long post everybody...just found the website for Dascor-- Thanks again, Johnny

sahuaro 09-14-2008 04:23 PM

I am down the road from you in Tucson and just wanted to let you know that I opted to have (cervical) ADR surgery in Los Angeles where some of the most experienced and top-notch ADR surgeons are located. ADR in Arizona is in its infancy.
Wishing you much luck in your decision-making!

Johnny Vegas 09-14-2008 04:51 PM

Thanks for the reply Sahuaro. I feel like an expert on back Dr.'s here in the Phoenix valley and you are right. It is difficult to find a good fusion surgeon and no one that I know of is doing ADR other than Dascor. Kind of amazing with an older population of 4 million! LA might be in my future. I hope you are doing well with your ADR. Take Care

Terry 09-14-2008 07:45 PM

There are many other artificial discs and surgeons to research and think about. You have some pluses going for you with not smoking and being younger. I had 4 level ADR surgery at age 49 and am doing pretty good. I can't relate to the running as, I believe, it is probably one of the more destructive forms of exercise out there. The body was not meant to be pounded like running does. I am a bicyclist which causes much less impact (Except the impact of my body hitting the asphalt when a 100 lb. dog ran in to my front wheel ).

I hope you find what you need here. Many of us have been where you are at now and we will support you in the process.

Welcome to the forum.

Terry Newton

Johnny Vegas 09-14-2008 11:20 PM

FOUR! Incredible Terry. I'm not sure I'm worthy to be in your company. Thanks for your support. Sincerely, Johnny
p.s. I'm originally from Minnesota, if you get too cold up there come on down to AZ! I know how tough those winters are, epecially on the back! I'll show ya around (with a cane if I have too!)

ans 09-15-2008 01:50 AM

Good luck Johnny. I echo to consider coming to LA and knock off a few opinions if you can. You might feel at home as we're gonna have Santa Ana's in a few days. Best, Allan

Johnny Vegas 09-15-2008 03:47 PM

UPDATE: Can't hold out any longer, giving Dascor the green light. Surgery scheduled next week! Seems to be the best way to go!

sahuaro 09-15-2008 07:25 PM

Yipes! Sounds like an emergency...what happened?
Wishing you a successful surgery--please update when you can.

Linda 09-15-2008 08:45 PM

Best wishes on a successful outcome and a quick recovery time!

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