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ButterflyJak 06-14-2016 02:00 PM

Decided to take the plunge L5S1 ADR 07/18/16
I injured my back 14 years ago and am pretty used to the pains I get in my right glutes, I've tried all sorts of treatments over the years, Bowens, physio, osteopaths, etc etc. Finally managed to keep it at bay for about 6 years doing Stott Pilates. Did so well I was able to run 2 half marathons (fool). The last 18 months or so my left leg and foot started to cause problems, muscle appeared to be seizing up and foot was burning, had numerous treatments on my leg before GP finally referred me to the fracture clinic!!! They sent me for mri which took 6 months to get the results and confirm its referred pain from my back.

I had the steroid injection a few months ago but hasn't made any difference at all. Been back to see consultant he's disappointed it didn't have any effect. He has been really good, is the only professional that could explain every symptom I was getting and tie them all together and was the first time it made any sense! L5/S1 has degenerated from the injury all them years ago and he's surprised I'm not getting nerve pains in both legs due to nerve space and that my multifidus muscle in my back isn't working, hence glute pain.

I like to think I'm a young 47, Pilates once a week at a very good centre where the instructor does sports injuries treatments and has a lot of knowledge re back injuries etc. I exercise regularly and have no doubt that if I didn't train the way I do it would be ten times worse, it's just knowing when not to aggravate it! Bit of a catch 22 sometimes.

It's now affecting my sleep, wakes me up when I move, get shooting pains in my glutes and can't lay on my left side as leg gets really numb and foot starts to burn. Can't run anymore which I'm finding really frustrating now that the weathers improving.

Sometimes I do feel a bit of a fraud as others are so much worse, but I still like to think I have plenty of years ahead and want to be able to get a decent nights sleep and do the things I enjoy.

Anyway consultant has said I am a very good candidate for ADR and was very supportive and has answered all my questions. Past surgeries I have healed quite quickly. I was concerned as I had successful bladder surgery 16 years ago and don't want it messed up. He said he can use the same skin area to open up but a different muscle area higher up to avoid the work done to my bladder.

I pretty much now just want to be fixed. Not worried about the surgery and I do trust him and know that the worst part is the built up! Once it's done it's just a case of healing.

Time flies so I'm staying positive and hoping this time next year I will have wondered what all the fuss was about. :eek:

drewrad 06-14-2016 02:03 PM

Time to fire up some consults. Get at least three. See if you can locate a consensus among them. Good luck.

Fathub 06-15-2016 12:26 AM

I had very similar symptoms and my own exercise regime delayed the need or surgery. As Drewrad said.....get lots of consults. Ask lots of questions.

ButterflyJak 06-15-2016 04:24 PM

Thanks for your replies. I've been to a top surgeon in London who's been highly recommended, unfortunately there aren't many that perform this procedure in the UK, most will only do fusion or injections. My local Dr will only offer physio as "I'm too young", really! I've had a written report from another hospital and my sports injury therapist is in agreement. So I'm not going in blind. I weighed up the pros and cons, decided that there's now point dragging it on, quicker I get it over and done with I can heel and stop suffering and having sleepless nights, and there's always the chance that the longer I leave it more other issues I could get. I not scared of surgery, been there many times before, just hate waiting once I've made up my mind! Totally trust my surgeon, he's been totally honest with me and knows his stuff. Not going to do the bank balance much good though.

Cynlite 07-11-2016 04:37 PM

Almost there!
Well, you are on the home stretch now for your upcoming date! Just wanted to wish you a successful surgery that gets rid of your pain so you can get back to living an active life again. Sending good thoughts and wishes your direction! :angel::angel::angel:

Harrison 07-11-2016 09:59 PM

Jak, this is silly:

"...Sometimes I do feel a bit of a fraud as others are so much worse, but I still like to think I have plenty of years ahead and want to be able to get a decent nights sleep and do the things I enjoy..."

...although many people go through that same negative thought pattern. The fact that you are openly sharing your concerns AND pain levels AND quality of life issues means that have a big problem that you need to fix.

You are ready to finally address the root cause of the problem, and I do believe you will be successful. Keep doing your homework.

As you can see, we are lucky to have some smart, caring people that were in your shoes. And now they are on a path of healing and wellness. You will get there too. Just keep "beating it up" until you get the answers you need to be ready! :wiggle:

ButterflyJak 07-19-2016 11:18 PM

Relieved it's all over
Thank you for your kind comments, it just help to know you are not alone and able to share with others in the same situation.

Has my surgery Monday 18 July and am totally amazed so far. They had me walking a few hours, just around the bed with the physio and everything worked and no pain. In fact the 3 annulars I had (2 one hand 1 other) were more painful. Just had an ache in my back but tummy felt fine. Tuesday I was totally pain free. As soon as the ache starts coming I get more drugs. Nurses, doctors & physio have been amazing. Had 3 walks along corridors Tuesday and up/down 3 steps. Jaw got a bit shaky on 2nd one but think I was due more meds. Saw surgeon and apparently my old disc just crumbled when he was taking it out. Just fell apart so was easy. Bit tight getting new one in which is probably why it's achy all ligaments/muscles been stretched back. The senior nurse has said I could be a star patient 😇 If I keep up my progress, but maybe once the anaesthetic has totally left my system maybe a different experience. Plans were to go home Friday, but maybe earlier if I carry on as I have been. I've been feeling very supported and amazed by friends and family by amount of texts & visits which really helps. Times like this you realise who your true friends are.
So onwards & upwards, was feeling very stressed the week before and very nervous. Sorry for rambling but it's those meds 😁

Cynlite 07-20-2016 12:03 AM

Congratulations! So happy you are doing well and had a successful surgery. I was really ready for my surgery a few months ago but, the hours leading up to it are a bit of a challenge to handle. I totally get it! It's such a relief to be on the other side. Have a great recovery. :clap:

ButterflyJak 07-20-2016 05:18 AM

Yes so far the worst part was the waiting, then the annulars, ended up with 4th one last night, seems I have very skinny veins and the kept clotting. That one came out this morning. Just feel like a pin cushion. Had my first solid food, porridge with honey, amazing to be allowed to eat again. Woke up feeling very achy again all up my back, but was late on taking meds so they're just starting to kick in now. Still very sleepy but sure that's normal, I am sleeping but was awake for a few hours in the night. Sure I'll get there in the end.

Disc replacement 2015 07-20-2016 04:25 PM

Best wishes! You are on an awesome track already!

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