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John747 01-23-2012 12:16 PM

Hello I am a new member who is considering the ProdiscC for a problem at C5-6. On my latest MRI you can see the disc compressing the spine by @ 1/3 and also have stenosis.

In Feb. 2009 I was literally laying in the floor crying one night with terrible pain :chainsaw: in my left arm. The long and the short of it I was recommend a fusion of C5/6 at Jackson Memorial in Miami and also Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, FL. For whatever reason I did not do the procedure. The pain was controlled/went away after three epidurals. I have had four more subsequent to control pain. I am now having a constant numbness in two fingers on my left hand and am experiencing unexplained pain in the C5/6 region. I have been told also that I "may" be causing permanent nerve damage (the numbness).

I recently saw Rolando Garcia in Miami who says that I am a fair candidate for the ProdiscC. Fair because I do have bone spurs and some arthritis in the area. Otherwise I am a healthy, active man in my late 50's.

Insurance is not a problem. My main concern is although pain is controlled for now, I do have activities that cause immediate numbness in my left arm, possible nerve damage, the possibility of not being able to control pain in the future (I can't do anymore frontal epidurals), and not being a candidate later in life.
There seems to be a varied group of participants on this board and I would appreciate your opinions.

Also opinions on ProdiscC vs M6.

Thanks in advance.

SpineInSecurity 01-23-2012 09:00 PM

I got a Prodisc-C at C5-6 a month ago. Don't know anything about the M6, though.

Bone spurs should not be a major issue. I had one at that level, and AFAIK, it was no problem for the surgeon to trim it off before placing the implant.

Which fingers are you having pain in? If you're like me, you may have multiple levels causing problems.

John747 01-24-2012 03:38 PM

Hi SpineInSecurity.
Thanks for the reply. My numbness is in my ring and little finger tips on my left hand. Otherwise except for immediate numbness in my left arm with certain activities I am experiencing little to no pain. MRI shows big problem only at C5-6. I just don't want a window to close for doing the surgery and or doing permanent damage.
I have not had much luck with doctors in S. FL so I am turning to places like this and people such as you for advice in making the right decision.
Thanks again and continued success.

christinlal 01-26-2012 08:15 PM

Hi John,
opinions on ProdiscC vs M6

I have a Prodisc C at C6/7 that was done in 09/2009 here in Tampa, FL. It is misaligned and too small. I had more issues at the C5/6 level but it was not addressed.....after 2 years (of misery) I underwent surgery with Dr/Mr Boeree and I thank God every single day I have an M6 at the second level. The alignment is perfect, and the mechanics of this adr closely emulate a real disc vs. the prodisc.

The large keels of the Prodisc C may cause problems - and I know if I had it to do over, I would have only M6;S. I also would never put more than one prodisc in as I was informed by Mr. Boeree that it could cause the spine to split. I am not trying to frighten you, but let you know what I have uncovered and lived thru.
I wish you safety and a pain free future,

SpineInSecurity 01-27-2012 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by John747
My numbness is in my ring and little finger tips on my left hand. Otherwise except for immediate numbness in my left arm with certain activities I am experiencing little to no pain. MRI shows big problem only at C5-6. I just don't want a window to close for doing the surgery and or doing permanent damage.

Are you me? Big mess at C5-6, C8 problems, short window of opportunity to do anything... After what appears to be three years of nerves being compressed or otherwise impaired for you, full recovery may be iffy. My injury was thirteen years ago, so I'm expecting some of the numb and tingly will never go away.

My next move will probably be a micro discectomy for that C8 to hopefully resolve the pinky and ring finger tingling and loss of coordination in the hand.

John747 01-30-2012 10:55 PM

Thanks all for of your replies. I am scared to do any surgery because my 7 epidurals have controlled my (acute) pain (but not my numbness). I am also afraid of the damage that the epidural material might be causing, but to be honest, I am more afraid that surgery might create more and new complications.
I guess in reality I am a big chicken to do anything. After reading about folks who are in constant pain, and people who have more problems post op I am frozen by indecision. I know that it is just a matter of time before something bad will happen, but......
It is really helpful to read the reality of what has and is happening to others as I struggle with what do.
Many thanks and Godspeed.

JPJH 01-31-2012 12:10 AM

Wait until you hit the wall!!

Put surgery off as long as you can. You will know when you have hit the wall and really have no other choice. I Chose the M-6 over the prod-disc. Like most things you will find it will come down to your own choice for your own reasons. In my readings I seem to find folks that have used the M-6 have had a better outcome. I had hit my wall and knew it was time for surgery. I do have my own ongoing pain issues after my surgery, but you know if I had gone ahead with the fusion and felt fine afterward with no ongoing pain, well then that would have been that. But had I done the fusion and still had pain issues I would have always wondered what would have happend if I had ADR surgery? The stenosis problem was fixed. The M-6 ADR's are in perfect placement, but I still have pain issues that may or may not be related to the surgery. My Dr. says they don't appear to be. I guess I just have a pretty funky C-spine that I have to live with. I just do my best with it one day at a time.

Wait for the wall.....


annapurna 01-31-2012 07:20 AM

I can't push you or anyone else to get surgery but I will say that the epidural injections are likely to be causing problems. A few isn't likely to lead to serious problems but seven is getting up there and if those seven were done over a short period of time, it becomes more likely. I guess I'd advise that there are risks to surgery but there's also risks to waiting and using non-surgical techniques to deal with pain.

If I were to simply tell you to do something, I'd say to find a surgeon and procedure that you have confidence in right now. Once you know where you'd go and what you'd have done, you can choose to wait until you're sure but starting that research once the pain ramps up would mean that you'll be pressed and distracted when you need to be clear-headed and relaxed.

John747 02-07-2012 11:34 AM

Hi JPJH and Anapurna.
Many thanks for your replies. Great advice from both. I have canceled my appointment with my Dr. to schedule surgery. Both of you are correct.
I am not confident in the person or device, and I have not hit that wall yet :chainsaw:.
This is a great site with many nice folks :angel: who are sharing with what they have been through with those who haven't reached that destination yet.

Harrison 02-07-2012 12:09 PM

Hi John, welcome. When you can, pls see this topic:

Let me know if you need help.

In the meantime, tell us about your pain management regime. Other than epidurals, how are you managing your pain? Is it worse at certain times of the day? Do certain kinds of anti-inflammatories work more effectively than others?


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