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Eddie_G 11-10-2008 01:52 AM

Psoriasis Anyone?
I am wondering if there is any connection with my spine and the small reddish dry skin areas on my body. I have a spot on each ankle, both ring fingers, both ring toes. I have stiffness in my feet and hands. I just now read about the connection between spine inflammation and "Symmetric Psoriatic Arthritis". I am seeing a podiatrist for the first time tomorrow for my super stiff feet. I wonder if I should see a dermatologist too? I understand dermatologists treat psoriatic arthritis so I'll get 2 opinions this week. I dont want to get ahead of myself by diagnosing my own symptoms but Symmetric Psoriatic Arthritis seems to fit. It is connected with an inflammed spine. I'm sure there are tests they can run to find out for sure. I am due to have fusion in a few weeks so I'm going to need to know if this will be a problem or a reason to delay my operation.

Could Symmetric Psoriatic Arthritis have been caused by my spine surgery?

Did anyone else get Symmetric Psoriatic Arthritis after their spine surgery? Or psoriasis?


2cool4U 11-10-2008 09:48 AM


While a Dermatologist can readily diagnose and treat the skin lesions in psoriasis, you will want to see a Rheumatologist if you think psoriatic arthritis is a possibility. There is a series of blood tests and x-rays that can be performed to diagnose several different types of inflammatory arthritis.

Harrison 11-10-2008 12:21 PM


There absolutely can be a connection with these conditions. I’ve been posting about the pathologies of spine diseases for years now; I fear some people are tired of it and have serious considered the implications of the citations in the long topic Also see this page I just found.

In my opinion, there’s no question that mycobacteria plays a role in spinal diseases and arthritis. Remember, pathogens that cause certain arthritic conditions were discovered 75 years ago; many other types have been found since then. Equally as important, some can be successfully treated with antimicrobial therapies.

In the meantime, the pharmaceutical companies are making a killing (pun intended) on treating millions of arthritis patients with dangerous immune-suppressive drugs.

As you will see when you start reading and learning about this phenomenon, it gets pretty thick with complexity pretty fast. And spine doctors generally don't like to discuss this kind of thing; so finding a good rheumie doc is good advice.

Eddie_G 11-11-2008 03:16 PM

One problem is that I can't get in to see a Rhumatologist for months and my fusion is in 2 weeks. I have a call into my surgeon to ask him if the possibility of having arthritis would affect my surgery date. I'm also seeing my pain management dr. tomorrow for bloodwork to test for arthritis.

The foot doctor I saw yesterday said I have Plantar fasciitis but that still does not explain the stiffness in my hands. My foot X-Rays taken yesterday did not show anything obvious like advanced arthritis.

The dermatologist I saw yesterday did not know what my legions were. He did say it's peculiar because psoriasis is very obvious and mine were not. He called it a "thickening" of the skin.

Reading all the abstracts is scary. It seems mycoplasmas can do alot of bad things. I am amazed to find all the connections between mycoplasma and back pain. These bacteria find homes in spines!!! They cause back pain!!! If my discogram wasn't positive for the annular tear I would think I had a bug living in my spine.

I still may....

Thanks again!!!!

Alastair 11-11-2008 04:38 PM

The Plantar fasciitis will take up to 6 months to clear up (my wife hasi this at the moment) you need to see a podietrist.

Those bugs in your spine you need to talk to Harrison about serrapeptides
Alastair :)

Justin 11-11-2008 05:34 PM

Good luck Eddie.

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