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Ros 04-20-2005 10:56 AM

I am glad to be with part of such a wonderful group. I am learning alot.
I had a rough fall in the kitchen a little over 3 years ago. I need surgery at the C5-6, 6-7.
On my MRI it shows Spondylosis, Disc bulges abutting the ventral cord. My nerve conductor test showed C6 radiculopathy.
I have never had spine surgery and am hoping I might be a candidate for MISS. I hope you all have a lovely day. Love and Hugs, Ros

laura-w 04-20-2005 01:03 PM

Hi Ros,

Welcome aboard. I'm new too and have already learned so much from this site. I actually don't know as much as you do about the specifics of my spinal problems so this is something I have to work on. My doctors just want me live with the pain until there is some kind of neurological deficit and then they will look at me again. I think not.

Best of luck to you,


Ros 04-20-2005 01:52 PM

Hello Laura,
I am sorry to hear the Dr.'s are not getting to the root of the problem. Can you change Doctors if they will not help?
What tests have you had? I have had 3 MRI's one with dye, nerve conductor tests, and a couple different types of X Rays. I hope you will get competant help soon. Wishing you the best. Love, Ros

laura-w 04-20-2005 06:54 PM

Hi Ros, So far I have had 2 CT scans that showed one lumbar and 4 cervical herniated disks but I don't know how badly they are supposed to be affecting the spinal cord and nerve roots. And I had an EMG that shows that the nerves and muscles in my legs are healthy, just painful,if that makes any sense. I have no insurance for the MRI's so I am on a waiting list that is about 6 months long. I am also on a waiting list for a discogram to figure out which disks are the most problematic. I guess I know more than I thought really. I hope you will be able to have the MISS. I'm not sure how they determine this.

Take good care of yourself, Laura

Harrison 04-20-2005 07:38 PM

Welcome Ros -- glad you found us. I hope we can help you.

BTW: Can you explain your possible MISS a bit?

Ros 04-21-2005 11:10 AM

Hello Harrison,
It is nice to meet you. I am soo thankful you started this wonderful website.
I really am not sure if I am a canditate for MISS. I had a MRI a couple years ago and nothing much showed up. I just had my last one in January which came as a shock to me. I am in the process of making copies and sending my films out.
For me personally fusion is not a option I will be going for. I will be going for ADR if MISS will not work out for me. I hope you have a wonderful day. Love, Roz

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