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MamaLuna 02-18-2016 12:49 PM

New Here - from Michigan
Hi everyone. I am actually doing research for my husband.. and while I'm glad to see so many people with helpful information - I am SO sad that so many people are going through similar situations. :(

My husband is almost 34. Long story short - He has degenerative disc disease. Discs L3-S1 are bad and need to go. They are not finding any pinched nerves and said the discs themselves are causing the pain. Surgeons have said he needs a multi level fusion.. only issue now is that in the past 5 years that he's been laid up and not able to function like most people. He has put on 100#.. and now they tell him he needs to lose that 100# in order for surgery to be possible. He is 6'3" and weights appros 340#. So now, he is trying to diet and weight loss pills - since exercise is obviously out of the question. They have suggested Bariatric surgery to lose the weight - but thats another huge risk - and I've heard lots of bad things about that too. I hate to have to go that route if there are more options than having to lose weight before a multi level fusion. I am now looking outside of Michigan and seeing what other options we have. :)

SO.. I am here to do some more research and read up on information.

Thanks in advance for any/all help.

FutureRobot 02-18-2016 04:47 PM

Sounds like a tough situation. I think for any spine surgery, weight of the patient is very important. Has he made an effort to eat healthier? I know with ADR, they really prefer patients that are healthy in terms of weight.

Fathub 02-18-2016 09:17 PM

Try a 12 step program and do it naturally and you'll be amazed at what other tremendous things it'll do for his/your life.....

Romakis 02-19-2016 08:03 AM

losing weight
I lost 40 lbs since my back started to hurt (went from 190 to 150). Exercises did not help, I was just converting fat into muscles, 's all. Eating less was the only way for me to do so. I would leave the table still hungry, and would go for long walks. Walking actually would subdue my appetite after 30 minutes or so. Being hungry felt nothing compared to the back pain.

Unfortunately I do not think anyone can provide any advice that would make your husband lose weight, he must make that decision himself. It is like quitting smoking (for me at least).

Sorry for not being much help, but I guarantee you that losing a lot of extra weight feels incredibly good. It will also give him more will to fix his back.

Disc replacement 2015 02-19-2016 10:00 PM

It is very kind of you to support your partner so much.
There is a phone app called "lose it" that can help people track calories and set other health goals. It is free unless you want upgrades.
Pain meds often cause weight gain...coupled with lower activity levels from pain, it is a recipie for weight gain. For me, tracking calories in very carefully helped.
I've heard some people have good luck with the drug Wellbutrin (to help mood but also decrease weight).
Good luck

Disc replacement 2015 02-19-2016 10:03 PM

Ps. I really believe in the help that dieticians can provide, and that psychologists can do in terms of support and problem solving for pain management, mood, weight loss and lifestyle management. Check out the center for clinical interventions for free workbooks

Jonesie13 02-29-2016 01:22 AM

Weight management
Just like cigarettes or alcohol or other obviously addictive substances food can easily be an addiction. I found once I manage to cut out certain foods for a while I no longer crave them. Limiting food intake is more important than exercise in weight loss. Since becoming very sedentary, remaining at 124 lbs at 5'6" until surgery even taking in muscle loss has been a challenge but not impossible. I just don't go shopping hungry and don't buy junk food or high carb foods. All in moderation and lots of salad.

Jerry5 02-29-2016 08:15 PM

This is a hard subject and people really get offended.

Eat a LOT of vegetables, Personally, I like Prunes and Plums, drink Prune Juice.

Apples, Grapes, Broccoli, all very filling.

Yogurt, REAL yogurt, seven strain, look up the label on Chobani if you don't have that in Michigan, Not sure if Farmer Jack has that or not, been several years since...

Probiotics, watch the film Probiotic America, you only need to watch the first 15 minutes to understand.

If he has multiple levels, and you have the cash, go for a trip to Europe, (you can use your 401K, and get reimbursed) I went to German Spine Inst, there are others on here that have gone to other places, all have good references.

They can do multiple level ADR there (in Europe, Spain, UK, Germany)

Harrison 03-01-2016 10:02 PM

Good posts, thanks everyone for caring about "Momma Moon."

MamaLuna, when you can, pls add a signature:

Let me know if you need help. ;)

MamaLuna 03-07-2016 01:21 PM

Thank you everyone for your responses!! He has never in his life had to diet (before having his back get so bad he's always been a hard physical worker and never had an issue with weight) so I think he's having a hard time getting into that mental place where he is willing to put in the effort to lose the weight. His brother just had weight loss surgery - I'd rather him not take that risk too - but from the sounds of it, he is leaning that way. I feel that where he is at mentally is that he is so tired of being in pain he may just do the weight loss surgery to have a quick way out. I don't know.. its been 5 years in the making of getting to this point - so I am getting worn down too. He suffers with depression, anxiety, three lowest discs are bad (and its the discs, not nerves according to the dr's) and on top of that he is a smoker... its all to me just a recipe for disaster and I have been told by other doctors that losing weight and quitting smoking are the two hardest things to do... so its just frustrating sometimes because I can't get in his head and flip the switch on. I appreciate all the kind words though and I will definitely suggesthe app (although he isn't very technology savy).. maybe I can get him to use that. :)


Originally Posted by FutureRobot (Post 112794)
Sounds like a tough situation. I think for any spine surgery, weight of the patient is very important. Has he made an effort to eat healthier? I know with ADR, they really prefer patients that are healthy in terms of weight.


Originally Posted by Fathub (Post 112796)
Try a 12 step program and do it naturally and you'll be amazed at what other tremendous things it'll do for his/your life.....


Originally Posted by Romakis (Post 112797)
I lost 40 lbs since my back started to hurt (went from 190 to 150). Exercises did not help, I was just converting fat into muscles, 's all. Eating less was the only way for me to do so. I would leave the table still hungry, and would go for long walks. Walking actually would subdue my appetite after 30 minutes or so. Being hungry felt nothing compared to the back pain.

Unfortunately I do not think anyone can provide any advice that would make your husband lose weight, he must make that decision himself. It is like quitting smoking (for me at least).

Sorry for not being much help, but I guarantee you that losing a lot of extra weight feels incredibly good. It will also give him more will to fix his back.


Originally Posted by Disc replacement 2015 (Post 112800)
It is very kind of you to support your partner so much.
There is a phone app called "lose it" that can help people track calories and set other health goals. It is free unless you want upgrades.
Pain meds often cause weight gain...coupled with lower activity levels from pain, it is a recipie for weight gain. For me, tracking calories in very carefully helped.
I've heard some people have good luck with the drug Wellbutrin (to help mood but also decrease weight).
Good luck


Originally Posted by Disc replacement 2015 (Post 112801)
Ps. I really believe in the help that dieticians can provide, and that psychologists can do in terms of support and problem solving for pain management, mood, weight loss and lifestyle management. Check out the center for clinical interventions for free workbooks


Originally Posted by Jonesie13 (Post 112859)
Just like cigarettes or alcohol or other obviously addictive substances food can easily be an addiction. I found once I manage to cut out certain foods for a while I no longer crave them. Limiting food intake is more important than exercise in weight loss. Since becoming very sedentary, remaining at 124 lbs at 5'6" until surgery even taking in muscle loss has been a challenge but not impossible. I just don't go shopping hungry and don't buy junk food or high carb foods. All in moderation and lots of salad.


Originally Posted by Jerry5 (Post 112862)
This is a hard subject and people really get offended.

Eat a LOT of vegetables, Personally, I like Prunes and Plums, drink Prune Juice.

Apples, Grapes, Broccoli, all very filling.

Yogurt, REAL yogurt, seven strain, look up the label on Chobani if you don't have that in Michigan, Not sure if Farmer Jack has that or not, been several years since...

Probiotics, watch the film Probiotic America, you only need to watch the first 15 minutes to understand.

If he has multiple levels, and you have the cash, go for a trip to Europe, (you can use your 401K, and get reimbursed) I went to German Spine Inst, there are others on here that have gone to other places, all have good references.

They can do multiple level ADR there (in Europe, Spain, UK, Germany)


Originally Posted by Harrison (Post 112874)
Good posts, thanks everyone for caring about "Momma Moon."

MamaLuna, when you can, pls add a signature:

Let me know if you need help. ;)

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