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jasonhhh 09-11-2011 10:46 PM

where can i get a medical loan to pay for adr surgery
im in so much pain i work in the construction field and am trying to save to have a 2 level lumbar adr surgery and im getting to the point where i dont know how much longer i can hang in suffering erectyle dysfunction,urinery urgency,bowel problems and back ,leg pain if anybody knows where i can get a loan please let me know its such a exausting process im now 30 been going on 4 years already had 1 surgery

janaya3 09-11-2011 11:22 PM


Originally Posted by jasonhhh (Post 90378)
im in so much pain i work in the construction field and am trying to save to have a 2 level lumbar adr surgery and im getting to the point where i dont know how much longer i can hang in suffering erectyle dysfunction,urinery urgency,bowel problems and back ,leg pain if anybody knows where i can get a loan please let me know its such a exausting process im now 30 been going on 4 years already had 1 surgery

CareCredit® Healthcare Finance - Payment Plans and Financing for Cosmetic Surgery, Dental, Vision, Hearing, Veterinary & Other Medical Procedures

I would give them a try first but there are many others if you do an internet search engine with the following keywords: LOANS FOR MEDICAL PROCEDURES.

I personally used Care Credit for LASIK corrective eye surgery here in the U.S. so start there if not like I said do a search and good luck and so sorry to here about your condition. Also some have better APR than others so take that into consideration.

Of note: I am not a medical doctor but some of your problems appear to be a sequela of a serious problem called Cauda equina syndrome. I don't mean to alarm you but I would get this checked out immediately if you haven't done so already.

jasonhhh 09-11-2011 11:43 PM

thanks the only problem is the amount these places only go up to 20,000 and in us i was planning on going to uk or germany

laid up doc 09-12-2011 12:21 AM

have you been told you are a candidate for ADR? to what have your docs attributed your urinary/bowel symptoms?... cord compression? cauda equina is a neurosurgical emergency. this is not something you wait out... not everyone who has bad levels is a good candidate for adr.... do you have any insurance at all?

Jstuckey 09-12-2011 08:43 AM

If you go to the UK (Boeree specifically), they have many payment options, including info on no interest loans. I didn't inquire, so I don't have specifics, but maybe they would give you the information ahead of time.

jasonhhh 09-12-2011 11:10 PM

yes i already had a discectomy my disco gram reproduced symptoms caused by discs and my cord isnt compressed im just unlucky have mild symptoms of claudea no i lost my insurance do to the economy i should be getting new insurance in two weeks this problem has been going on for 4 years

jasonhhh 09-12-2011 11:12 PM

yea iv been looking into dr boeree im calling him tomarrow hope they will help me with a medical loan i just want this nightmare to end and the right surgery done at the right hands

jss 09-12-2011 11:38 PM


Condolences on your dilemma. EVERYTHING I've read about Boeree suggests that he will give you the "right surgery in the right hands". If you are an ADR candidate and are able to swing going to Boeree, I would absolutely encourage you to do so.

There are a couple other slightly lower cost options that are (IMHO) just as good as Boeree. Dr Clavel in Barcelona did my double ADR, and I'm back to running marathons. Maddie had a very complex three or four level surgery done with Dr Pimenta in Brazil, and she is having a stellar recovery.

While I think the world of Boeree, Clavel and Pimenta, and would trust my spine to any of the three; there is at least one US surgeon on par with them; again, IMHO. That is Dr Zigler at Texas Back in Plano, TX. Rather than the M6 used by the aforementioned surgeons, Dr Zigler would implant a ProDisc in you, and you would almost certainly have an excellent outcome as his patients almost always do.

Be aware that it is possible to "dicker" with a surgeon and a hospital if you are paying cash. It might be worth a try to approach Zigler at TBI to see if he and Presbyterian Hospital (where he operates) can do your procedure for the $20k that you have available.

Please keep us posted, and good luck!


jasonhhh 09-13-2011 12:57 PM

well i talked with dr.boeree's office today i sent them all my info to review then hopefully in a week or two he will call me and we will discuss my situation based on my research im pretty sure he is going to be my dr once i find out the total cost then i will have a number to work with so i can try to get a loan thanks evry one for your help this site is a godsend learned so much in the last year reading every ones stories just suckd that money always comes down to a person getting the proper care they need shouldnt happen when it comes to your health

janaya3 09-13-2011 02:26 PM


Originally Posted by jasonhhh (Post 90417)
well i talked with dr.boeree's office today i sent them all my info to review then hopefully in a week or two he will call me and we will discuss my situation based on my research im pretty sure he is going to be my dr once i find out the total cost then i will have a number to work with so i can try to get a loan thanks evry one for your help this site is a godsend learned so much in the last year reading every ones stories just suckd that money always comes down to a person getting the proper care they need shouldnt happen when it comes to your health


Now that you are on the right track I sincerely hope that you are able to find some type of resolution to your situation both with regards to your loan and most importantly your spine condition. I agree with your statement regarding money being a driving factor. I am professional in the healthcare field and no matter what you are told as a patient the bottom line is MONEY and if you have insurance, well consider yourself both lucky and unlucky because often times you find that there are restrictions or barriers that hinder you from receiving treatment for what one would feel they are entitled too and otherwise considered "superior/optimal" health coverage but often times that is not the case. There are people on this forum who have insurance however certain procedures that would otherwise potentially alleviate many of their symptoms ARE NOT COVERED! Please keep us all posted as there are people on this forum that are genuine, sincere and really do care about your health. Good Luck!

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