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BackCoach 03-18-2019 02:36 PM

Petition: Convince Aetna to Provide Positive Coverage for Lumbar ADR Surgery

As many of you are probably already aware, Aetna, the third largest health care insurance company in the US, does not provide positive coverage for lumbar ADR. But, with the help and strength of the entire community we hope to change that. Aetna’s annual policy review is coming up in June so we've created a petition as one way of ensuring that our voices are heard:


The irony is that Aetna used to provide coverage for disc replacement. Aetna was actually the first company to cover and claimed disc replacement was medically necessary for spinal arthroplasty for patients with degenerative disc disease at one level from L4 to S1 who have failed at least six months of conservative management.

In mid-September 2013, Aetna ceased coverage for lumbar disc replacement. Why? You can learn more about the history and events that led up to their change in policy here.
Please take a second to sign the petition and help spread the word:

For more information on Aetna's history in regards to ADR:


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