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letteski 06-29-2005 10:32 PM

Anyone out there considering pregnancy after ADR? You could say my alarm clocks snooze button is all worn out. Before the accident at 40 I was told not to wait much longer. When I saw my OBGYN last week he said he did not recommend it for me after ADR even though the ADR surgeons would think its OK. Age as well as ware to the prosthetic and my body understandably hard to comprehend right now. Another case of waiting too long.

I am considering adoption when I�m recovered. If I can�t be a Professional Ski Instructor with a bad back I sure can be a mom with a bad back. Know lots of them around here.

Katrina 06-30-2005 02:40 AM

I am considering pregnancy after ADR. My Surgeon has said we will be ok to. But I haven't run it by my OB/GYN yet. I am not going to get my hopes up. But I do hope that I am able. I am 35 and have 3 kids. We would like to have one more.
I will be very bummed if I can't. My accident happened about a year before we had planned to start. And it has put it all on hold. :-(
Good luck Paulette, I hope everything works out for you.

Alastair 06-30-2005 05:14 AM

Hi Katrina,
the usual recommendation certainly by the European doctors is that you wait 12 months after your surgery prior to starting a new pregnancy. This is because of course the operation is done from the front where most of the expansion of muscle and skin occurs. I hope that's a help and good luck with it

Rein 06-30-2005 08:15 AM

Gee, I didn't know ADR enabled one to become pregnant! This is the most amazing news in medical science! Males can now become pregnant after ADR?!!! Holey moley! (Sorry, haven't had my third cup of coffee yet this morning and I'm a little goofy...)

David 06-30-2005 08:28 AM


In that case, definitely keep ADR away from me! No way, no how, no sir. No pregnancies for me!


Mariaa 06-30-2005 08:36 AM

Truly if I were your age and had the option open to me after a healthy recovery from ADR, I'm quite sure I would have done this~

Altho age is a factor w/pregnancy there are early screening tests available to r/o most anomalies so at least pregnancy after 40 is much better screened and monitored these days ( prenatal care is very well monitored with all ages today in terms of healthy and high risk pregnancy).

Do what your heart tells you when you're in that situation and ready~

letteski 06-30-2005 11:09 AM

The OBGYN also saying I would have to have a C-section and would not be able to push. Not that I am vain and hope to be in a bikini contest after all this but a vertical and a horizontal incision on my stomach, X will mark the spot. Has anyone else (but Rein) been told this by their OBGYN?

Fortitudine 06-30-2005 11:22 AM

Hi Paulette,
You can ask for a bikini cut - it's done horizontally, just at the pubic line. I had one with my first kid - age 37 - because I expected to wear a bikini again. HAH! Oh well - just never got the old body back...but was happy with the resulting scar, which is barely noticeable.

letteski 06-30-2005 11:30 AM


The OB said to have the vascular cut me where the ADR surgeon would have the best access to the spine. I have been told that would be vertically. If they go horizontally, bikini line the incision has to be bigger I was told. So I will just let them make the professional choice and live with my new tattoo.

Poncho 06-30-2005 12:16 PM


At the age of 35, I am at a crossroad like yours. I am 1 year post-op from ADR and feel that I am a success. However, I am still leary about pregnancy. I am also considering adoption.

I think that if men could get pregnant too - there would be more choices for birth control

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