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KBear 12-24-2008 03:56 AM

Had a hard few days...
Hey everyone,

Let me start out by saying this has nothing whatsoever to do with backs. I am just starting to breath after a horrible day, couple of bad days before this. I really need to vent and a shoulder(s) to cry on (which by the way, I have done so much of today, my eyes are dry and burning, don't think I even have tears left).

So, let me start at the beginning. As far as I go, I have had a not so great pain month, more than pain, I am extremely low energy and have not got near what I usually have done for Christmas done. I usually have Christmas cards in the mail the day after Thanksgiving (just got them out last Friday), the gifts are usually purchased and wrapped (just finished purchasing yesterday) and I only put up a tree and not all the other fun stuff that the girls and I do every year. But that's not even what's bugging me.

I just found out today, that the cancer my brother has been fighting, testicular cancer (that had spread to his stomach and lung by the time it was detected), is still in his body after chemo. The tumor that showed to be a dime size at the time of diagnosis, has grown to the size of a baseball and is now around his aorta. They said with an operation to remove most of it (all of it can not be removed due to logistics of it (above my head)), that he would have 6 months to live. Without surgery, he might have 3 months to live. My family and I are devastated, my brother just turned 31 on the 6th of this month. I can't even wrap my mind around him not being around. I am praying for a miracle, will you please pray for him, Chris and our family.

Last, my husbands best friend was in a fatal car accident on Sunday, he was 32. We don't really know the circumstances of what caused the wreck, our friend lost control of his vehicle and was T-boned by oncoming traffic, on the passenger side of his car. It was a firefighter who was on his way to work, who thankfully was bruised up, but ok. The firefighter immediately got out of his car and went to render aid; but our friend was already gone. This does give us some comfort, knowing that he did not suffer and if he could have been saved, he had his best chance with a first responder as the other driver. But, it was obviously unexpected and tragic. Please also pray for his family.

I spent my morning trying to take in my brother's diagnosis. My husband and I then went to the fueneral home this afternoon to help make arrangements for his friend. We got home late and are just beat. I am going to try and go to bed now and get some sleep.

Thanks for listening to me,


Dave C 12-24-2008 05:56 AM

Our Prayers are with you.

I'm so sorry to hear about your brother and your husbands friend. My family's prayers are with you and yours. May God grant you the strength to make it through these trying times.:angel:

Peace be with you always,

berry 12-24-2008 08:00 AM

Dear Kathy

I am so sorry to read your post, you must be completly devastated, its such a lot to take in and come to terms with. I wish you strength to cope at this difficult time and hold you in my thoughts now and in the New Year.

Peace and comfort to you and your family at this sad time.

Lots of love


CindyLou 12-24-2008 12:56 PM


I don't have words to even express my sympathies to your horrific news. I will say, be kind and gentle to yourself. Christmases come and Christmases go. I pray peace and strength for you and your loved ones.

My deepest regrets,


Cirobi 12-24-2008 03:57 PM


I'm not often good with comforting words (or so I think anyway), so I will leave you with some e-hugs since I find those the most comforting myself when times get rough.


Hopefully the rest of the holidays will be calmer and you can relax just a little bit. :)


Adrienne 12-24-2008 05:16 PM

Oh Kathy, I'm so sorry to hear about this. I'll be thinking about you and yours and sending good wishes.

Pray for a miracle. They do happen.

Take care,

phylly 12-24-2008 06:18 PM

I am so sorry to hear this sad news. There is not much to say except we are here to send you prayers and wishes for a miracle. I never know why things happen the way they do but they just happen? I'll be thinking of you often this holiday and sending good wishes your way.

bsnbabe 12-24-2008 08:04 PM

so sorry for your loss
I feel so sorrowful over your losses. I am praying for you and the family. Here is a cyber hug for you <<<<<<HUG>>>>>> It is heart felt. :angel:
I believe folks that leave here go to a place so wonderful that if they had the chance to return would politely decline....peace sweety.

trkdoc714 12-25-2008 01:06 PM


There is no magic word or phrase to relieve your agonies right now. I hope it will be enough to know you have a lot of people praying for you and yours.


mango 12-25-2008 03:05 PM

K bear
Hi Kathy

My thoughts and prayers are with you:angel:



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