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danzintommy 11-21-2010 01:54 AM

Double Whammy L4-5, L5-S1
Hey folks.
I am about to join the ranks of folks with ADR on 2nd Dec. (Getting Prodisc L, Dr.David Wong, Singapore). I've had a numb left leg from knee down and unrelenting back pain since an episode in June this year that left me rolled up in a foetal position, weeping from unbearable back pain.
I've been thru bouts of depression (that shocked me as I am NOT a downbeat person). I've had the days where you can't sit, stand, lie down, do anything without the back pain making it a nightmare.
I did strike it lucky and find this website whilst researching about TDR (total disc replacement). It frankly gave me hope that there is light at the end of this tunnel and it's not a freight train coming to hit me!!
I've had fights with insurance (BUPA) and eventually won and am 11 days from what I hope will be a new beginning. My nick name here in Singapore is "Dancin Tommy" (hence the handle) and I've done none of that for ages.
I know what to expect from reading the many threads on this site and thanks to all of you guys who shared their experiences. Knowing you're not alone, even in this anonymous virtual world, is a huge relief. (And Richard- top job starting it all!!)
Am looking forward to reclaiming my nickname and enjoying an active life once again.:jacks:

jss 11-21-2010 10:37 AM


Condolences on your condition, but welcome! This is a great group with a lot of experience and the desire to share it in hopes of helping someone else.

Congratulations on the insurance victory! It is outrageous that we have to address such issues while researching doctors, devices, hospitals and other treatments.

I'll certainly be thinking about you on the second. Which device are your getting? Will it be a double ADR or a hybrid?

Good luck!


danzintommy 11-22-2010 09:22 AM

Hey Jeff.
Yeah. When the back aches for so long, you lose patience and just want help. BUPA (my insurer were generally very good->but when it came to this, well it wasnt fun.
Anyway, looking forward, I'm getting Prodisc L at L4-5 and fusion at L5-S1. Though my Doc said at last visit that he may see if he can put another disc at L5-S1.
I am looking forward to finally getting rid of the incessant pain, though I just read about the ADR that has a "shock absorber" component. Its not available in Singapore unfortunately, but certainly sounds impressive.

jss 11-22-2010 12:57 PM


I have two of those shock absorbing ADRs in my neck. When I received them they already had an outstanding track record with the 6,500 previous implantations. As impressive as the M6-C is, and I wouldn't trade mine for anything, the M6-L has just began implantations in Europe this summer. I've spoken with two others that received them this year, and they are so far having outstanding outcomes. While I am a huge fan of the M6-C, and fully expect that the M6-L will be just as good, my hat is off to all of those willing to receive it at this early date.

When do you leave for Singapore?


danzintommy 11-23-2010 09:18 AM

I live here! (Singapore that is)>so I'm not a medical tourist, though seems there's lots of those about.
8 days and counting....

danzintommy 01-16-2012 08:52 AM

happy new year!
well folks - I've opened witht eh laughing icon - coz I am laughing. It's now 1 year 1 month since my surgery and my back is as good as new.
I've started doing boxing as exercise (not getting in a ring to beat people up! just hitting bags and doing lots of cardio. It's tough!)
So I'm fitter (but a bit heavier) and a wee bit thinner (but I am still heavier- I hope it is muscle!)

So it is all good. Long may it continue. And to all those out there who are in back pain - there IS hope. It does go away. There is light at the end of the tunnel.

Happy 2012 to all!

jss 01-16-2012 09:15 AM

Tommy, Congratulations on the successful surgery and recovery! Thanks for the update. Jeff

Cirobi 01-16-2012 12:50 PM

Congrats on the success! Glad to hear everything went well with your surgery and recovery. Feels good to be back in action doesn't it? :)

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