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hucky 04-23-2008 03:01 PM

Now the weather is getting colder, my symptoms are playing up again and yesterday evening, I was chatting with the neighbour out in the cold. When we came inside, I noticed my hand was a different colour and temp, (which is usual for this hand in the cold), but this time, the first two fingers were actually BLUE. Dave saw it too. When we got back inside it had returned to normal.

I've been checked for Reynauds phenomenon, Thoracic outlet, I was checked just last week for Carpel Tunnel and everything keeps coming back normal.

I find it interesting that the two fingers that turn blue are the same two that used to be numb and tingly when my neck first herniated. They follow the C6/7 dermatome !!

Any suggestions?


Terry 04-23-2008 04:34 PM

Do not stay outside for such a long period of time. Stay in doors in the winter time. Fingers will stay warm and will not turn BLUE.

Terry Newton

hucky 04-23-2008 04:43 PM

Hi Terry,

Thanks for replying. What I meant is any suggestions as to what could be causing it. lol.

I wasn't outside for all that long actually - probably about 10 minutes.

Harrison 04-23-2008 05:07 PM


I am sorry to say that I've talked to several people in the past few weeks about circulatory issues (both pre and post-op) that have been diagnosed with either mild or severe Raynaud's syndrome. It's a bit of a "garbage can" diagnosis, in that it is not terribly actionable.

I've researched this carefully throughout the last four years. We should talk soon, I'll set up a Skype account if that helps...

In the meantime, do you have recent blood tests? I recommend to patients that they get FULL copies of all their blood tests. Why? Even though the PCP may indicate that the results are OK, many outliers in results can sometimes be seen. Still further, the lab ranges for specific blood components vary from lab to lab. So one "acceptable" range may not be for another lab. If that's not enough, the lab testing eqpt. and technician methodologies vary as well.

Recently, I (orally) reviewed some blood results with three different patients that had "satisfactory" blood results. Among two of the three, these were common elements between the two reports that were interesting to me as a researcher:

- low ESR and INR (possibly indicating "viscous" blood, contributing to circulation problems)
- CRP normal
- citrulline antibodies high
- parvovirus positive
- mycoplasma pneumonia positive
- low immunoglobulins (oversimplified, there are several tested)

There's a lot more to this complex issue, but the take-away is to search for a good doctor that is well-versed in hematology. Some patients with complex syndromes are benefiting by getting "modern" diagnostics like dark field microscopy to closely examine the blood for things overlooked by many docs.

This is just my opinion, but I've seen many patients find elusive answers by looking deeper. Let me know if I can help by talking or sending more authoritative documentation on this neglected subject.

ans 04-24-2008 03:22 AM

Thoughtful answer Harrison.

Good luck Huckster! ~ ans

Terry 04-24-2008 05:33 AM


I apologize for giving you a smart *** answer. I was playing around which I normally do not do on this forum. I pride myself on doing the best I can in helping my fellow human being along their journey. I have suffered enough pain with my spine to last a life time and, I am afraid, it's not done with me yet. I was amused when I wrote the answer but, looking back at what I wrote, I am ashamed of what I said as I knew you needed an actual solution to your problem. I agree with Harrison that it probably is a circulatory issue that should be checked out.

Again, I am truly sorry for making light of your situation

Terry Newton

JudyW 04-24-2008 12:30 PM

I began having the same problem in 1999 inconveniently as we were approaching a house one night to serve a search warrant. Two fingers were blue/"dead"white. The blood comes back at its own pace. I can sometimes speed it up with hot water running over it. I was diagnosed with Raynaud's Disease by a rheumatologist. Unfortunately there is no cure. Fortunately I live in So. Cal. If I touch a cold steering wheel or cold can of soda it happens. I just make sure I always have gloves and stay warm, which isn't always easy. They did give me some nitroglycerine cream to put on the area when it happens but it's not really convenient for the type of work I do. "Excuse me, I can't shoot you right now I have to wrap nitro cream around my finger so it's not blue anymore"

Hope you get some answers.

hucky 04-24-2008 05:15 PM


Don't worry, I DO still have a sense of humour, but thanks anyway.


I have dragged out all my blood results. If you like I could scan them into the computer and send them to you PM.

When you say it's a bit of a "garbage can" diagnosis, do you mean, that is the diagnosis given when they (the docs) can't work out what's really wrong. Or do you mean, there isn't any real treatment for it other than keeping warm.

I just find it very frustrating to say the least. Unfortunately, I have moved away from my old doctor, who is very thorough with his testing, so it's not so easy to get to him. I have all these different problems which I have been tested for and they come back mild to moderate and although they don't seem to be related, I can't help but wonder if they are. If you want details, just let me know. I sure could do with some ideas.

As for the skype phone. My son has one. It's with the three network. I know he gets 4,000 free minutes a month, but that is only with Three to Three. I don't know how it works with overseas calls. As it's new, he hasn't set that side of it up yet. It's a mobile phone too. I'll read the instructions and see if it would work for us.

Thanks and anyone else who's experienced this, I would appreciate your input.


Lisibug 04-24-2008 06:20 PM

Hi Hucky. This is Elizabeth from the other forum. One of my fingers used to change colors too, for maybe 12 years, on and off. One time I felt a tingling and it turned white, then very blue - I panicked, then it went back to white and got better - and I had it over and over. I would also frequently have significant temperature differences in the fingers of the same hand - say 3 would be warm and two cold - all of this was always in the left hand. I have not had any of these symptoms since I had surgery about a year ago - can't say for sure whether it was due to cervical compression or not, but I no longer have it. I'm guessing the symptoms were due to that. Hope you can get to the bottom of this. You may want an updated MRI of your neck. Relief from pain may not indicate everything is okay if you are having compression issues...

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