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Harrison 04-02-2005 10:03 AM

Hey folks, sorry I�ve not been around as much. My new job is keeping me busy. And my shoulder(s) problem is making me mighty cranky.

Back in early December when I was more active with swimming & weights, I must have really torqued something badly. My symptoms have been muscular, nerve and circulation-related; my recent visits with the local sports docs only left me with more frustration and questions. The orthos at my local hospital have the attitude and bedside manner of...I better not say it. I'll just say that the 7 minute visits were a waste of my time. You've heard of speed dating? Well, how about the equivalent for diagnosing & treating patients?!

Any way, my pain is around both shoulders, but especially in the rotators cuffs (common with overhead motions like swimming). I was surprised when the doc advised against injections in the rotator cuff area � as I know many people that have these and they worked wonders. But I guess the cuff area is tricky and injections can contribute to other problems down the line.

If any of you beat cuff-related problems I am all ears! Any way, glad to see ya�ll helping one another out. Keep up the good work..we�ll see some of you May 1st in NYC.

ESL 04-02-2005 10:34 AM

Injections never worked for me......I ended having them shaving 1 inch of excess bone off my acromium bone (the shoulder bone).....the extra lenght of bone was peeling my rotator cuff everytime i lifted my arms. done arthroscopically thru 3 tiny incisions per shoulder (1 stitch closures each). 45 minute outpatient thursday back to my desk job monday. Had those done 8 and 6 years ago respectively......Everything fine now.

Will probably have to repeat again in 3 and 5 years though....that bone keeps growing.

good luck.

Justin 04-02-2005 11:06 AM


Sorry to hear that your shoulders are giving you heck. Thanks for the update...nothing like being rushed out of the doc's office when you are in pain.

I hope you will find some relief soon.


ans 04-02-2005 01:56 PM

Harrison: maybe time for an MRI. Mine showed no rotator cuff injury nor labrum tear. (Still painful cracking since '91).

Alastair 04-02-2005 04:25 PM

Hi Rich,
I am sorry to hear this has reoccured - - -maybe ease off on the Marathon runs - - -8 a week is a bit too much even for you - - - -lol


andromeda1111 04-02-2005 05:07 PM


I have had a few shoulder injuries in the past actually fairly recently on my way to Munich, now okay, the shoulder joint once injured requires A LOT of recovery time, just leave them alone and let them rest. I would ice them to death and take Ibuprofen, this always resolved my shoulder problems.

PS. My computer is down and out for a while so I am using someone else's, when I get it back up I will let you know.

Harrison 04-03-2005 08:19 AM

Thx all. Against my stomach's wishes, I've loaded up on ibuprofen and it seems to have helped..the "just say yes to drugs" campaign seems to be working for now. I'll continue taking 1.6 grams a day for a few days until I see the next ortho on Wednesday.

cervie queen 04-03-2005 11:34 AM

Laura has it right. Rest those shoulders! But, it is important to maintain good range of motion exercises. The trick is to keep things moving so that they don't freeze up without over doing it. Unfortunately, I have had four open shoulder surgeries to repair massive full thickness tears and believe me, you really don't want to go there. I suggest you get to a good physical therapist to help with those range of motion (very easy) exercises, but first see a Doc and get some Voltaren or other anti-inflamatory.

smc 04-03-2005 02:10 PM

Sorry you are in pain, hope you find some answers soon.

Harrison 04-15-2005 08:14 PM

Just a quick update on my latest fun in the healthcare system. My shoulder symptoms are gone, thank God. My throat symptoms are more obvious with some difficulty swallowing, so I am thinking that my thyroid may have a growth that was impinging on all those tricky nerves. Thyroid issues are crazily consistent in my family...

I had a CT scan tonight, we'll find out more next week.

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