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Daddyof3 03-06-2011 10:58 PM

Fibrin Biostat

Hello, friends, I am new to this MUCH needed community. I am 32 and a father of the wonderful little girls. I have been suffering with chronic back pain for almost 10 yrs. I have had all the basic stuff done: MRI, Xrays, injections(3) and every pain med imaginable. I am from tyler texas, where this Dr. kevin Pauza practices his fibrin biostat injections. I have seen numerous doctors and 2 of "the best" in my area, BOTH suggested I have a fusin to fix my L5S1 disc problem but yet when i Saw dr. pauza he said i DID NOT at all need to be fused. I am so tired of going through all the hoops and just seem, well in the dark about the whole thing. One of the hardest things about having chronic back pain and being a father, at 32 mind you, is not being able to hold your children for more than about 10 minutes. I WOULD really appreciate in a post to this thread or inbox preferably ANY IDEAS or recomendations. I am at the VERY end of my rope and TRULY NEED HELP. God Bless you all, and thanks.

Abbe 03-08-2011 12:49 PM

Hi Matt,
We all can sympathise with you. From what I have heard you might want to consult with The Texas Back Institute. Here is a link to their website. I would think that others have sent you this link maybe privately. Texas Back Institute: Back Pain Treatment - Don't Live With Back Pain. Our Back Specialists Are Here To Help You - Texas Back Institute. I am also not sure how far it is from Tyler. If you are able research, research, research! There is lots of good information here and lots of good people. Everyone is different and and you best educate yourself with all the possibilities.
Good Luck!

Daddyof3 03-08-2011 01:02 PM

thanks so much my friend. God Bless you and wish you all the best

longroadahead 03-08-2011 02:43 PM

This is probably the wrong area since this is not a surgical outcome post.

Anyway, I have the Fibrin last year and had one OK month after healing. The original pain has been back for sometime now and am now worst. Don't know if it is related to the Fibrin or not.

Think the fibrin maybe worth a shot but it doesn't help everyone.

rcbasketball 03-22-2011 04:03 PM

I had Fibrin Biostat injections done in Los Angeles on two levels. It had 0 effect on me other than the 4-6 recovery following the procedure. Tim Davis the Dr who did the procedure has claimed great results but I talked with the surgeon also listed in the study and he menitoned he doesnt think it works.

I appreciated the opportunity to be part of the study. I didnt work on me. My guess is that it doesnt work on people with significant disc problems but I dont know for sure.

What I did mention to Dr. Davis is if fibrin injections healed torn and herniated discs that they wouldnt have a small office they would own the whole building. The theory makes sense but since it didnt work even 1 bit on me I am not giving my endorsement

Harrison 03-22-2011 08:39 PM

Quick Note

Sorry for the late notice: I just moved this topic tonight into the New Member section. How are you these days? Any updates on your progress?

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