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KFrey 04-28-2005 11:33 PM

Hi everyone,

I've been reading posts for a while & I wanted to say hello. I was diagnosed with DDD about 9� years ago at which time I was told I was showing the "normal" DDD progress of a 65 year old. Only problem...I was 30 at the time! Up until Summer of 2003, I learned to deal with it through PT and NSAID's.

In November, 2001 I had a fusion using donor bone at C5/C6 due to an �extra large, left-side herniation of the disc between 5th & 6th vertebrae pressing on the neural foramen nerve and showing encroachment on the spinal cord." I finally had a fusion after spending 4 weeks sleeping in a recliner, not being able to use my left arm and walking like the Hunchback of Notre Dame. I woke up in recovery room PAIN FREE! Slept like a baby for the 2 days I was in the hospital � at least as much sleep as you can actually get in a hospital. Never looked regrets...would do it again in a heartbeat. The only thing I notice to this day is that I get bad muscle spasms in my neck and shoulders when I'm stressed.

Fast forward to June, 2003. I was working outside, bent over to put something on the ground, something popped in my back and I couldn�t stand up. My then 11-year-old son and one of his friends had to help me walk 6' to a chair where I stayed until my husband got home 2 hours later. Over the next 9 months, I went through 3 MRI�s, several rounds of PT, epidural steriod injections, facet joint injections, massage therapy, and non-traditional therapy, all to no avail. Finally in March of 2004, my Neurologist referred me to pain management as he refused to do a fusion due to the fact that I was �only� 38 at the time. He felt it would limit my mobility too much and that I would most likely end up in more pain in the long run. He was a participant in the FDA trials for Cervical ADR and he felt I was an ideal candidate for Lumbar ADR once approved by the FDA.

In October of 2004, when the FDA approved Lumbar ADR, I immediately set the process rolling. In viewing the pictures from my discogram, both discs at L4-L5 & L5-S1 are pretty much gone, but my pain generator is L5-S1. L3-L4 looks good in height, but there is a slight bulge and small tear of the nucleus. So here I am, 4 days away from surgery. I am fortunate in that my insurance company has already approved the procedure and I got my approval letter within 1 week after they received the paperwork from my Neuro�s office.

I am going through a whole range of emotions right now as I am sure those of you that have had the surgery went through. I am ready for it to be done and over with so I can be on the road to recovery. In addition to working in my garden again, walking for more than � hour, going on trips, etc, I can honestly say I am looking forward to a time when I can clean my house without being miserable for the next 2 days.

Thanks for listening!


spotty14 04-29-2005 01:40 AM

Best Wishes for a successful surgery. and how did you get insurance approval so quickly or was it quick and easy?

KFrey 04-29-2005 06:47 AM

Thank you Spotty. My surgeon's office handled all of the paperwork but they had already dealt with my insurance company (PHC)for another patient so they pretty much knew in advance it would be approved. My undertanding is that there are only 3 companies in my area that have approved ADR. For everyone's sake, I hope that more of them "jump on the bandwagon."


Nichole 04-29-2005 11:05 AM


Congrats on your surgery. We will all be here praying for a safe and speedy recovery. Please let us know how you are doing when you are able.

Harrison 04-29-2005 05:38 PM

Good luck Karen! In case you've not seen the other site, check out:

There's a paper there I wrote many moons ago...hope it helps with recovery!

wbaker68 04-29-2005 10:08 PM

Best wishes!!

Who is performing the surgery?

Take care and keep in touch.


KFrey 04-29-2005 10:50 PM

Thank you all so much for the thoughts and prayers. I am very appreciative of your support. As I'm sure you all know, it's great to have support of family and friends, but it isn't the same as having it from those that know what you're going through.

Harrison ~ I printed out your paper a couple of weeks ago and have been going over it regularly. I believe it will be invaluable information as I go through recovery. I have actually reviewed and printed quite a few items from the FAQ area as suggested by Alastair.

Bill ~ My doctor is Perry Argires with Lancaster Neuroscience and Spine Associates in Lancaster, PA. He did my cervical fusion in 2001 and I wouldn't even consider another Neuro as my confidence in him is unwaivering and I am very comfortable with him. My neice works at a hospital about 90 miles from here and his reputation is impeccable there as well.

By the way, I realized that I didn't note previously that he is using the Charit� disc.

Thanks again everyone. I will keep you posted as I am able!


sunhillow 04-30-2005 02:59 PM

best wishes karen...peter

Alastair 05-01-2005 06:20 AM

Good luck with the surgery Karen -- -- -- we will all be thinking about you. I have a UK member having surgery in Europe on the same day, so I hope everything has got to go right for both of you

smc 05-01-2005 07:54 AM

All the best for tomorrow.

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