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JudyW 02-18-2008 03:17 PM

I had ADR on 7/31/07 (see thread under ADR). I thought that was painful until I just had Nissen Funodplication surgery on Friday. I thought it was going to be a much easier surgery (for GERD). WRONG!!! Man, am I in pain. I have this shoulder, trap muscle, chest pain that is out of this world. No one warned me about that. Doctor said its from the air they inflate the abdomen with before the procedure...also from pushing the hiatal hernia down and pushing on my diaphragm. Didn't know the diaphragm was connected to the trap/shoulder area but according to him, it is. I realize this isn't back related but in case any of you are thinking of having this surgery...just a warning. I read everything I could before I had ADR but I guess I didn't research this enough. Hopefully the benefits will outway this awful pain. UGH

Harrison 02-18-2008 05:44 PM

Good gosh Judy, that sounds like a brutal procedure! How are you after a few days of healing? I am also curious if they used CO2 for the inflation (a risk factor) as they do in other types of procedures. Any idea what caused the original GERD issue?

berry 02-19-2008 02:49 PM


A fundoplication is a MASSIVE operation. You are in my thoughts and I hope the pain diminishes soon.

Love and hugs


JudyW 02-19-2008 06:45 PM

I don't know what they used but he did say they inflated me ("Judy baloon")in order to have more room. Given what I do for work I'm guessing part of the GERD is stress and poor diet (not much open at 0300 hours). Some is hereditary, my mom & dad both have it but choose to taken Nexium forever. I'm trying to keep my eye on the prize and get through the pain. Needless to say, I can't do any of my PT for my back so I'm stalled there.

Thanks for your thoughts.

phylly 02-22-2008 10:39 PM

I am so sorry for your pain, you have really been through the mill. I hope that you are feeling better and can get back to PT. Hopefully you won't have to undergo any more painful surgeries.

JudyW 02-23-2008 01:40 AM

Thanks, me too. This was much more painful than I anticipated. Unfortunately during PT for my back i found out I have a labral tear in my right shoulder. Dr. Yokum, from kerlan & Jobe said i need surgery. At this point NO WAY. I'm too physically & emotionally exhausted. Seven yrs ago I had no medical problems at all. when it rains it poors. Thanks for all your support.

berry 02-23-2008 04:03 AM


Keep strong honey in that rain. One day the sun will shine on you.

Is it getting any easier yet? Seven years ago is when things went pear-shaped for me too, up till then I'd barely had a day of sick, what a difference hey? How life changes.


FIXITRIGHT 03-08-2008 12:37 AM

Hey Judy,
I just had the labrum surgery Dec. 28th. It hurts too! Been in therapy since and its getting better but still hurts some. Wouldn't recommend it while recovering from another surgery. I had foot surgery Oct. 30th, 2007 also and have a Cervical Surgery still to go, when it gets approved. Just hang in there and things will get better or you'll get use to them. Good Luck.

Terry 03-08-2008 07:31 AM


Sorry to hijack this thread, but.....

SUV Vs. Motorcycle = Who won?

Me = Bicycle Vs. Dog = Dog definitely won in the short term. After the accident the owners got rid of the dog. Me; I'm fixed up again (4 level ADR surgery) and back at it.

Score now is Dog 1, Me 1. We're even.

Good Luck to everyone here. Just thought I'd inject a little MASH humor.

Terry Newton

FIXITRIGHT 03-08-2008 11:36 AM

Well since she got a ticket and walked away, I'd have to say she did. But I put up a good fight! I just don't remember any of it. We were both headed in the same direction of a 4 lane she was in the inside and I was on the outside. She decided she wanted to turn into the Quick Stop on right. I hit the right front door and went clear to the front and then went down. I think I was doing ok until that Island curb got in the way. It wiped the bike and me out. I was on a large HD Electroglide. I took the curb to the back of the head. Cracked the 3/4 helmet I was wearing all the way threw from the bottom to about 3/4 to the crown. The Neurosurgeon said I would not be here now or wish I wasn't if I had not been wearing it. I don't remeber the crash or the rest of the day until later that evening in the Hospital. The first time I got hit in 2004 was by a 28 YOA Drunk female while I was parked in a construction zone. I was in a car then. The second time was also by a 28 YOA female, sober 2 years. I've come to the conclusion that it hurts when younger women throw themselves at you! I have developed a fear of 28 YOA females, HA HA. What can you do but laugh about it and try to get put back together. I'm still alive! It hurts but I'm still alive! Bye the way. I've seen a crash with a dog VS motorcycle and neither one made it. Glad to hear you are recovering.

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