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damanijewels 01-04-2013 05:27 AM

Hello Hello!
Well I figured I have been using this board for my own selfish purposes for way too long. I have been actively obsessing about all of your stories on here way too long to not introduce myself. It is sad when you have read all of the amazing stories on here and you feel like you know someone but have never introduced yourself :D.

First off my name is Matt, I am a police officer in the bay area. My signature kinda gives an idea of what I have been dealing with as far as back issues go.

I hurt myself 10 months ago on the job and have been slowly recovering since. I guess I wanted to put it out there for debate how most of you felt prior to surgery and what your guy's take is on when to have surgery.

I have sent my mri, ct scans, and xrays to Dr. Clavel and Dr. Delamarter. Dr. Clavel is the only one to give me the go ahead on surgery for L4-L5/L5-S1 double ADR M6-L. I am still awaiting to hear from Dr. Delamarter about the L5-S1, he needed to look at ct scans and xrays prior to giving me his thoughts.

I took about a month off of work when I got hurt followed by a month of light duty. I have received two rounds of cortisone injections, I do TRX religiously, inverter and stretch like a crazy person. I can function as of right now but there is always some kind of nagging pain in my buttocks, lingering sciatica, and hip pain I deal with everyday.

I am curious to how most of you felt when you made the decision to have surgery. I know I can function at the level I am at for awhile and if I took a job where I am not on the streets it would not doubt be easier on me but I am not quite there yet. Dr. Clavel told me whether I have it today or later, he thinks I will need back surgery in the future.

My thoughts on this are I'm young, 32, can recover faster, why not have it now even though I am not debilitated yet. Any thoughts on that???

Also I have read all the raging debates between ProDisc vs M6 vs Fusion and would like to have points of view from both sides. If I go with Dr. Delamarter it will all be paid by for worker's comp. If I go with Dr. Clavel it is all out of pocket, Lawyer is willing to fight for recovery time.

Also has anyone looked or heard about Croker Technologies Flexbac developed by BYU? Saw news on it but haven't heard anything else about it.

Again thanks to all of you that post your updates ie: Zoticos, Buckeyeback, Laid up Doc, Dingie, Vimish, JB88, Cirobi, Jss and Harrison just to name a few, you guys have given so much of yourselves here and it is much appreciated. Look forward to hearing from all of you! :D

Harrison 01-04-2013 12:57 PM

Hi Matt, thx for posting and creating your signature. I'll defer to my film to answer some of your questions.

I almost forgot about Crocker, I believe they are still a while away from prime time:


Jstuckey 01-04-2013 03:29 PM

Hello! Just some of my quick thoughts....

Making the decision: Family thought I was crazy to leave the country. Husband thought a new boat would be better use of the money. They all came around rather quickly when they saw I was serious and without much other option (other than a 2-3 level fusion in the states). I came to the firm decision that it was time when I was having daily sciatic pain, and it was getting worse. In my case, there was so much deterioration, there was no choice but to fuse or replace discs.

It feels odd and a little frightening to leave the US for care, but this group is the right place for answering questions if that's what you decide to do! I counted on this website completely for about 1 and 1/2 years for information and support. I got many many personal messages before, the day of my surgery and all the days surrounding it. I try to log on once in awhile and offer advice, but I honestly don't think about my spine much anymore. What a blessing after an all-consuming topic for many years!

Now - so grateful my insurance company was unwilling to budge back then. I wouldn't have the superior hardware I do if they had decided to pay. Major silver lining. Major loan repayment to my parents too, but so worth it! I tell people I'm wearing my Porsche, not driving it.

Would be happy to answer any questions in private messages too, as I'm not on the forum much. Feel free to browse my blog for the research, surgery (including photos) and recovery process.

Best wishes for finding a path to a better 2013 and beyond.

jss 01-05-2013 10:39 AM


Condolences on your injury and need to be here, but welcome aboard.

As each situation is so unique, it can be very difficult to know when it's time to pull the trigger on surgery. My personal preference is to put it off until for one reason or another it can't be put off any longer. I don't know if that's best; it's just my preference. I went ahead with surgery when I received a diagnosis of possible myelomalacia caused by the disc pushing on the spinal cord, which is usually terminal at the level it was suspected. Even without that diagnosis, the intractable pain and having to ask passing strangers to open doors for me would have prompted me to go on with surgery soon.

Dr Delamarter is a well respected spinal research surgeon whose name comes across this forum periodically. To date I've not seen an unkind word spoken of him. Either way you go it looks like you're choosing between to very good options.

Good luck, Jeff

BTW officer; be careful out there.

Buckeyeback 01-06-2013 08:39 PM

Hi Matt,

Thanks for your kind words about the forum. It's a wonderful resource and everyone is very helpful. As to your question, pain tolerance is a very personal thing. What may be only bothersome to you may be intolerable to someone else. Technically speaking, you have been through the conservative route for quite some time now and someone (local surgeon) is telling you that fusion is the next option surgically, so it sounds like it is just a matter of when. I saw Dr. Delamarter and his opinion was instrumental in my decision to go with ADR over fusion. Dr. Clavel echoed Dr. Delamarter's opinion also. For me, the decision between devices was as important as the surgeon. I realize that you are WC and that presents a problem for you financially. I believe your lawyer could completely close the case with a full settlement. That settlement would/should include the cost of whatever treatment "they" (company(self insured) or state) will be paying for fusion or ADR surgery out of their pockets and temp total payments for estimated length of recovery. Make sense? The drawback is that the claim is then closed forever, so you are on your own thereafter. Recovery takes awhile. In my case I am still working on it. Good Luck with your decision


Running11 01-06-2013 09:07 PM

Hi. I 'm also in the Bay area. How come you aren't seeing anyone in the Bay area? I am asking because I need another opinion because my pain is getting more severe. I'm sorry but if your dealing with my spine I want the best of the best as Im sure you do too! Good luck to you.

Lillyth 01-12-2013 12:09 AM

I am so glad I clicked on this! First Matt, thank you for your service! Second, I think I have the perfect solution for you!

Dr. James Reynolds in Daly City does two level ADR's which are covered by Worker's Comp. The downside would be the disc itself, but he does them all the time and as far as I know, he is one of only two docs in the Bay Area that are doing two level ADR.

1850 Sullivan Avenue Daly City, CA 94015
(650) 985-7500

I need at least three levels done, and, to his credit, his first advice was for me to go overseas.

Go see him. I bet he can fix you right up!

wineaux 02-11-2013 01:37 PM

Hi Matt and Running11,

I'm in the Bay Area as well and Dr. Bobby Tay at UCSF would have done a two level on me if Cigna didn't deny. I've also heard good things about Dr. Dean Chou also at UCSF.

Boxer78 02-11-2013 03:08 PM

Hey Matt, I'm also in a similar situation as you, a fusion for me means no more patrol so that's not an option and then goin over seas seems scary. I wish there were more stories of complete recoveries to read. Keep us posted, I've also sent clavel info still waiting to hear. I still believe the m6 is the superior disc but opinions vary

damanijewels 02-11-2013 03:28 PM

Little Update
Sorry for the delay...been super busy with work and life in general.

Thank you all for the replies.

So I saw Dr. Delamarter, after reviewing the films he feels I should have a fusion at L5-S1 and Pro-Disc at L4-L5. Very nice the entire time I saw him, extremely supportive and was very reassuring of the entire procedure. Has done a lot of work for police officers on Southern California and if I was going to do it state side I would feel confident going to him.

On the flip side when I asked about other discs out there, in essence he stated the Pro-Disc is the top of the line and he doesn't foresee anything better coming out for the next five to ten years.

I have done quite a bit of reading on fusions at L5-S1 and I am not totally against it and since I do have some mild to moderate wear at the facet joint there I could see myself having problems there in the future regardless of the artificial disc.

I have also sent my films to Dr. Dare in England and await his response and I have a skype consultation with Dr. Clavel on Thursday.

Maybe someone could enlighten me to the difference between facet pain versus nerve/disc pain.

If I was to chart out my pain it would be as follows:

1.) Starting at the right hip bone, down three inches and then three inches back towards my right glute is the main source of pain. A deep burning and stabbing pain that make is very difficult to even stretch.

2.) Sciatica on left side, starting in glute and going down to the knee area.

3.) Extreme cramping in both of my hip flexors/groin area. Some days one side is better than the other, no consistency to either. I can feel a difference depending on whether or not I drive or ride shotgun at work.

4.) General hip pain on both sides, kinda sore and achy like when the whether changes.

5.) Slight numbness or tingling in right calf and general pain in my right shin area.

6.) Extreme pain in my right knee for whatever reason.

No general pain in my back area, I can feel the stiffness in it if I don't use my inverter but really my back feels good, usually just hips, groin and legs that feel crappy. If any of this is related to facet degeneration or you have experienced this and it was found to be facet joints instead please let me know.

Thank you all again for your help in deciding what to do. :clap:

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