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CindyLou 02-03-2009 10:27 AM

Had my 6 month post op appt., cat scan & x-rays
Hi everyone,

I had my 6 month (technically, it's been 7 months) follow-up for my ALIF of L6-S1 and Laminectomy yesterday. The good news first: it looks like my fusion is almost completely fused which is wonderful. I have been worried because of my osteoporosis. So that is great. Also, my 3 Prodiscs all look terrific too. The not so great news: my SI joints look arthritic. I have my second appt. this Friday w/ the pain management doctor, and he is also going to do SI joint injections. He's even wondering if more of my pain is coming from them instead of my right hip. So, I'm anxious for those injections, for diagnostic purposes especially. I'm trying to focus on the positive right now...the great fusion results. One thing at a time.


cathydownunder 02-05-2009 08:04 AM

Hey C L, great to hear you had a good post-op report and you're fusing!
You and I seem to be having similar hip / pain issues,Im also having trouble locating the pain generator as it could be a number or combination of things.
My SIJ injection a few months back gave me wonderful relief but only till the local wore benefit from the steroid component alas. My whole Rt hip/pelvis is painful and aches around into the groin too. And I have the loudest creaking/grinding noise coming throught the front from somewhere in the back..I can only guess where! It's loudest in the evening and seems to correspond with the pain levels at the time.
Im guessing my scoliosis and resulting pelvis misalignment may be involved
BTW, how long do you have to wear the bone growth stimulator for? I spoke to a woman recently with an implanted one and she said her surgeon decided not to remove hers ever unless it's causing a problem. Is that normal?

CindyLou 02-05-2009 12:18 PM

Hey Cathy,

I've never heard of wearing one permanently. The doctor didn't even mention mine, so I think I'm done. Knowing me, tho, I'll likely still wear it for maybe another month or so. Yes, I have scoliosis too and pelvic misalignment. I don't believe my scoliosis is as bad as yours, but I have been diagnosed with it, and when you look at my x-rays, it's quite obvious. I'm anxious to get these SI joint injections tomorrow to see what they show diagnostically. Gosh, I hope I get relief too, after the marcain wears off. It's such a crap shoot, isn't it?! My thought is, if most of my pain is relieved from these injections tomorrow, is that a case for canceling my hip replacement? I just don't know. I'm sure I'll consult the pain management doctor as well about this dilemma. I have been just sitting on the couch so much this week, it is disgusting. I get up to do things, but the weight bearing eventually leads me back here. Right now, I hate my life. I am so tired of chronic pain. It is just beating me down.


daveinaustin 02-08-2009 10:37 AM


First of all, it's good to hear that the fusion has completely fused. I hope the SI injections provide relief. As you've mentioned, it's a crap shoot. But sometimes you roll a hard 6.

I can commiserate with you about your pain. Although you have had substantially more pain throughout the period since your fusion, my level of pain has significantly increased in my sacrum, hips, and L4-L5 area ever since my vertebrae have fused. Apparently, the muscles are getting used to the new framework, and are adjusting the bones around.

Chronic pain turns you into someone you don't want to be. If you are like me, you might wait until the pain becomes unbearable before taking your pain medication. If this is the case, DON'T WAIT! Stay ahead of the pain and take it at regular intervals, just like you did during your initial recovery. My pain management doctor recently explained how staying ahead of the pain helps further reduce the level of pain. It will also bring you better sanity. I curse being back to four Norcos a day. However, it has calmed me down emotionally by not waiting.

Best wishes and prayers,


Liz 02-10-2009 10:21 PM

SI joint belt
Hi Cindylou,

how'd the SIJ injection go? as you know, a fusion can put pressure on the SI joints. i wanted to recommend that you try wearing a SIJ belt after the injection for stabilization. i had a SIJ injection into my rt SIJ a few months ago which gave instant relief to my right hip/sacrum (did nothing for the back) but it only lasted for about 1 wk. I saw a neurosurgeon today whom rec I have another rt SIJ injection and that i wear a SIJ belt for 6 wks after the injection and see if it helps. you can buy them through medical supply stores but my neuro today gave me a much higher tech one made by Boa brace (you can google it to see it or i'll PM you a link to it if you're interested).

and that's great that you're already completely fused!

take care,

CindyLou 02-12-2009 10:03 AM

Thanks guys. I'm pretty good actually about staying on top of the pain meds, but right now I don't think they are adequate. But my pain med doc says he does not want to up them yet, because we need to see if the SI joint injections work. Which makes sense, but meanwhile, after 4 hours of relief from the injections (the temporary marcain, or whatever he used), I am still waiting for the longer relief to kick in. I am so sick of the pain. I have been so depressed, I cannot tell you. Those 4 hours of relief are such a tease. Suddenly you feel normal, only to have it snatched away again. Interesting Liz, that you should mention that SI joint belt. I have been googling them on line, but wasn't sure what would be the top quality one. You believe it is The Boa? I will definitely look into it, no matter the price. I am desperate.

Thank-you again for the support, and Dave, I am so sorry you are dealing with pain again too. I hate, hate, hate, hate, pain!

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