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Maddie 02-27-2009 04:22 PM

Nerve damage or MS?
I have five herniated discs, which seems to be giving me the same numerous symptoms listed for MS. Other than no drop foot syndrome, the issues below have been escalating for the past two years.

-Unexplained severe Vertigo lasting for weeks at a time, cognitive problems, numbness, fatigue, balance problems, bladder - everything below except incontinence.

Incontinence (inability to retain urine in the bladder) Urinary frequency (the need to urinate more often than normal) Urinary urgency (an urgent need to urinate) Nocturia (the need to go to the toilet during the night) Urinary hesitancy (inability to begin urination 'on command') Urinary retention (the inability to completely empty the bladder)

Combined with the symptoms that the pain medication causes, it is difficult to understand if I have MS at all, or maybe have early symptoms. If I can't get a Neurologist to do another MRI, how do I get a proper diagnosis?

The specialist first mentioned MS on our first of two visits, and said he was ordering an MRI of my skull to rule it out. Instead of that MRI, I ended up having a second series of spine MRIs, of the cervical and lumbar areas. I questioned the radiologist before the appointment, and he said there was no mistake about which area was supposed to be done.

My next appointment is months away. Should I be worried?

annapurna 02-27-2009 09:53 PM

Can I be blunt and ask if you'd really stop worrying if us unskilled non-medical professionals told you to not worry? I'd suggest going to see a generalist who is permitted to order an MRI and talk through your worries with him/her. Our local MD ordered the MRI for Laura when there was a question in his mind and it was pretty simple to get the MRI, have the radiologist read it, and get the result from the local person without the need to talk to any difficult-to-see specialist. Hopefully, that will dismiss your worries at a time when you already have too much to worry about.

Maddie 02-27-2009 11:17 PM

Annapurna, what I thought might happen is that people with a lot more experience with me, perhaps someone with MS even, could give me more information on this.

Is it common to have these symptoms, all of them related to disc problems? Or can it be a mixture....I guess I framed my statements/questions wrong, because that's what I'm really asking. There are hundreds of you out there with spine issues, and the few I've spoken to all have different symptoms. And I don't get answers from the one or two specialists I've seen, who have dumped me in a matter of minutes, so I'm asking here. Sorry if I came across stupid enough to believe that someone patting my hand would make me sleep better at night.

Since I can't get another MRI for months, if at all because my GP has handed all 'special problems' like this over to the specialist, this is what I have for information right now, the internet. Maybe in your world having this done is simple. Not in our little village.

I'll go back to searching some more. And no, it's not keeping me up at night. Going to the bathroom three or four times is. The pain is. I'm a sensible person just searching for information, and am not freaking out, thanks.

trkdoc714 02-28-2009 01:02 AM


Most of us are here to offer comfort and support. I'm not sure what to attribute your symptoms to but I experience similar symptoms. I'm sure they're related in some way whether it be physiological or medicinal (we seem to be walking/ limping drugstores,eh?).

Good luck to you,


Maddie 02-28-2009 01:58 AM

Bob, thanks so much for the kind reply. I am hoping that it is nerve related, and not an added complication. I have had an ENT rule out any problems in his area that would cause the extreme vertigo, and haven't heard of that being caused by herniated discs, but there's a chance, I guess.

Thanks again for comparing your situation/symptoms with mine.

Yes, I think I'm putting my pharmacist's kids through college too :)

2cool4U 02-28-2009 02:55 AM

Diagnosis overlap
I am sorry that you are having so many neuro problems. The diagnosis of MS can be difficult. A brain MRI is a must, and it might need to be followed with a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) to take CSF samples to send for multiple tests.

Your symptoms can be related to your back problems. They can also be related to some of the medications that we all take for our back problems. Web info can be very helpful at times, but it can scare the crap out of you at other times. As I've gotten older and developed some mild normal aging related problems, I've had to convince myself that I don't have MS, a spinal tumor, early Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. When my bladder problems started late last year, I had to keep prostate cancer out of my mind. Of course, it all ended up being related to my lumbar disk disease and/or medications.

Rmember, some people actually do end up with one of these diagnoses, so it is important to follow up with a neurologist to get the brain MRI and CSF studies if there's a chance of MS. Early treatment can make a difference.

trkdoc714 02-28-2009 09:19 AM

It's a shame you're caught in the Canadian health system. In the US we take it for granted that our PCP can order an MRI and we can get one in a reasonable amount of time. How long (and what sort of red tape) does it take to get adequate testing in Canada? A friend of mine in Chatham had his fractured arm set without an Xray since the wait time was so long. He can't bend it past 45 degrees now (but still plays a great game of golf).

Tconner is absolutely correct (in my opinion) with his response. Is there a legal or patient advocate service you can use for direction?


berry 02-28-2009 10:25 AM


I don't want to add to your anxiety but I had similar symptoms to yours including the urinary urge incontinence (no hesitancy or retention though) and visual disturbances I too had MS in mind as my diagnosis. As you may recall, a frontal lobe tumour was detected on brain MRI, my cervical disc replacement surgery was put on hold and the tumour surgially removed. However, after the neurosurgery the symptoms persisted although the cognitive problems were slightly better but the unsteadiness, vertigo and tinnitus persisted and morning headaches were added to my long list of symptoms. Following the cervical disc replacement I still get morning headaches but many of the the other symptoms have improved, I very occassionally have tinnitus and mild vertigo but nothing like pre-op. The urinary issues are still present but the general consensus from the neuro, gynae and urology specialists I've seen is it is lumbar spine related.

I'm trying to reassure you that your symptoms could probably be spine related, others with spine problems do have similar. I am convinced my vertigo was a result of my cervical spine issues and my ENT surgeon and also my audiological physician agree with me.

Is there any way you could self fund for the mri rather than wait....I have done that in the past as there are long waits for certain investigations in the UK too, but I appreciate they don't come cheap, however you will only have peace of mind once MS is excluded from your diagnosis. Can you not bring your appointment forward and have you discussed your thoughts about MS with your GP who may order the brain mri? I know little about the Canadisn Healthcare but it's so frustrating when we have to wait.

How is your appeal for the surgeries going, is it any nearer? I'm sorry you are going through all of this and wish you luck with the appeal and look forward to one day reading your post-op outcomes, hopefully in the not-too-distant future .

Very best wishes


Harrison 03-02-2009 04:04 PM

Maddie, I am sorry about the latest developments. I am not familiar with how the Canadian system works in terms of specialist referrals (whether in or out of country), but a specialized clinic should be able to give you a comprehensive workup. I think this would be beneficial, as there are many things that are said to cause or contribute to a MS diagnosis.

If you did not already see the new Q & A column I just posted in the Cutting Edge forum, take a look at the interviewee's comments (Dr. Bowen). Maybe we can find someone like that in Ontario?

By the way, I started that particular Q & A several months ago. I got back the draft from Dr. Bowen the same day you posted. Sorry for not responding earlier!

Harrison 03-06-2009 12:24 PM


Dr. Bowen was kind enough to provide the name of a doctor for you, I'll send you a private message. I hope you are doing well these days.

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