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texas315 07-07-2010 09:48 PM

New Member & Freedom Lumbar Disc hopeful
Hi! I am a 33 year old female with back problems (like everyone else here) but I have hope. I am traveling from Houston to Dallas in two days to hopefully get the last spot in the Axiomed FLD clinical trial! I have seen several people here that are in this trial as well. The hope of getting this surgery through this trial is the only thing keeping me going right now. I can't even fathom getting my life back!!!

I have learned a lot on this site and want everyone to know how important and helpful it is for people to know that they're not the only ones going through the pain and bad times! Keep up the posts guys :clap:

Harrison 07-08-2010 10:27 AM

Welcome, Tex!
I hope we can provide the support you need in the coming months! Hey, if you've not already seen the clinical trial link:

Freedom Lumbar Disc in the Treatment of Lumbar Degenerative Disc Disease - Full Text View -

You can also search for other patients from this community in a number of different ways. Have you done this already? Just view the post-op forum topic headers. And the search utility works well too.

Tell us a little bit more about your spinal history? Please create a signature for your posts:

Go to User CP (upper left link by spine) > Setting & Options > Edit Signature > Create 3-9 lines about your spinal history > Save


texas315 07-13-2010 12:58 AM

Woo-Hoo! ADR surgery scheduled 7/15/10
Thanks Harrison! Yes, I have spent countless hours reading posts on this site as well as material on other sites. Not much else to do in the middle of the night when you can't sleep :cool:.

Since insurance won't pay for the ADR surgery (Blue Cross Blue Shield), I opted to try for the Axiomed clinical trial. I went from Houston to Dallas last Friday (7/9/10) to meet with Dr. Guyer at the Texas Back Institute in Plano. Let me just say that he and his staff are AMAZING! It was a long, emotional, roller coaster ride of a day with, "Yes, you are a candidate", "No, you're not", yes, no...and finally YES at 6 pm! I got the last spot out of 300. Guess it was my lucky day :jump:. They were so awesome and nice that they even came in on their day off on Saturday to do my paperwork so I could get back to Houston. Today, Monday 7/12/10, I got a phone call that he had a cancellation this Thursday 7/15/10, so I took it. That gives me one day to pack up, prepare and hit the road tomorrow on Tuesday. YIKES :eek2:! Talk about a wide range of emotions. I am soooooo scared, excited, name it, I'm it!

I just wanted to post my experience and progress here in hopes that it can help someone else as my reading other peoples posts helped me ;). Back pain is a lot more than physical and it helps to know that other people are dealing with the same thing you are. It's the only way I was able to keep my sanity :insane:.

FYI - some of my background: I first had back pain 4 years ago (at 29). I was very physically fit, active and had a demanding job as a superintendant building new homes (and yes, I'm a girl). My back would hurt and I would rest up on the weekend and it would go away. After awhile it started to interfere with my job so I quit :flaming:. A little over a year ago I tried to stop a four wheel dolly from tipping over and it has been nonstop pain ever since. Smart move sister :shout:. I had 6 ESIs in 5 months and an IDET procedure in Dec. '09 at L4-L5 (was successful). Discogram 3 weeks ago showed no pain anymore from that disc but L5-S1 was so bad I tried to jump off the table screaming profanities :censor:. Oooops! It's a good thing I was strapped down (except for the fact that I pulled all of my neck muscles) :bawling:.

Sorry, I must admit...I love the smilies :o

Angintx 07-13-2010 04:20 PM

Good luck
Good luck with your surgery on Thursday!
I had my ADR surgery done at TBI and I'm 4 months out and feel fantastic! Hope everything goes great for you as well!

texas315 07-14-2010 07:04 PM

Thanks Angie! I will keep posting my progress :beer:

krossi201 03-16-2013 08:06 AM

Freedom disc results?
I am single working mom with two cervical discs and am researching upcoming freedom disc trial for cervical area. Please update how you are doing with lumbar freedom discs. Hope all is well.

Lillyth 03-16-2013 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by texas315 (Post 86658)
I was very physically fit, active and had a demanding job as a superintendant building new homes (and yes, I'm a girl).

You are my kind of girl! :wiggle:

Lillyth 03-16-2013 12:22 PM

Oh shoot. Just noticed how old this thread is. Anyone know whatever happened to OP?

krossi201 03-16-2013 11:20 PM

Second opinions, and third, and fourth.....
Hi Lillyth,
I am wishing you all my best on your upcoming surgery with Dr. Clavel. I have been researching the forum and all my options both in US and in Europe too. I have been very discouraged with several visits with docs here in US. I Was misdiagnosed by Cleveland Clinic and Duke hospitals. In fact the Cleveland doc wouldn't even order an MRI because I didn't fit his criteria!! His advice was to do inversion yoga for my "arthritis". Good thing I didn't listen and sought another opinion. I saw a great private doc in Toledo Dr Leo Clark who detected clonus and found C4/5 and C5/6 with posterior herniation with some cord flattening. I tried to heal without surgery for past year but am getting worse and now have an intermittent Hoffmans and upper extremity weakness. I saw Dr Schuler (who was awesome and had great PA) at Virginia Spine institute in Reston Virginia who offered me a hybrid with fusion and the Bryan disc. Not sure if insurance would cover it though. I would try to hold out for Mobi C but I am nickel sensitive.
Funny thing is I also saw a couple docs here that didn't even take my boots off to examine me!!! Arghh! I am so frustrated with my various opinions here. It seems Dr. Clavel is very well thought of by his patients and your posts have been very helpful. Please keep me posted. I have briefly communicated with laid up doc who said Clavel and the hospital were great. I wish you a safe trip and hope you are able to enjoy Barcelona without overdoing it.

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