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ummin032 02-27-2020 04:15 PM

New member - collapsed L5-S1 - 27yo M
1 Attachment(s)
Hi everyone,

My name is Dustin, I'm 27 years old and have a completely dessicated disc at L5-S1. My symptoms came on just over a year ago after tweaking my back carrying my bike down my apartment building stairs. A few days later, sciatica had my leg on fire and almost out of comission - I was limping pretty badly.

I've considered myself an athlete my whole life. I used to lift pretty heavy weights, not always responsibly :look: , and believe my current condition is a result of feeling invincible and not paying close enough attention to signals from my body.

All my other discs are in healthy shape (my heart goes out to all of you with multiple disc problems). I can get around day-to-day with mild pain, but I can not be as active as I was a year ago. I was on a cycling team, riding 100 miles a week and feeling amazing. Now I go to the gym almost daily, but am very limited, mostly to PT exercises. If I miss the gym 2-3 days in a row, my body punishes me quickly with a painful low back and sciatica. For the first year, my sciatica was isolated to my left side, but now it's traveling to my right side, too.

I take pretty good care of myself, but am severely limited in terms of the active lifestyle I want to live. Snowboarding, cycling, playing tennis, hiking — these are just a few of the things I miss dearly, and hope to return to doing, potentially with the help of an ADR.

I've seen three back surgeons:
- one suggestion fusion (no thanks)
- one wanted to do a spinal decompression (i see it as a very temporary fix)
- one suggested going to Germany for an ADR

I've just submitted a form to Spinal Connection for a consultation, but am treating it as a very initial investigation phase. I'm sure they'll be overly omptomistic about my prognosis, but am trying to keep a balanced, realistic mindset. I know some people here would feel grateful to have the symptoms I have, but I'm still I'm hoping I can get closer to normal, and back to doing the things I love. My biggest fear is the longevity of an artificial disc, as I'm only 27 and need it to last a long time.

Anyway, thats the gist of my story. Reading your stories has been helpful so far. I'm glad I found this community.

Harrison 02-27-2020 08:48 PM

Hi Dustin, sorry you are here. But I hope we can support you in your next steps!

Oh jeez, you are so young. But with only one level to address, that's pretty good news in terms of your recovery and outcome.

When you can, please see:

There are hundreds of spine surgeons in the U.S. that have been doing disc replacement for 20 years. What state are you in?

ummin032 02-28-2020 04:32 PM

I added my signiture, sorry about that!

I live in New York, and am originally from Seattle, Washington.

I dont know much about all the options, but I find the fact the German doctors have been doing this longer than anyone comforting — that's also how the surgeon who reccomended looking into it framed it.

JackBauer 02-29-2020 03:53 PM

Amazing that you saw a spine doctor who actually recommended going to Germany.

That gives me hope that there are at least SOME progressive doctors in our healthcare system.

Cheryl0331 02-29-2020 07:24 PM

I would like to ditto that

Originally Posted by JackBauer (Post 118670)
Amazing that you saw a spine doctor who actually recommended going to Germany.

That gives me hope that there are at least SOME progressive doctors in our healthcare system.

Wish I had known all the options before my first fusion. I feel my life would be so different in a positive way now.

beaverc 03-01-2020 03:03 AM


"but am severely limited in terms of the active lifestyle I want to live. Snowboarding, cycling, playing tennis, hiking — these are just a few of the things I miss dearly, and hope to return to doing, potentially with the help of an ADR".
Ummin032 one level + Euro dr. is a great formula! Go for it ! You can realistically expect to be go back to those things and get your life back !
Good luck please keep posting....................

bokes 03-02-2020 05:07 PM

Hi ummin032, as discussed in another thread, our pain/disabilities are similar. Question plz, you said your disc is dessicated & collapsed. By 'collapsed', I'm assuming you mean it is flatted out (thin), is that right? My L34 & L45 are completely black on my MRI, but they still have good height.
Given how much you want your active lifestyle back, & If your disc has thinned out, I'd get an ADR in Europe for sure. Altho surgery has it's risks, non-action can have risks too (facet problems, spondylosis, ..)
Also in my research it appears that ADRs wear very little. Also who knows what advancements will be available in 20 years.I wouldn't worry about longevity, Id be more concerned about subsidence, migration, or misalignment. Hopefully a top surgeon will minimize these risks.

ummin032 03-03-2020 04:39 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Hey Bokes,

That's a good question. I am unsure if this is correct, but I use the words 'collapsed' and 'dessicated' interchangebly.

I think my height is OK, but the issue is the disc is not very stable, causing instability that leads to recurring sciatica and intense episodes of back pain depending on the activity.

I added a screenshot of my MRI — how does the height compare to yours?

bokes 03-03-2020 08:29 PM

Hey Dustin,
yeah I think disc height & water content are different criteria to disc health, along with # of bulges/herniations, annular tears, & stability.
It looks like your L5S1 has lost about 40% of it's height. To me it looks like you're a perfect candidate for an ADR, but i'm not the expert. I just keep hearing that things go downhill once the disc height collapses, or when nerves get pinched for a long period of time.
I posted a pic of my MRI on my intro thread, I think my bad levels have more height than your L5S1, but you only have one bad disc. Your other discs look perfect!

Cheryl0331 03-03-2020 10:31 PM

I am not a doctor, but sorry, but you disc height is poor. I don't think a micro discectomy would help. You also have a lot of osteoarthritis. I would listen to the doctor that recommended seeing an ADR surgeon. There is one in Texax at the Texas Back Institute if traveling to Europe is not an option. However, out of network in the US may cost more. I would get at least two options. I am a Dr. Clavel patient, and would highly recommend him as at least one of your submissions.

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