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Boxer78 05-28-2013 12:22 AM

Hey everyone I'm getting closer to making a decision between dr Bierstedt dr lauryssen and dr dare. But in the meantime maybe some of our m6ers out there could step up and give us some updates letting us know how your doing and what activities you have returned to? It's always reassuring to hear that people have gotten their lives back!!! Thx

Stonewall_Boris 05-28-2013 03:10 PM

I had my 3 level lumbar surgery with Dr. Bierstedt in December 2012. The M6 was used. I'm returning back to work. I think recovery took at bit longer because of my age of 53 and the severity of how bad my back was going in.

Boxer78 05-28-2013 08:52 PM

Great news! Is your work physical? Can u exercise??

JEVE19 05-28-2013 10:43 PM

surgical outcome section
I suggest you read the surgical outcome section.
That's where everyone has tried to leave their journey's details from day one onward.

Don't know of anyone, as of yet, who has received an M6 and had a bad outcome.
It's not just the disc, but the doctor who puts it in as well.
I'd go for whoever was most experienced. Once it's in, there's no adjusting it.
Experience really matters here.

Boxer78 05-28-2013 11:03 PM

Thx!! I guess most people don't come around once they get better? Several people recently had adrs but disappeared

M.Frost 05-29-2013 07:08 AM

M6 adr
I had L5/S1 replaced in November 2011 using the m6 disc. My surgeon was Mr Chris Dare. The op was a total success for me since day one of the op I have never had any trouble with my back just healing pain for a bit. I have posted my story some where on this site but I'm not sure how you could find it ( sorry). I am now doing pretty much any thing I like activity wise, I'm horse riding this afternoon with my sister something I thought I'd never do. Although I do some times question my self as to weather or not its sensible to do things like horse riding just incase I was to fall off but there was so meany things I missed out in the past and I just want to make the most life now. And now the the disc is totally fixed in place I can't really see why I shouldn't do all the things I've missed out on.
See if you can find my old posts on this site, but defiantly more than happy to answer any other questions you may have.
Best wishes Mia

Boxer78 05-29-2013 10:17 AM

Thx Mia!! Mr dares secretary just received my images so I'm looking forward to speaking w him. I think most of us on the outside looking in are trying to get idea of what this experience is really like and how it feels to have a disc in our spines?? The strange thing about my case is that I have basically zero back pain! Just burning in legs feet and groin so I'm trying to get as many opinions as I can before moving forward. So when u get up to start your day do u even think about your disc?

2Confused 05-29-2013 01:48 PM

Had surgery in October 2012 with Dr. Clavel, C5-6, 6-7 and I am doing awesome! I'm back to doing pretty much everything I want to do. I'm slowly beginning to run again, but I'm taking that very slowly due to the pounding. However, I'm enjoying my paddle board on a daily basis, swimming, boating, exercising --- all good!:jacks:

M.Frost 05-29-2013 03:05 PM

That's an interesting question one I had to think about!
I never actually think about the fact I have an artificial disc in my back as such, that may be sounds odd to you. Having said that I often think you couldn't have done this pre op or this would have been so painful pre op. No normal every day activity makes me think about the disc in a way that I think I should be careful. So when getting out of bed in the morning my ADR never enters my head, having said that I have a teenage daughter who I need to drag out of bed for school and thats probably the only on my mind!!!
Hope this helps just ask away if have any more questions
Best wishes

marlin5353 05-29-2013 03:14 PM

Good Day ALL;
Boxer78, we think a like. I too have issues with L45 and C45 and they do not even offer me any type of ADR in Canada. The dilemma that I face (and possible you) is the question: WHY NOT? Is it the FDA to blame as many on this board say. Is there something that slows the progression and acceptance of these devices in Canada? Is the technology not made to last? etc. etc.
Once you over come that question and truly believe 100% that an ADR is the best solution for bad disks then it is a no brainer that you must have this surgery. Once you truly believe it I don't think that the money of going overseas is the issue, where there is a will there is a way.......
As for me I read about you great people daily and learn from you as much as I can. I would say I am only 85% commited, still have a few days where I have lingering doubts.
May all of you have great recoveries and for those still suffering may your journey progress as smoothly as possible.
Cheers to all.

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