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Harrison 10-21-2015 11:14 AM

Diatomaceous Earth
5 Common Uses of Diatomaceous Earth

Diatomaceous earth is intriguing due to it’s two-fold and almost contradictory benefits: it has been shown to be safe for human consumption and effective in promoting health in the human body (*food grade only), while on the other hand, it destroys and kills most bugs and insects that come into contact with it.

Diatomaceous earth (DE) is a naturally occurring sedimentary rock formed from the fossilized remains of diatoms (hard-shelled one atom types of algae). It can be sourced from salt water or fresh water, the latter being regarded as the highest quality—that of “food grade”.

It’s ironic that this substance swiftly kills insects due it’s sharp and abrasive structure, which pierces and destroys these small beings; yet have the opposite affect— one of healing—on the human body.

Ingested, this clay-like structure (Food Grade Only), can help the body rid itself of damaging toxins, heavy metals, and parasites while it’s nutritional content helps boosts the health of bodily tissues and organs. At the same time, it can also clean your home, destroy odors, and safeguard against pesty pest—bugs and insects alike.

Internal cleanser – Detoxification: A natural detoxifier, DE helps remove various toxins and parasites from the body. It acts as a chelator, binding to heavy metals, helping to eliminate them from the body, particularly effective with mercury and aluminum. It’s also effective in removing parasites (pinworms, tapeworms, etc) in the same way it destroys insects and bugs, and these invaders do not build a resistance to DE’s destructive effect on their existence. There is also evidence that it is helpful in removing harmful bacteria and viruses, E. Coli, and residues of organophosphate pesticide and drugs.

Tissue & organ support: Diatomaceous earth’s abundant levels of silica, touted at an amazing 80-90%, benefits multiple tissues and organs of the body. This essential trace mineral is needed by tendons, cartilage, blood vessels, and bones. Furthermore, it supports nearly every vital organ, including the heart, liver, and lungs, which a person cannot live without.

Generally speaking plant-based foods are our best source of silica. Considering the current mineral deficient state of our soils and therefore our food, diatomaceous earth may prove a wise supplemental source of silica. It possesses other crucial nutrients such as calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, and further trace minerals, many of which support the body’s tissues such as in the building and repairing of muscles and bones. Silica also enhances our bodies ability to absorb calcium and phosphorus and may prove more important for our bones than calcium while possibly playing an important role in preventing and treating osteoporosis.

Healthy Skin: DE’s concentrated levels of silica additionally support the health of the skin, teeth, hair, and nails and can be applied directly to these areas for increased effectiveness. Diatomaceous earth acts as a strong abrasive making it an powerful ingredient in toothpaste and skin exfoliators for both the face and body. Exfoliating dead skin cells from the body helps to reveal a more youthful vibrant skin appearance and also helps the body to detoxify more effectively through it’s largest detoxification organ—the skin.

Supports Cardiovascular Health: Studies have shown diatomaceous earth’s ability to lower cholesterol by removing plaque while nourishing arteries and veins. It also helps to regulate blood pressure.

Cynlite 10-29-2015 10:40 AM

Daily Detoxing is important
As you know, I'm a huge fan of Diatomaceous Earth. I use SilaLive because it also has organic silica in it in addition to the Diatomaceous Earth. Organic silica is more bio available. SilaLive is more expensive but, with my sensitivities to metals, I wanted to get the purist form I could find. I've tried hundreds and hundreds of different supplements over the years but, this one really turned my life around about three months ago. I didn't realize that some of my pain was caused by toxicity from all the drugs I took and had during my surgeries. I'm not pain free but, I'm back in the land of the living again instead of being in bed most of the time. It made a HUGE difference. We live in a very toxic environment these days so, the metals, drugs, pesticides and other crap get stuck in our colon, liver and soft tissues. It makes a huge difference when we focus on detoxing the body. Yes, the body does detox on it's own but, when we bombard it with chemicals, I found mine needs some help to get clean. Wow, what a difference taking Diatomaceous earth on a daily basis makes for me. I mix mine with some ice and vitamin c crystals in a big glass of filtered water. I hope this message reaches at least one person and improves their quality of life!

Back in Black 11-01-2015 03:54 PM

Diatomaceous Earth
Ok Harrison and Cynlite, I took the bait after reading your posts above. I spent an hour or two researching DE online and decided to order some. Was just delivered and took my first dose. I'll report back in a week or two with any results I see.

Cynlite 11-01-2015 06:42 PM

Start with a smaller amount and build up to the recommended amount. (I still take 1/2 the recommended amount and don't think I'll increase it.) It should say that on the instructions. When you detox, you can cause yourself to get sick by eliminating too many toxins at once so pay attention to your body and back off on the amount if you start feeling too unwell. I've been detoxing in various ways for the last three months. I just started a new herbal detox in addition to the DE and have not felt very well all week. I was surprised this happened. It tells me I still have more work to do. It's a process. Hope you have good results.

Back in Black 11-15-2015 10:07 PM

Today I started my third week on DE. Started out slow, taking 1 teaspoon a day, and worked my way up to 1 heaping tablespoon per day. Haven't noticed any change to my nails or hair, and don't believe I've pooped out any parasites as near as I can tell, but have experienced a drastic reduction in pain in my left knee (torn meniscus) and right foot (plantar fasciitis), and have more energy. Will continue to take and hope to see additional benefits after a few more weeks.

Harrison 11-15-2015 11:19 PM

Thanks you two! I have yet to try this. Go slow...

Sportinawoody 10-23-2016 06:54 AM

My wife and I used DE for sometime a few years back and I was amazed more than her at its effects. I also had a visual of a nasty parasite leaving my body I didn't know was there( spare you the details ). I have quite a large amount of food grade left and was wondering how safe it was to use for my healing process. Wife was iffy so ive held off until now. I did notice for those on the fence that when taking DE with vitamins that my body responds much faster and my ailments usually disappear. Seeing this post settles itfor me,,, Im going to start another regiment in the morning but 1 question, rather than taking a multitude of vitamins, would a good multi work or should I try a particular vitamin to help promote my healing since I had single level prodisc in lumbar 2 weeks ago? I am under-educated on vitamins so ive always used one-a-day and forgot about it.
On a more interesting note, we stumbled upon DE thru research 3 years ago because our sons friend came home from college and stayed with us for 2 weeks and brought a bag full of clothes and introduced bedbugs to our log cabin and thru research we used animal grade DE (along with steam to bring them out of the cracks in the logs) to rid them over a 6month war plan. It was absolutely amazing at how it decimated these bugs. Sorry for the long rant

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